ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers. Use paragraph breaks where appropriate.
If you can’t handle upsetting answers, don't ask.
And please no derailing arguments. This means people who ask questions too! You will be bullied out of this thread.

>What do girls/guys think about
>Do most/any girls/guys like ?
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practicing and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no “magic moment” (or activity) that will instantly change you.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out. “Signs” of attraction are meaningless.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Coffee is the preferred first date, but any of the following may also work: lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>I'm insecure because of my penis
>Do women prefer penises of certain qualities?
Fuck off

>Why can't just give a straightforward rejection?!
Fuck off

>Why is there no new thread?
Create one yourself. You can use these macros:

Attached: male-female.png (464x300, 40K)

Other urls found in this thread:

My ex would get pissy with me if I asked her to repeat something due to my incapacity to evaluate information. It takes a little time for me to register something that has been said. And I'm sure it'd get frustrating after a while but how would other girls react?

I think it shows that I actually gave a shit that I would ask her what she said

If they see you romantically, they will get mad.
If they see you as retarded well...

No it would get tiring constantly being asked ‘can you repeat that i wasn’t paying attention’ like what are you, five?

Didnt get much traction last thread

To the slightly more promiscuous/fun ladies

I have this girl (friend of one of my friends) that I made out pretty hard with at a party. She singled me out, sat on my lap, and we went at it. Like, going into the other room making out, with her tellig me how hot I was and all that. I didn’t get a chance to get a number because I myself wasn’t thinking of the future, just in the moment. This girl will 100% be at a party with me again soon, like soon soon.

My question is, what are the odds that she goes for me again? She and I were pretty drunk and flirty, but I can’t see it from her perspective. Like do girls go for the same guys most of the time if they thought they were hot

Part 2

Well the thing is my friend something that kind of bothered me I think maybe out of jealousy. Basically he said:

“Well she’s really slutty (his words, kinda harsh) and she’ll probably be hooking up with one of my brothers friends next party (they’re older)”

What are some things I can do to maybe have a better chance of that not happening so I can get with her?

So let's say I have a date with a girl next tuesday. What the fuck do I talk to her about until then?

Do normies really talk to their girls every day all day?

It depends in the girl. I'm a reformed sloot and personally I'd never have gone for the same guy twice, simply because they tend to get ideas after that and get attached. But she might go for you again if she had fun last time, if she is looking for some kind of regular arrangement, or if you manage to be fun and flirty again. You've got a pretty good chance.

Noo don't talk to her all the time, quality over quantity. Hit her with something interesting and then don't force it at all

Okay, well but then the conversation will die fast and when it comes to tuesday she'll either not respond or just be like "oh user something came up sorry".

Talk about something constructive and then take that and be interesting.
Say you have something that your doing or whatever or if she's doing something ask about it and try to 'achive something'. Then don't act interested, be interested. Don't be clingy and try to atleat once end the conversation because you have to do something (this will make you seem like you actually do stuff other than sit around all day).

I feel like I fucked up not getting the snapchat

Okay, so let's say I end it. When do I talk to her again?

Jesus christ talking to girls is so confusing. It's not even fun. I'm just operating under the assumption that once we meet and she actually starts displaying more interest it'll all click and she'll be more interesting.

Though I feel like girls are in general boring, even the interesting ones. Like I don't really feel like talking to them. Unless we're arguing. I kinda enjoy arguing with girls but they all get so butthurt about things.

Nonono user
You save conversations like that when talking to her

What do you mean "save"?

it means that otherwise irl you will have nothing to talk about

Til tuesday it doesn't really matter if the conversation dies, just pretend you're busy as fuck, write her something funny/interesting and then be like "need to go now, talk to you later"

Lets say you get the urge to talk to this girl. Then get more info on the topic. Instead of sending her text like she is already your pal, save it when you go to meet her face to face. That way you wont have too many awkward silences.

Okay and what, do I not talk to her until then?

I have absolutely no issue talking in person actually. I totally suck at texting and keeping girls interested until the date though.

Find some thing she is interested in and look for something she might not have noticed that is related to those intrests.

So I have had a short but pretty enthusiastic convo with a girl on tinder and it has been going pretty well.
She said she is into playing botw, but sucks at it, big shocker i know.
I was about to write
>Maybe we should meet up some time and figure the game out together
>But in the meantime, what do you think about grabbing some drinks?

Stick to one offer and be more decisive. Ask her if she is free on a specific date to go out, not a general "someday", "meantime", or whatever.

Grab drinks and talk her into the game.

Just meet her asap.

I don't think she'd go for playing the video game as a first date, I was just using that as a sort of segue to asking her for the actual date (drinks).
How would you word it?

It has to be in flow with the conversation so post the last few messages you've exchanged.

>I don't think she'd go for playing the video game as a first date

Yeah, why would she not want to be alone with you on a couch... right?

But if you really don't trust the videogame thing, doesn't matter, just ask her out for drinks.

Before this point it's just a bit of flirtatious banter

>*naming bunch of stuff I do in my free time*
>I like gaming too, but I don't have a switch unfortunately. Really want to try BotW

>Not bad! (about my hobbies)
>I only recently got it, of course with BotW
>I'm pretty bad at it though, can't fight so well

Just fill in the emojis with your imagination

Dont force stuff. If you feel like offering to play together is out of context, ditch the idea. Sometimes we have good ideas just not for the right time. Save it, maybe it'll be useful on another day.

>What do you think about grabbing a drink today? And maybe bring the Switch so I could help you figure it out, I'm pretty good at figuring out vidya.

No, the switch needs to stay at her place so he has an excuse to come back to her place and fuck her.

Someone gets it!

Simple one!

Chick I've been seeing told me she was on her period the other day, so no sexy times. Is it OK to gift her a bit of 'period time snack' (oh lord using quotes makes that terrible.. I mean like chips and chocolate). I've been conditioned by my past relationships to do such. I just don't want to make it weird. This is the first time she mentioned it to me, we've been hanging out for 2+ months.

If she's not a fucking slut she won't fuck him right away. Jesus christ, user. Not all girls are like this.

Besides, he's much more likely to bring her to his place than the opposite. Girls don't like bringing strangers to their place on the first date.

Playing a game (that she expressed interest in) would be just fine I bet. Be yourself, laugh when you die in unusual ways. You can always drink while you play too, order in some pizza, whatever. Just be yourself, laugh, smile, enjoy the time. Keep it light and casual, she'll probably touch your leg/knee if she's feeling you.

I'd suggest you offer snacks. You are not thinking about showing up unannounced, right?

Just don't take it personally if she doesn't want to see you at the moment.

>Girls don't like bringing strangers to their place on the first date
a sure way to get ourselves killed is to bring them to our place or go to theirs. The problem with them knowing where I live is if I do get through the evening alive and unhurt they will return and never leave me alone.

I realize women engage in this risky behavior but having sex isn't worth dying over.

Call me old fashioned, but I think most people prefer a first date to be on neutral ground.
Meeting up at someones place is better left to a second or third date imo, when it's reasonable to assume that neither party is a crazy axe murderer.

This guy knows what's up. user isn't likely a typical pussy slayer, so that shit just won't work for him. Neutral ground is best.

No not unannounced. We've been getting together weekly+. Plans to meet up today and get lunch/hangout, etc. I bring her little things in general all the time, so it wouldn't be out of character.

Just wanted to see if it was weird/creepy to offer the snacks for that particular reason. Show that i've been well trained lol..

And yeah, I get the might not want to be seen part. Actually speaks to a larger theory I have but thats neither here nor there.

>Actually speaks to a larger theory I have but thats neither here nor there.

Listen, tease your girlfriend, not us. If you want to say something, say it. Don't wait for us to ask "What theory?".

Good luck man!

Bring her chocolate

...flavoured condoms

How do i fuck goth girls?

Like any other girls, with your peepee in her coochie.

And you get to that point just like with any other girl, by going out, flirting, etc.

Talk to them, get in tune with their dumb beliefs and hobbies, agree with it all.

How Important Is Height the the general female population?, I'm 5"4' and wonder If that hurts my chance of ever being Noticed

>There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

It's literally in the OP, the first point of the FAQ. The inability to follow social conventions of the place you are in is also not a huge point on your favor. We are tired of the same question everyday.

My Bad, I missed that one (I know it's the very first one)

If a man can't manhandle you in bed, can't physically carry you around, Will you think less of him as a man?

Attached: weak-young-man-muscle-flexing-skinny-young-man-muscle-flexing-white-wall-background-116992517.jpg (1300x957, 76K)


if you've never smoked weed before (same goes for your bf), would you try it with him if he asked?

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I asked her to grab drinks with me tonight.
Is it bad if she hasn't responded i a couple of hours?
Did I maybe move too fast?

Wait 24 hours. Girls sometimes kill the notifications from tinder because they get so many.

Even if you look like that guy you can manhandle most women simply by being male. It's funny how easy it is as a skeleton myself to pin their arms and legs down while fucking them.

im a 23 year old female smoking a bong so


How do I start texting this girl? I noticed this really hot girl in my class would glance at me a lot so I got her number at the end of class.
The thing is, I don't really know how to text her and get past school stuff. We do have a test coming up next week but she is the one who always asks me for help in class.

Both genders

I have a date coming up tomorrow. It’s not my first or even second time doing this, but I still feel pretty inexperienced, so I’d like to ask

1. How long *should* a date last to feel neither too long nor too short (I.e. the sweet spot)?
2. In case the date doesn’t go well, what’s the best / most tasteful way to end it quickly?

Thanks in advance

Why are men so pathetic?

It's really astounding the depths to which thirst will sink a man.

Attached: egg white.jpg (1024x599, 70K)

Sure, though I’m definitely not into substance abuse (including really tame shit like coffee)

Lmao she looks like the incel guy from youtube!

Men are subhuman automata programmed to fuck anything with a vagina.


Are you already texting with her?

Guy here.
1. As long as you find it comfortable and as long as you're having fun. I'd say it'd be a good idea if you're the one ending the date. Don't let her do it, it's risky as hell.
2. "Alright, I suppose it's time I went home, I have work early tomorrow" or some shit like this.

This guy.

Thanks a lot! I’ll make sure to prepare a decent excuse.

No, I'm not. I just talk to her in class when I can. I just got her number at the beginning of this week, was never good at starting text convos.

I sure as fuck wouldn't.
I have plenty of ugly and/or fat chicks thirsting for my dick, but I would rather not have sex at all than fuck someone I am not attracted to at least a little.

To make it more legit just say it before the date begins or right as it begins.

In this case a simple "hey, what's up?" seems to work relatively well. Text her in the evening, so that the conversation won't drag on for too long (you can end it by saying you're going to bed).


How do you feel when a girl starts very visibly dropping spaghetti on a date (eg. shaking, stuttering)? Asking for a friend.

Never seen a girl do it. Only ones that are kinda silent but in that case I usually assume it's not autism but the fact that she's just not interested and is waiting for this to end.

How do I talk to girls?

Open your mouth and make sounds

Imagine that they're dumb ugly sluts with low self esteem

Not in the sense of degrading women, but to gain the confidence to talk to them freely without sounding like a desperate horny virgin

Not a good advice. It still doesn't help the fact that women are boring as fuck to talk to. Like literally they have ZERO fucking interests.

Talk about instabook, chad or the new iphone with them

I asked a girl out via Facebook on Tuesday. She said she didn’t have time because of critiques and work. Which I know is true due to her situation.
She said she would have time between Thursday and Sunday. So I her to go out today and she left me on delivered. Should I send another message or wait til another time?

I literally can't discuss any of those topics. Maybe iphone but I'd just shit all over it.

you're clearly trying to talk to the wrong women...

>wrong women
Am I? In my life I have met only ONE woman I connected with and she was the only girl I was legitimately interested in listening to. Honestly even those travelling girls (so like most girls really) are boring as fuck. They're travelling and seeing shit. So what. Those girls just can't talk about shit with any sort of passion or energy that'd hook me up or make me interested. They couldn't crack a joke even if their life depended on it.

And mind you, this is all kinds of girls. Tinder girls, even a girl that my friends tried to hook me up with (it's a friend of theirs) who was pretty smart and nice. Just boring as hell.

If that happened I would probably be surprised more than anything else.

what are you interests anyways? It sounds to me like you are searching someone but don't really go out of a certain "range" of girls. Could it be that you have too high standards in looks? It's just kind of a sad reality that most girls that try to emulate the Kardashian look for example are kind of same minded. Of course that doesnt apply for every single girl out there, but to me it sounds like you are choosing by looks first and then are disapointed

>what are you interests anyways?
I have rather manly interests. I like shooting, military, cars, technology, vidya, movies, music and making music and a ton of other things. If girls are ever interested in any of these, it's usually extremely surface level.

>Could it be that you have too high standards in looks?
No. I talked to LOTS of girls and honestly the meme where "ugly girls are more interesting" needs to stop. They're not. In fact, I've noticed the exact opposite.

>It's just kind of a sad reality that most girls that try to emulate the Kardashian look for example are kind of same minded
I don't know, I generally don't talk to such girls. I try different ones.

The only girls that are actually interesting to talk to are usually the crazy borderline ones, especially slutty ones. I don't know, maybe it has to do with their exposure to many males which is why they somehow take up their interests? Fuck knows.

>choosing by looks first and then are disapointed
You have no idea how wrong you are there, mate.

Seems I riled someone up with the question. I mean, how do I talk to women without them being all reserved and uncomfortable? It seems impossible to make friends with them. It's not like they ever initiate anything either.

>how do I talk to women without them being all reserved and uncomfortable?

Are you open and feel comfortable when talking to other people? Why do you act differently with women?

Wait, and is she doesn't reply, move on. Maybe she is busy, maybe she is not interested. Either way, it seems you won't be getting a date with her anytime soon.

>at the end of our weekly date night
>gf of 1 year is very drunk
>she tells me "I think we might end up breaking up because I'm just not very interested in us anymore"
>has the gall to claim she misspoke in the morning
>she says "I think I'm just in a rut because of life stress, we'll be fine"
How should I break up with her?

Attached: 0046_21.gif (468x240, 39K)

Do women sort men into the dehumanizing categories of "alpha" and "beta"?

I don't act differently but they look at me like I'm crazy while men don't. If I had to guess the situations I try to talk to them are wrong. So when is it ok?

I've only ever seen men do it.

>You have no idea how wrong you are there, mate.
First of all, how am I supposed to know anything? You're the one who asked a vague as fuck question in the first place.

>I like shooting, military, cars, technology, vidya, movies, music and making music and a ton of other things.
>If girls are ever interested in any of these
Where the hell do you live? I've been in a shooting club for years, and there have been tons of other girls in rival clubs as well. And idk what kind of music and movies you are into, but it's almost impossible to not find ANYONE who shares your tastes. I mean, come on try to define surface level.

>"ugly girls are more interesting" needs to stop.
Never said that. But I've seen tons of posts like yours, and it always went into the same direction where the dude just had too high standards.

Well, if you don't have too high standards in looks then you probably have them intellectually. Again, please define what you consider as surface level and maybe we can start talking about where you should start in a conversation about those topics.

>If I had to guess the situations I try to talk to them are wrong.

Why would you say that?

Also, you didn't answer me. Are you regularly and open and comfortable person?

If they do, they definitely don't do it consciously.

I'm trying to be, which is why I now try to start conversations with strangers. A year ago it would've been an impossible task for me.

>Why would you say that?
I can't think of any other reasons. I guess women always assume you're hitting on them if there's no good reason to talk.

I sort them mostly into gay looking, chad looking and nowadays onions boy open mouth type looking.


>I'm trying to be,

So, you are not open and comfortable when talking to men, and you wonder why it's even harder when you approach strange women out of the blue?

Dude, this is not a big mystery. It's pretty obvious what's going on.

lmao since when do they change s o y to onions

It's been like that for ages newfag.

Well I'm pretty sure there's no shortcuts for learning when it comes to sperglords like me, but I was wondering if there's a way to improve while causing the least amount of anguish for everyone.

You shouldn't focus on approaching strangers, you should focus on yourself and how you feel socially. This work is internal, and then you should move into places where you are comfortable. Jumping strange women won't help you.

maybe we are just not frequenting the same threads. I bet you like the dick rating ones on Jow Forums?