Is it generally a bad sign when a girl you’re on a date with spits “Men are fucking PIGS...

Is it generally a bad sign when a girl you’re on a date with spits “Men are fucking PIGS..” with a stern face after you lightheadedly ask her opinion about men as a whole after flirting back & forth a bit? I mean she was totally fine otherwise

Attached: DDD18095-53A4-4DB2-BE27-A4304284B146.jpg (520x706, 60K)


No, she was objectively right and honest.

Agree and amplify

Men are fucking pigs though.

lmao, never date feminists. This is what happens when you date feminists

She isn’t a feminist

>after you lightheadedly ask her opinion about men as a whole
Okay but what exactly did you say?

>men are pigs
>not a feminists
we user you okay?

She’s not into feminism, that was just a single opinion

>state an objective fact
>get labeled

> before you dump
let her screech then add " who have actually been useful for a few thousand years "

Then she's a rape victim.

...At rape, and pillaging.

" and building society n shit "

and then destroying it

why would you ask that on a date? you're both in the wrong

It was just teasing banter.

What were the exact words you said though?

“I love plenty of things about women.” in response to what I like in girls.

and rebuilding it

Okay, clearly you don't actually want help because you refuse to say exactly what your comment was before she told you "Men are fucking pigs." Which leads me to suspect that you said something rude, but are being vague in this thread to get sympathy.