Just wanted to say thanks to the advice you guys gave me.
I'm walking to a path where I'll end up rich or dead, the results are unknown.
Thanks for everything.
Wish you all everything of good.
Just wanted to say thanks to the advice you guys gave me.
I'm walking to a path where I'll end up rich or dead, the results are unknown.
Thanks for everything.
Wish you all everything of good.
>living in the ghetto of a shithole country
Godspeed user. We're all gonna make it.
>I'm walking to a path where I'll end up rich or dead, the results are unknown.
Don't deal drugs user WHY.
Thanks, wish you all of best.
There is no other outcome.
I created some balls and guts and I already started the ball, I dont know the place or the final destination that this will take me, but I cant go back now.
Please reconsider.
How old are you?
I cant, as I said I already started, invested everything I had and if it go wrong I can face death. I'm just thankfull to the advice I received, I wish there was another way, but from what I have seen there wasnt.
what other choice does he have? make it big or live a short life in the ghetto and die anyways?
22, no family, have to pay rent, food and everything else to my younger brother and old mother.
I hope you're trolling.
Rest in peace friend.
You could have tried joining the military as an officer if you were a year younger
Did no one ever suggest that to you?
Thanks. Maybe when I die things get better.
Op I will pay you whatever you're getting from this. Abort mission now.
Unless you're a jew then sorry I can't.
I tried everything, translation jobs, airdrops.. all kind of things people recommended me and they didnt made me enough cash.
I had to do it and I have to do it because I have to pay things.
I know advice is good, but if I dont make cash I wont have even food.
OK, but you should use the capital you gain to pave a way to switch to some legitimate form of business (after paying for food etc) - purely to minimize risk to yourself. This should be your goal from day one.
There is no way for that path, atleast now.
I'm sorry to say to you that you think I'm going through normal shit, but sad for me it isnt.
And if you have some online that I can do I'll do in advance, but people as always talk smooth and vanish.
I didn't say you'd be able to achieve the goal immediately. Its a goal; you work towards it. It could take years. But the point is to keep your eyes open for large and small opportunities relating to that objective, as opposed to forgetting about it and missing all opportunities.
Bro, I have to hustle for food and rent, this is not a "maybe" its a IF.
IF no money = no rent
IF no money = no food
My younger brother depends on me
I understand your point, but to live at survival level make you able to understand reality at a pratical level.
What the fuck have you gotten yourself into?
Anons recommended me, I got 2 cellphones of motorola, each one with 5 google accounts, did more than 60 airdrops on each account (300 airdrops made) and received just $15 worth of coins on almost 1 month and 10 gsm investment plus time.
not OP, but i don't think you understand how things work in 3rd world shitholes, you absolutely cannot support a family and yourself with ANY salary from ANY job, you either do business somehow legal or illegal or you die unless you were born into a family / social circle where you received nepotistic / cronyistic favors and were placed in some prestigious position somewhere after receiving an education that literally nobody else in the entire country except for a small minority of people could afford
almost every rich person in these countries does some kind of illegal work btw, there literally is no other way no matter how hard you try, because the opportunities do not exist, you have to make the opportunities your fucking self
you are enjoying a completely, completely different reality alltogether, you are a minority and you are not living in the real world which is the majority of the world, you are in a utopia completely detached from the harsh truth of the rest of the world, and whether you like it or not just mathematically this, what OP is going through, is the real world, actually he should be grateful he wasn't born in the central african republic or something because there there are no drugs to deal because people can't even afford to eat rice
good luck user i hope you don't die, and sorry for hijacking your thread but what's an airdrop and what are these goins and what's "10 gsm investment plus time'? what are you talking about? please tell me because i also live in a 3rd world shithole (guatemala) and am pretty desperate and need to make some money for food...what did they recommend you?
Thanks, wish it wasnt that way, but in fact it is.
You told the real truth.
What kind of things can you do?
>What kind of things can you do?
uhh, things like what? i can do anything that's not programming or things like that i guess
But i'm from the same shithole that he's from
University is literally free here, but not everyone has access to a good middle/high school to begin so few make it i guess. Not impossible though, with some effort
Joining the military like i said is also not a bad idea but there's a written exam that's kind of tough and he's over the age anyway.
Why you lie?
yeah, me too, and np
first of all how do you know what shithole he's from? anyways, assuming the OP image is where he lives, do you actually think for a second he has access to a middle / high school at all let alone one that isn't literally filled to the brim with gangs and bullshit? if university is free and the military is so amazing why is everyone starving then? i'll tell you why, it's because you're bullshitting and lying through your fucking teeth, you know that the only way you can succeed in these shitholes is by being born into an already well-connected family that will provide you with nepotism / cronyism referral connections into jobs and give you access to a good non-free shitty university
I'm assuming you're from Brazil
What did i lie about?
São Paulo, Guaianazes.
Let me think, can you do dropshipping sites?
Maybe i'm just sheltered because i'm from a really average middle class family, but i do have family members who were piss poor but managed to get out of it
You did manage to somehow learn english though, so i'm going to assume you have some self teaching skills
Do whatever you need to do to survive for now, but go buy some second hand high school books, i don't think most are that expensive, just study that in your free time and go apply for a tech school or something, they're not nearly as hard to pass as you might think
what do you mean dropshipping, like aliexpress / alibaba? the problem my country don't allow paypal, i only have bank account and mastercard debit card so i don't know how i can receive money
I already do two graduations.
But I still need money to pay rent, food and everything else to my younger brother and older mother.
Good to know you have a better than life than mine, this shit is like hell, hope you make it.
No sarcasm nor irony.
Can you sell cripto? Local bitcoins?
no i don't live near anybody that wants bitcoins and nobody in my country know what is bitcoins or crypto, also the coin exchanges only allow 1st world western country people to buy in my experience
Sorry if i came off as arrogant while trying to give you advice, our country is pretty fucked and there's a massive gap between the poor and people who earn enough to even live comfortably
Well i hope you make it as well. If you're already studying then you're on the right path
I'll think, save my email: [email protected]
No problem, its fine.
>[email protected]
ok, thanks man, i don't use an email but i created a disposable one and i saved it in a document on my PC, do you want me to email to you?