My sister asked me if I wants to try dating a girl she knows from work who is my age.
How the hell a guy with no experience with women, hell, hanging out with people should go with it?
I'm 25 and my life is perfect for me at the moment, I go to work, workout, play vidya and watch at least 16 anime per season. I feel like it would ruin my mental state (anxiety + OCD), last anxiety attack I had led me to being a NEET for 4 years, however trying it might be good for me.
My sister asked me if I wants to try dating a girl she knows from work who is my age
Say yes.
Don't pressure your self too hard, but don't let stuff like this go.
I once ignored it when my sister tried to set me up with her co-workers and now I can't even find people who will date me online. It is rough.
Virginity is social construct. For all we know her "coworker" is even bigger mental wreck than you.
Go on the date with the expectation that it'll be worst-case-scenario horrible, but at least you'll learn what not to do from it. If things don't go that badly, you still benefit from the experience and might hit it off with this woman.
Just to offer another perspective, don't force yourself to do anything. Don't be scared to try, as people are saying, but don't think you HAVE to try.
It's fine to say "no". If you don't want to do this, then you won't enjoy it.
Do you want to start dating?
That's basically what my sis told me as well.
It actually makes me lean more towards trying it
>Do you want to start dating?
From what I see from other couples (family, friends) it will completely ruin my private life and my privacy. This is the thing I am the most afraid of, as my favorite hobby is watching little cartoon girls doing lewd things.
I could care less if I stay a virgin forever, this is not my issue.+
Just like the other user said. Don't put much pressure on yourself. Try going there and have fun. If it works out - great. If it doesn't - nothing to be worried about.
Don't let changes pass by. Even bad experience can help you grow as a person. But not trying anything at all will just make you resentful once you are older.
That being said, I don't know you. You know your limits and if your anxiety is really that bad, it may not be good idea to go.
>my favorite hobby is watching little cartoon girls doing lewd things
Yeah at some point you're going to have to choose one or the other. Unicorns are more common than girls willing to put up with loli
>From what I see from other couples (family, friends) it will completely ruin my private life and my privacy. This is the thing I am the most afraid of, as my favorite hobby is watching little cartoon girls doing lewd things.
I mean, it's not healthy to have a main hobby that isolates you from other people, right? his is not about dating at this point, this is about you spending your time alone and fapping instead of with other people, be it male or female people.
Remember the one where the loli complains to her brother that he's fapping to loli porn instead of fucking her? Cosplay my dude. You need a (legal age) partner to act out fantasies. Just go on the fucking date.
I don't watch it for the lewd parts rather for the cute parts, I can't even get off to drawings anyways.
I didn't want to use the term CGDCT because I don't know how many people will even know what I'm talking about here, but that's basically what I watch.
>That being said, I don't know you. You know your limits and if your anxiety is really that bad, it may not be good idea to go.
Even if it works out, I'm the afraid it will happen with her and I might get violent.
The only thing helping me coping with my problem is the medicine I take and anime.
Oh, so slice of life anime. Dude that's fine, don't even worry about it. If anything it's a sappy vulnerability you can expose at some point in the relationship to prove you have a softer side.
It's not about the Hentai, dude, it's about your main activity being sitting alone at home with a screen. Do you have a social life? Loneliness is maddening. No, I don't mean that you need a Gf. I mean you need friends, people in your life beyond your family.
That's somewhat reassuring.
>Do you have a social life?
Obviously no, but I do hand out with my cousins and sometimes friends from the gym but it rarely happens (once a month or something like that).
>Obviously no
That's not healthy. Just saying you might want to look into that.
If anything, what you're watching is shojo, meaning it'll appeal to women anyway. So you could end up watching anime with someone instead of by yourself.
>expecting a former NEET to have social life
I don't expect anything. I'm just stating a fact. You can't spend so much time alone, it takes its toll on you.
You made me realize that I prefer to be alone and actually enjoy it, you just confused me even further. besides, is being alone that bad? I enjoy doing what I want and as said I might actually have someone else enjoy it with me.
How are you going to enjoy it with someone else if you prefer being alone?
> is being alone that bad?
It takes its toll. We need support and help from our friends and important people in our lives, and we offer it back. Being alone (not "single", ALONE) is damaging, yeah.
Some people just don't know how to make friends.
Define "alone"
So? Some people don't know how to clean a bathroom but they can still get an infection.
Ignorance doesn't protect you from consequences.
It's pointless to think about damage caused by inevitable things. I will die one day and there is nothing I can do about that.
Alone is alone, that you have no one with you. What else can it mean?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but OP said he has.
Just like the infection and cleaning, you can learn to do this. If you want to or not is up to you.
A sister and mom, with his only hobbies being watching anime alone at home. That's not gonna last. Those women deserve their own lives, and spending it playing house with a grown man is not healthy either.
So why should he even try? He is doomed to fail.
I've tried and keep trying, but have had no luck with any lasting connections.
>He is doomed to fail.
Why? Why is he doomed?
>I've tried and keep trying
Tell me about your last three attempts. And be specific with how long ago each attempt took place.
>Why? Why is he doomed?
Just by the way you described him he sounds like he is aiming to be a wizard.
So you are saying I should stop doing what I love (vidya, anime, lifting, guitar) just so I can be with people? If it is than I might never want to be with anyone.
Again, could care less about being a virgin life.
>So you are saying I should stop doing what I love
You don't have to stop. You need to add more people to your life, though. Go to anime cons and shit.
>Again, could care less about being a virgin life.
I think you mean "couldn't care less", but anyway, this is not about being a virgin, this is about spending all your time alone and how much it affects you.
well user like you said yourself your life is perfect for you at the moment. Now is the best time to try to introduce something new. if it doesn't work out you'll not really lose much besides some time and comfort.
Dude no. Dont date. I was like you. Got a gf which obviously ended after a year. It broke me. Needed another year just to function normal again. I was fine and dandy alone before I met her. Now Im alone again and recovered. Feeling so much better. Dont asks normal social people for adv. They dont understand us loners. Never will. Our minds and souls are different and work different from theirs.
This is exactly what I fear and my parents and family keep nagging me about it doesn't help.
Op please dont give in to your fears. DO NOT listen to this dude, all your sister is trying to do is set you up on ONE date. If it goes badly it'll only last like an hour or 2,it wont ruin your life to spend one hour talking to someone
I know multiple. Including several who LIKE loli
You're life isn't perfect, it is "safe". Nothing can go wrong because nothing happens. Your mental state is one in which you resign to isolation because struggling against it is hard. I was in this state when I was in my 20s. I was just resigned to suicide Soon(tm). When death is closing in on you, will you be able to say that your life of watching cartoons and playing video games was meaningful? I always knew the answer was "no", but was afraid to leave my safe shell. I've never lost a job and gotten a new one, I just keep the same one I hate because I don't have the wherewithal to find another. So you're better than me in that regard.
I suffer from anxiety about going new places, sometimes places I've been before too. I find that the best angle of attack is deciding I want to do something, that I will be there, and going there on my own is the only way to do achieve that. I don't have the choice of doing nothing then. I've skipped meetup events in the past and always regret not going.
I have found meeting new people isn't that hard, getting close is. I can't help with that, but introductions go like: What do you do? Where do you live? What do you like to do on the weekends? Do you have any pets? If she takes the initiative to ask these, answer fully and reply with "How about you?". If she doesn't she wants you to do the asking, and if she doesn't reply with howaboutyou, you just offer up your answer. It is a date, it is safe to ask her about herself (don't ask who else she fucked or if she squirts), it lets her know you are interested in her. Don't avoid talking about yourself though, offer information about you that relates to her answers. If she says she likes anime that is an opportunity for you to ask about what she likes and why and tell her what you like and why. That goes for anything you have in common.
I used to like video games before I started trying to break out of my shell this year, I don't now that I've tasted the outside world