how to deal with the fact that she doesn't want you, never has, is already taken and that it's going to be a long time, if ever, before you can experience the happiness that you thought was going to be yours for the first time but slipped away?
How to deal with the fact that she doesn't want you, never has, is already taken and that it's going to be a long time...
Leave the dungeon, go outside, and start talking to other human beings.
I've been doing this. I'm very social. It doesn't work
Bumping this thread.
Not OP, I'm trying to get over it for a full year now. No matter what I do, at the end of the day the fact that she won't ever want hits the surface.
Are you still in contact with her?
I deal with it by finding someone else
what do you do in the meantime
I was never in a contact with her outside of workspace. She was a business acquaintance I occasionally visited, very kind and pleasant, I genuinely enjoyed her since I rarely meet a woman my age that I find pleasant (we're both early 30s). I probably misread her and thought she was into me and tried to approach her (didn't call her on a date, but rather a semi-formal coffee), it ended up not only her rejecting me but completely changing her attitude towards me. She now addresses me formally, always avoids eye contact and most of time won't even return a greet. This lasts for a full year now, I get to visit her once a month and every time her coldness and dismissiveness wounds me. I try not to think of her, but no matter how I spend my day, she surfaces in my thoughts sooner or later. Why can't Iet go of a person that straight up disrespects me by not returning a greet?
Two key words; romanticizing and fixating. Your obsessions have essentially put blinders on your vision, avoiding you from even contemplating the possibility that happiness could come from anybody else. You've convinced yourself that this person holds the key to unlocking your happiness and I'm sure the both of you understand on some level that this is very much so wishful thinking. Along with this fixation you've managed to romanticize these people beyond belief. Again, you think this person holds the key to curing you of your misery and feelings of worthlessness but you fail to see that if you don't address those issues head on they will persist regardless of who you're with. You're stuck in a period of time mourning one great loss and ignoring the roads and opportunities that lie ahead; ignoring the fact that life and time and people have moved on while you are firmly planted in this one memory replaying its devastation over and over in your head. If depression and an inability to properly process loss is a persistent issue then its something you need help for and it has nothing to do with the women you can't have. These women aren't the solutions to your problems. These women merely reflect the things that you already hate about yourself.
>Why can't Iet go of a person that straight up disrespects me by not returning a greet?
She didn't disrespect you. You became fixated on someone you knew absolutely nothing about and when she noticed she rightly distanced herself from you and adjusted her behavior to communicate to you something you should have known to begin with; that your relationship was purely professional. I think you need to seek some professional help. Nothing you've described sounds healthy in the slightest. You're completely infatuated over someone you don't know. That borders on delusion, user.
>Nothing you've described sounds healthy in the slightest. You're completely infatuated over someone you don't know. That borders on delusion, user.
I know man, I try to keep thoughts in check but whenever I see her (once in a month or even two) they surface again and wound me.
>She didn't disrespect you
Not returning a greeting is disrespectful. She only returns it when her senior colleague is present (which is her superior). And it bothers me, and I was never a person that was bothered how other people treated me. And now I find myself stressing out wether a person I see so rarely will return a greeting to me. And this goes on and on, since I can't let it go and am now to intimidated to approach her to get a final resolution.
Thank you for your comment.
Thank you for you comment, I will give much thought to this.
>Not returning a greeting is disrespectful.
She isn't returning the greeting because you crossed a professional boundary, user. You've made her uncomfortable with your obsessive infatuation and she has distanced herself from you as a result. You have forced her into this position with your behavior. Even now you insist on confronting her yet again about a "final resolution" because you are so obsessed with getting this validation or consideration from her that you can't just leave this woman alone. You misinterpreted her friendly, approachable professionalism as a cue to pursue her romantically and now she is no longer friendly or approachable. You have to distance yourself from your feelings and appreciate that this situation is completely of your making
OP here. Thank you for answering. But what if it happens to be true? that it's going to be a very long time before I meet a girl like this? I'm 20. I've only ever met one other girl like her in my lifetime (well, my sexually active lifetime), and I've always been very social and everything so it's not going to increase.
You're barely out of your teens, user. I know it doesn't seem like it right now but you have such an incredible amount of time to figure this out. You can't possibly fathom the amount of experiences, relationships and connections you will develop over the next 10 years. At 20 years old you should absolutely not dig your feet into the sand and decide that only one girl is for you. I don't mean this to sound insulting or condescending but you have very very little life experience to base these conclusions on so I really encourage you to not be so disastrous about it. Its very typical 20 year old behavior to think that your social life and possibility to try new experiences have peaked. You're still a kid. Relax.
Thank you user.
Since I have not talked to her in 2 years and she decides to talk to me one day. She says that she misses me and is not sure why she broke up with me.
holy shit ty daddy i needed that
Be happy with yourself.
At the moment you are friendzoning yourself.
If even you is friendzoning yourself, how can you expect someone else to not do it too?
how do i find the things i hate about myself?
Hit the bars with my bros and get laid. Otherwise I shut the fuck up, don't complain, and take care of all my responsibilities.