I'm talking with a guy who says he is extra busy nowadays and he takes weeks to respond. Like 7-20 days...

I'm talking with a guy who says he is extra busy nowadays and he takes weeks to respond. Like 7-20 days. I don't mind because I'm busy too, but guys, is this a sign he is not interested in talking with me? He gave me his twitter handle and told me to hurry him up if he takes too long to answer but I don't think he was serious about that. I don't want to be too pushy and annoy him. I'd be very grateful for some input from you guys.
Pic not related, just a lipstick I bought recently

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Yes, if he wanted he would find a way to answer you.

How well do you know each other already? What type of stuff are you talking about (basically does it require a fast reply), how big are the texts?

7 days sounds like a normal time if you're out of the "getting to know each other" phase, more makes sense if you both write long ass texts and he's a forgetful fuck. Also I take he is somewhat older, since kids usually spend a lot more time on their phones.

>is this a sign he is not interested in talking with me?
Depends more of the exact responses.

If he takes that long to respond you probably are texting him about some bullshit. Hint that you miss sleeping with him and you'll get a quicker response

The job excuse could be real, but if he was interested in you he would definitely respond more often. But maybe his job is just that demanding and the few hours he has off he sleeps eats and shits and the rushes back to work. It's not that unlikely. I used to work from 7:30am to 4pm and went to school 5 to 9:30, my social life was nonexistent and I didn't even have the energy to talk to people.

We are casual friends. We've been friends with each other for a bit over a year now. Our texts are like mini-letters, so quite long, and we talk about stuff going on in our lives and sometimes some gossip about mutual friends, or music recommendations, things like that. We are both in our early 20s.

I've never slept with him.

So what the actual fuck would you expect? I have something similar going on with a girl after she moved, and after the second year our reply time went into months while the messages exploded into 3k+ words monstrosities. People don't need to constantly stay in touch with people they appreciate; and if you're both busy and write long messages with content that doesn't require an instant response, that shit just needs time. And of course sometimes you put it off and then kinda forget for a few days, and couple weeks passed.

If you want it so bad, hitting him up on twitter after a week or so doesn't sound too pushy. If he actually does hurry up and the message length/content remains consistent, you clearly didn't do anything wrong.

I honestly don't expect anything and don't want to hurry him up either, I just want to know if anons think that he is disinterested in me.

If you haven't slept with him but you've known him longer than a month you should be able to figure this out yourself lol

If he was disinterested, he wouldn't bother to respond long ago.

I dunno if i’d be down for that crap, i mean...are you his mother? Why did he tell you to nag him to respond? 20 days to respond to texts? Is he some sort of child? He probably does like you but why would you want to try to have a relationship with someone who can’t get their shit together?

I'm not someone who sleeps around a lot. I have sex with people I'm dating, and our relationship is and was platonic. Only recently I started developing romantic feelings towards him.

I don't want to nag him, certainly, but I believe that he really is busy nowadays. I don't mind waiting for him as my life is busy and messy right now as well.

I will bump for more opinions

Probably not that interested

7 days is ok but 20?? I would look for sb else

Yeah he's not interested and, contrary to popular belief men see letting you know this as rude, so he will try to give you hints that it's not working out. Time to move on sister, sorry

Or sleep with him

It takes a maximum of 3 minutes for any guy with an iq over 35 to send a basic text message. 20 days means he's not interested

Yeah this sounds like a weird situation. But it could also be taken as 2 weeks passing and then he wants to tell you how his life has been going. He's still thinking about you regularly, and is interested in talking and sharing his life with you, but he will never make the move to escalate. That's on you.

Also, are those your lips? Because goddamn.

Ask him.
I have a lot of people I don't contact back right away and a lot I don't see very often.
It doesn't mean I hate them.
20 days is a long time, you won't annoy him by double text if there are days between.

I sometimes forget to text back because unlike zoomers I have other things on my mind than texting

OP I’m one of those people that takes weeks to months to text people back, and I can assure you it’s because 1 i don’t care enough or 2 i am forgetful as fuck

just ask him and be straight forward, because as a prev user said he could be thinking about you often etc but he’s not a clingly person.

I know i could go weeks without seeing my girlfriend, and thats because we both aren’t clingy and trust our love for one another whatevef

girl I liked texted me and I took like half a week to reply because I don't go on social media often but i'm an outlier for sure

If a dude doesnt text you back within the same day he's most likely not interested. He'd still pbb fuck you tho because thats how we are. Good luck anonette.

you should put out more often. guys get addicted to good pussy

never chase a guy, you arent a man, let us chase you

I'm 100% sure he was interested in you but you either ignored him or had a boyfriend or smt. Am I right?


OP, when will you settle down and have this guy shoot massive loads inside your womb until your belly is full?.
When will you let him do anal and incapacitate you for weeks due to a massive COCC?.
You must sacrifice your virgin body to the scrotum god!.

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W-what is this?

Ask him to crempie your fart hole

No. He flirted with me before but we never escalated.

Sounds like he just doesn't acknowledge you as a romantic entity, he isn't worried about replying promptly because he believes the relationship is purely platonic. This doesn't necessarily mean he isn't into you. I used to know a girl who I thought of like that, until one day I saw her doing something that I thought was extremely sexy and suddenly I became aware of how appealing she was. It didn't come to anything, because I was a nervous teenager and clinically certified autist who didn't make a move.
You need to make this move if you want something to happen, because he already has a "friend" label attached to you in his mind.

Most men don't flirt with people they're not interested in.

saves the bad pussy for me, thanks

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I late to respond text even from my friends and family, I don't use that much a phone like social media zoomers but if it pisses you off a lot then move on a get other guy.

>I'm not someone who sleeps around a lot. I have sex with people I'm dating
This doesn't add up

I know relationships are a strange and foreign concept for you, but having sex with one's partner of x years is a bit different than participating in one night stands.

My honest opinion is that you should figure out what he's busy with. If it's something stressful, it makes sense that he might not respond quickly. If it's just normal stuff, then no, he's not interested, but you could still try to figure out why he isn't.