I was considering suicide for the past few weeks since my life hit a new low and I'm pretty much ready to give up...

I was considering suicide for the past few weeks since my life hit a new low and I'm pretty much ready to give up. Is jumping from a high building a reliable way? I found some suicide statistics and it seems like a very lethal way. Also, is there a convenient way to livestream my suicide? It would have to be streamable from a phone, for obvious reasons.

>inb4 don't do it, suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem
I've heard that a million times before and it is completely meaningless to me. I've tried many things life has to offer (including partying, drinking, sex, other normie stuff) and all of them made me realize even more that I see no reason to live anymore.

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partying and drinking tend to make people more depressed.. I don't know why sex would make anyone happy on its own..

are you in therapy?

Have you tried anti depressants? 80% of people find the first or second brand of anti-depressant they try works for them

then there is this thing they are doing with magnets, not invasive at all, early trials show it is as effective as electro shock

failing that there is electro shock

and finally there is a new brain operation that seems to work for a lot of people

and of course you know the usual crap, light therapy, vitamin d, exercise, all work for mild depression but since you want to kill yourself you probably have moderate or severe depression

If you tell me you have tried all these things and how they worked for you then i will give you some ideas on how you can kill yourself painlessly

the magnet thing is called TMS, sorry I couldn't remember

>tried many things life has to offer
>lists stuff kids do
Jesus kek.

Also how tall is the building? Anything below that could be a cushion for the fall? (Some chick fell down from a motherfucking plane and survived)

>It would have to be streamable from a phone
Better have a good connection and strap it on your head like a fucking go pro or something.

>are you in therapy?
I was in therapy for a year and a half and, after it showed pretty much no results, I stopped going (I tried a couple of different therapists and all had the same results)

>Have you tried anti depressants?
Yes and I'm currently on anti depressants. They do work for a certain amount of time, but even then I don't feel motivated to do anything. Also, there's a really strong depression that hits me when the medications wear off and the realization that I'll probably have to live the rest of my life with antidepressants is awful.

>there is this thing they are doing with magnets
>failing that there is electro shock
>there is a new brain operation
I have tried electro shock a couple of times, but antidepressants seem to have a better effect on me. I haven't tried the magnet thing nor the brain operation thing (and i haven't even encountered them in my country).

>and of course you know the usual crap, light therapy, vitamin d, exercise, all work for mild depression but since you want to kill yourself you probably have moderate or severe depression
I pretty much have to do some lighter exercises because of some health problems, but heavier exercises are off limits for me. I started getting into a lot more creative hobbies, as they are apparently supposed to help with depression, and they are helping to a certain point, but I'm never really happy with what I create and it always seems really bad compared to other artists.

Thank you for taking your time to help me, user.

>>tried many things life has to offer
>>lists stuff kids do
I listed stuff normies always recommend me to do.

>Also how tall is the building?
The building is 10 stories tall (I think). There are some shorter building that are more accessible, I guess.

>Anything below that could be a cushion for the fall?
It's right next to a concrete sidewalk and an asphalt road. There's a park next to the building but that obviously wouldn't be my goal.

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Please stay alive OP. Don't hurt yourself. Stay with us as a favor to me, an user you'll never meet, but who cares about you. The only reason anybody has to live is the reason they give themselves. Stay alive and find a reason. I know you can do it.

>The building is 10 stories tall (I think).
That's obviously enough if you land right but it's very, very unlikely that you will because survival instinct will kick in. Might just end up in a wheel chair and at least with a legit reason to be a whiny cunt.

Should be at least 3 times the size to stay on the safe side.

If you truly dont care about your life, maybe you should try something crazy. If it doesnt save you, at the least it will be a good way to go out.

I was suicidal for a long time and then i came to the realization that, since i didnt give a shit about life, i could do whatever the fuck i wanted. Ran away from home, was homeless for a while, then i thought "Hey wouldnt it be hilarious if i went to college while being homeless?" So i applied for university and managed to get into student housing where i live now.

Life is fucked up and unforgiving, but it can be a good time if you can find your place in it. And if you cant find a place for yourself in the world where you are, then go somewhere else.

>"Hey wouldnt it be hilarious if i went to college while being homeless?"
Based as fuck.

>Might just end up in a wheel chair
That's kind of the thing I'm scared of, user.
>with a legit reason to be a whiny cunt
I wouldn't be asking for suicide advice if I was just a "whiny cunt". I didn't get a bad grade in maths and now I'm thinking about killing myself. I have problems with my heart and had 2 surgeries, as well as problems with my right leg (like I said in my previous post, I have to do regular exercises). I haven't spoken a single word with my family in years and all my "friends" seem fake to me. Sorry if I sound offensive, I'm really not trying to be rude, I'm just trying to say that I'd rather jump from a building rather than live life on antidepressants.

Thanks for your support, user, but every day I wish I could just disappear, or I just simply wish I wasn't even born. It's all so tiresome and yet so meaningless. Like I said, no need to try to steer me away from this choice. And again, thanks for trying to help, user.

I know how you feel, user. People said that to me but it didn't seem to work for me. It seems like there are two types of nihilistic people: those believe they are free and boundless (like you), and those who think all their actions are meaningless and just a waste of time because, in the end, we will all be gone and forgotten. I really wish I could experience life like you just for a day, so I basically envy you.
>And if you cant find a place for yourself in the world where you are, then go somewhere else.
I don't think there's a place for me in this world, user. I think I'd rather just hope that God exists and that he can forgive me.

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depressed people generally don't have loads of dopamine, so it's hard to just be like "I'm going to try to be the real life spider-man because hey, I want to die anyway" because that takes loads of motivation / dopamine

I live in a pretty small country but there are two places that do TMS, it is not cheap but maybe there will be some way around that, like if you take part in a study or have insurance or good social health care

Then the current mainstream brain thing is DBS deep brain stimulation, where they put electrodes in your brain to make it happier, like a brain pacemaker. and there is another one I can't find where there is some little organ they burn out and poof, people are happier

Dude pleeeeese stay with us, even if that stuff is hard to access now, maybe in 5 years you'll be able to get it. Or something.

Different types of therapy
person centred
art therapy

maybe one of those will work for you? and they work better if you find a therapist you click with, which is hard. so you have to both find a therapist you click with AND a method that suits you (but the former is more important)

I did promise if you'd done anything I'd give you some help and I do believe in self determination so I can tell you to check out "lostallhope"

But please don't go. Just please don't go. OK? You have probably heard this before too but: relief is a feeling, you have to be alive to feel it

If you want a confirm ded but painless, just go to sleep in a car the whole night with the engine's on, a/c is on and close tight all the window.

Livestream your suicide please. Can I harvest your bodily tissue for science? Youre a male right?

You could do it on twitch as long as you don't make "suicide" the title or some dumb shit and you also have to do it pretty fast

Honestly, I've never understood the idea that, if you don't want to live anymore, that means you have to physically die. Just cut everyone off. Run away. There's other ways to 180 your life without dying wholly.
The guy who decided to become homeless might seem like he, at the time, had some kind of adrenaline high, but honestly it sounds more like it's just because he's talking in retrospect. When you're out of a depression, you can never really portray how horrible you felt.
Completely 180ing your life is a lot more of an option than you'd think. It you feel weighed down by something around you, just cut it off. If your friends seem fake, write them all bridge-burning letters about how you never want to see them again. Get new friends. Go places in the middle of the night you'd never think to go; and don't worry about being robbed or something, because you want to die anyway, right? So nothing matters. Do whatever.
I think that's the point that user was getting to: just do whatever. Stop feeling like you have responsibilities. Live like you're already dead, and nothing matters, because nothing does to you anymore. So just start acting like it.
Also, creative-endeavors wise: your art isn't supposed to be good. It's supposed to be therapeutic first. If you keep worrying about how it looks from an outside perspective, you won't really achieve the self-reflection that it's supposed to help you with. Give up the outside world.

If you're not a faggot you'll shoot or hang yourself.
If you're considering killing yourself in a public setting like jumping off a building you clearly want attention.

If you want to kill yourself do it the privacy of your home. Nobody cares that you have depression, jumping off a building will just turn you into a bigger nuisance than you already are.

you are imagining not wanting to live while simultaneously having a lot of energy, a strong sense of self worth and a lot of motivation. That doesn't happen. Maybe it will happen when we can live to be 300, but not now. Maybe in a manic mixed state it could happen too, but yeah that's not something that a lot of people experience.

I have essentially the same problem. I'm planning an ayahuasca trip as I type this because I've heard stories of people simply snapping out of depression on it. You should come with.

This is not possible for a suicidal person, don't know where you get this idea from, but the whole point of suicide is because there is a conflict of thoughts that will plague the brain until you get help or die. You can't just "pretend" you're dead, the brain won't let you.

Listen to this piece from Chopin before you leave.


I read about this method, but I also read that, sometimes, people would wake up before they were poisoned, so they would back out. I believe it's easier to close your eyes and jump from a building, rather than having to wait a long time to die from poisoning. Still if it's reliable AND painless, then I guess I should look into it more. Thanks user!

Thank you so much for all this information, user! I've spent years on medications and many therapists, so I guess I should check some of this stuff out. I know for a fact that some of this stuff is apparently available in some countries that are close to me, but all of that is extremely expensive for my income (like I said, I have some health issues and I live from some goverment aid thing, most of which goes into medication, food, water, electricity...). Still, you at least gave me some hope, which I'm incredibly thankful for!

Well it's really simple to do in theory, but I could never achieve turning my life around. Sure, it is kind of distracting to, for instance, take walks and just set your mind free, but there's always that parasitic thought that life is completely pointless and there's no reason to bother doing anything. Still, I constantly try to change, and I always hope that that new thing will help me, but as I soon as I make any bit of progress, I always fall down back to where I began.
>Also, creative-endeavors wise: your art isn't supposed to be good. It's supposed to be therapeutic first.
That's what I say to myself and it's the only thing that keeps me going. Thanks for your answer, user!

That's a beautiful song, user, thank you! I rarely listen to classical music, but it is often found in some of the stuff I listen to, so I respect this kind of music a lot.

I've been to some trips all across Europe and Asia, so who knows, maybe this would help.

Thanks for all you responses, and I'm very sorry that I reply so slow, I'm not that fast at typing.

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Check out inert gas asphyxiation AKA the "exit bag" helium will replace all the oxygen in your lungs.then you die. I've had my set up for around 6 years. It's kind of a comfort just to know it's there. You can make all sorts of crazy changes to your life right now. Suicide is like a spring board of you change your mind. A man with nothing to lose, can't help but win

Dipshit, I've been suicidal. It's not hard to roll out of your bed and tell people you don't like to fuck themselves no matter how depressed you are.

Hey, I have some advice. I used to be in your position but I got on an antidepressant and turned my life around. I had to go through 3 different medicines until I found one that worked for me. I found no meaning to life but discovered it through my belief in God that life wouldn't be meaningful if I didn't go somewhere where all of my struggles would mean something and if I didn't go to that perfect place I would be lost. It's the deeply moving thought that I can live in perfection forever where things make sense and that there's meaning behind life that moved me to get out of the depression and live life. I have had several opportunities with companies now that I have achieved by willing myself to think outside of the box to contribute to society. I have to thank God who got me out of my depression and suicidal state and the motivation that came from within his will to keep me alive. I now know that I'm going to live in heaven in perfection forever where things will make sense. If you kill yourself you will go to hell where you will suffer for eternity. It doesn't make sense to replace one suffering with an even greater one. I think like this: Since the experiences of people encountering ghosts or "gods" or Demons/Angels are universal throughout history there are only two options: Believe in these "gods" or believe in God from the Bible because those are the only two options that explain the phenomenon. I truly believe that it is God that created life and the universe. A quote of the Bible goes like this: "As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil for you are with me, thy rod and thy staff they comfort me". What I think is that through all of the bad times that God is with me and is always ready to help. I will pray for you OP, I hope that you get the help you need and I think you probably will. You seem like you are open to trying to change yourself and help live. Good luck.

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Hey OP, I hope you read my post here:

dont commit suicide, get a motorcycle and ride reckless or videotape yourself riding a great white shark

>Check out inert gas asphyxiation AKA the "exit bag"
I've heard about it on here a couple of times, it seems like a hard thing to set up, but it's probably worth it considering the method is supposed to be completely pianless. Thanks for your reply, user!

I've heard of people overcoming depression with religion, but I personally could never get myself into religion, mostly because it doesn't really seem that nice and helpful, at least from the outside. If someone is taught to believe in a God, Allah for instance, and everyone around him believes the in same God, he would never even think about changing religions. Why should that person, if he commited no crime and was a genuinely good person, not be allowed a place in heaven, but would be considered a heathen and sent to hell? And the people who were born before Jesus are supposed to be stuck in Limbo (at least according to Dante) which seems like a very cruel thing to do.
>there are only two options: Believe in these "gods" or believe in God from the Bible because those are the only two options that explain the phenomenon.
A lot of my ancestors were pagans. I've done a lot of research on that topic, mostly because I thought it was interesting, rather than I wanted to become a pagan. To me, their religion is as equally possible to be true as Christianity, or pretty much any other religion. What proof is there that, if a God even exists, that it is, in fact, Jesus Christ? Is that God even all-loving considering that he gave me a good amount of problems in my life, but if I ever decide to back out from those problems, I will be sent to hell?
>What I think is that through all of the bad times that God is with me and is always ready to help
Parallel to this is the fact that my ancestors thought the same things, but directed it to other gods. It helped them get through hard times, I suppose.
>I will pray for you OP, I hope that you get the help you need
Thanks for being such a caring person, user!

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And I'm sorry if I looked aggresive or rude in I was barely got under the 2k character limit, so I didn't think so much of the words that I would use. And again, thank you for your prayers, I really appreciate that you would spend your time doing something good for someone you have never even seen.

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I've read your replies, and you seem like a thoroughly decent person; I hope you realize that you're loved, even if it takes talking to strangers on the Internet to come to that realization. I'm not sure what else to say, but I wish you all the very best, OP.

First of all, thank you so much, user!
>I hope you realize that you're loved, even if it takes talking to strangers on the Internet to come to that realization
That's the only thing that makes me believe that. All of my friends in real seem fake and I couldn't really even call them "friends". That's probably part of the reason why I'm so depressed. At least here, people are, like you said, strangers, so we will all forget each other because we never even knew each other.
Again, thank you user, and I wish you all the best too!

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You just don't think about it, do it as if a daily routine and before you know it, you'll be released from the suffering.

stop trying to do normie stuff user; look for God

Listen man, killing yourself is pretty lame if you think about it. Why not go out on an adventure where you can potentially die like a man? Like go backpack the Appalachian Trail and just die in the wilderness or Play Russian roulette in a dirty bar or something.

once you have the idea of killing yourself and you're not scared to die any more, just go do whatever you want. That's what's keeping people from doing things anyway is the fear of death. Suicidal people have this insane freedom I think that they don't know they have.

Opiate overdose is pretty decent if i were to go it would be on a bit of some drug or other or punch your ticket in style and do something memorable make the news by putting a rocket up your ass and exploding above a town raining down body parts basically give everyone a shitty day when you go

Fuck that user, dont use that method. Go for something thats instant so you cant feel regret if you change your mind mid execution.

>stop trying to do normie stuff user
I stopped doing normie stuff because it wasn't helping me at all.
In I talked about my views on religion.

I'm not really looking for a way to "die like a man". As I said earlier, I'm not looking for attention either, I'm just looking for a way out from this pointless suffering.
>just go do whatever you want
Why? I can't do pretty much anything because I constantly know that, in a couple of hours, I'll feel depressed again. It's all very pointless. But still, thanks for your reply, user!

>Opiate overdose is pretty decent if i were to go it would be on a bit of some drug or other
I'm not really a fan of drugs and I'm pretty sure that it would be a very painful death.
>basically give everyone a shitty day when you go
Well this is probably the opposite of my goal. I'm not looking to be make someone else's life worse just because of my choice. It's really not their fault I don't enjoy my life. But thanks for your reply!

>Go for something thats instant so you cant feel regret if you change your mind mid execution.
I did think about that, but I think that jumping from a high enough building would be a definite death, so I obviously wouldn't be able to change my mind. Still thanks for your reply, user!

Sorry that I wasn't able to reply faster, it seems that Jow Forums was blocked in my country again. I couldn't get to a VPN for hours.

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Are you aware of the possiblity that there could be nothing after you die? Once you die, that's it. Why waste what you have? Try processing nonexistence. No consciousness, no dreaming, no thinking, nothing. Sounds like shit.

What I think can answer one of your questions:
I know a lot of people who switched from Christianity to Paganism and only 2 out of the 3 went back to God. The answer is yours to pick but to Christians only one answer is there: Those gods they are worshiping are fallen angels from heaven that were cast out by God. Think of it this way too: If they're right and they're worshiping gods then they reincarnate, right? If they're wrong they go to hell for all of eternity. Why not believe in God since he offers the safer path and if it is aliens which their gods are according to pagans while being gods then you'll just reincarnate. They certainly shouldn't hold it against you for not risking your eternity.

>Are you aware of the possiblity that there could be nothing after you die?
Yes I am pretty much aware of that fact and I am completely fine with it.
>No consciousness, no dreaming, no thinking,
No sadness, no pain, no more being betrayed by people you trust with your life... Nothing. The way life treated me has been so harsh that I find simply ceasing to exist a better alternative to living.
>Sounds like shit.
Yeah, there are of course some good things in life here and there, but the worthy ones don't last long at all; too often they bring a strong hit of the depressing reality that I and many other people live in. Thank for your thoughts on this, user!

>if it is aliens which their gods are according to pagans
This is very wrong: pagans never said their gods are aliens and in description and they are pretty similar to Christianity, just imagine it as if the one Christian god was actually many gods working together. This also means you could, for instance, be more devout to the god of nature, or the goddess of love depending on what you were searching for.
>If they're right and they're worshiping gods then they reincarnate, right?
That's actually wrong in most cases. Most pagan religions, but mainly the Slavic religion I'm interested in, do not offer reincarnation and it is incredibly similar to Christianity: there is heaven for good people and gods, and there is hell, made for bad people and demons. However, the Slavic hell differs from Christian hell as you won't go to hell for suicide or for being a murderer, but your soul would be possessed by the God of Hell and you would become a demon yourself. In some cases, this could be stopped by piercing one's heart with hawthorn and the soul would later remain in hell.
These two religions have a lot in common regarding good/bad people: neither of them support rape, murder, suicide, betrayal, even the seven deadly sins are found in both. We may not agree, but I still find your view very helpful.

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I was referring to spiritual satanism in which they believe that the gods are still gods but are ultimately aliens in origin. I lump it together with paganism because it's basically a hindu twist on classic satanism along with dashes of alien believers thrown in.

Well, it's all down to you to see what you decide. From the sound of it it seems like you are invested into a couple different aspects of religions out there and need to find something that works for you. I'm not experienced with the Slavic sect of paganism as it seems like a small group compared to the larger pagan religions. I would check back on the history of this religion and see how old it is compared to Christianity and also the Jewish beliefs in hell and when those started. I still am going to say that I believe in God and I think pagans are worshiping demons.

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>I was referring to spiritual satanism in which they believe that the gods are still gods but are ultimately aliens in origin.
In what way are they aliens in origin? According to the Slavic religion, there is nothing except one, true God and that's Svarog. He rests in eternal sleep and the world that we live in (as well as heaven and hell) are just parts of his dream. He himself can't directly affect any of those worlds and he may only observe the progression of the world. So, because he has no control, he made many different gods to bring balance to his dream. Those gods are not alien in any way, if you think about it. We are all just a dream and Svarog's awakening will result in a complete armageddon of all 3 worlds (Yav, Prav and Nav - Hell, Heaven and Earth).
>From the sound of it it seems like you are invested into a couple different aspects of religions
Not necessarily. I am not a religious man at all and I don't consider myself a part of any religion. I also don't understand atheism either, so I don't completely disregard the existence of God. I simply tried to live a good life in terms of being respectful and nice to others, and I hope that, if there is a God, he will forgive me for not worshiping him.
>I would check back on the history of this religion and see how old it is compared to Christianity
It is centuries older than the Christian religion, and some even found proof from around 1500-1000 B.C.
It was a very prominent religion until Christians gave an ultimatum to pagans: Christianity or death. A lot of them chose death, but a lot also converted, but the pagans were very tied with their religion, so the Christians changed some of the pagan holidays to saints (saint Elijah and Perun were both associated with thunder, Mary and Mokos were both givers of life and saint George and Jarilo, were both fierce warriors)

I'm also not in any way trying to force my opinion onto you and you are obviously free to believe whatever you think is right.

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