How do I stop wanting to be a woman. Every time I look in the mirror I feel disgust

How do I stop wanting to be a woman. Every time I look in the mirror I feel disgust

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Know that it's actually a fairly positive thing to be androgynous. Kids couldn't tell if I was a boy or a girl a couple years ago when I had a haircut similar to how punk girls shave their head.

You're more attractive and girls have the same problem but want to be guys so it's just a grass is always greener thing.

Embrace your feminine side as much as you want. You can be like me and just have a fluctuating mental image or go full tranny.

That said I've never kissed a guy and am 100% straight so your haters can all die in a fire.

I'm not androgynous, that's the problem.
I'm a fucking ugly masculine looking man and I hate it.

then I can't relate and this issue requires somebody in a similar boat to respond to you.

You're being deceived by a spirit

Command the spirit out through the authority of Jesus Christ

"I command the spirits inside me to leave in the name of Jesus Christ"

It would help a lot if you repented of these thoughts to Him before hand

just remember all women are whores

by realizing that male body is 1000% more sexier than female one. Muscles, dick, large delts. Female has most disgusting body they are all worthless trash.

Realise that you will never be a real woman, no matter the amount of money and time you dedicate. Learn to accept yourself for who you are. I'm a woman who used to want to be a man, so I know how you feel. But trans is never the same thing as cis, it's a bit better than cross-dressing but very far from the real thing still. Good luck user.

Deal with it. Know you are always going to be a man no matter how much money you spend on mutilating your body.

This retard has absolutely no idea what they are talking about.

You need to accept that you can never be a girl no matter how much you want to. Also let me ask you this when did these feelings really start? I don't mean a long vague memory I mean when did you really start being bothered by them and why? Was it because you were fapping to autogynephilic porn/fantasy? If that is the case you need to realize that this is an entirely sexual feeling and yes sex makes you feel other things too but the thing making you so certain you need to be a girl is sex. Sex is the ultimate force in the male brain and unfortunately it can overpower even his appreciation of himself.

You wanted to be man? Is there any reason? Do you know that men has much harder life than females?

be happy to be part of the superior sex also

I know something you don't know.

Women find me more attractive then you- live with it

I just felt like a man, dunno. I hated girly things and socialising with girls and wanted to be less vulnerable to random emotions that come with hormonal imbalance during the cycle, stronger physically. I hated my weak soft body and this kind of worry that always lingered that someone may want to rape me or mug me and I would be almost powerless. I like things guys tend to like like carpentry and working on cars. I liked male fashion more and I always naturally acted very masculine. I almost started transitioning and I was so excited that I couldn't wait. I thought that I will finally feel like myself. But then I woke up one night and realised that I will never ever be a real guy. I wasn't brought up as a boy, I wouldn't have a real dick with sperm, I would be a fake. So I just stayed a masculine girl and even learned to like some girly things. You can live with yourself without grand alterations but you need to really want to learn how to do it.

Seems like you wanted to be your own perfect boyfriend.

Prove it.

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All on my side and sometimes even echoing points.

You have Internet Historian guy meme, which is funny tho

Damn, (You)'d the wrong person

Give jesus a blowjob, and you will become a women user.

sell your mirror, buy a wig

but if OP became a women, he would cute, and have the mind of a guy, so he would a better women, then a women!

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tell me if you find out

how does that help him?

he feels disgust everytime he looks in the mirror
how is he gonna feel disgust if he doesn't have any mirrors?

i meant the wig

This, unfortunately. Hopefully technology will be advanced enough to do a true sex change in a few decades from now. but currently the technology just isn't there yet. My suggestion would be for you to seek out a therapist. Not because you're "crazy" or something like that, but I think it would be beneficial for you to talk to someone about it.

All the best, OP.


I feel like I have an effeminate personality even though I'm a straight hairy dude with a beard. Sometimes I feel like life would better for a pucciboi like me if I were a girl. I just feel like it would be too hard to become a girl so I don't think about it too much. But you're not alone.

If you are a man then some more eggs and try some trancrainal direct current stimulation, transcrainal alternative current stimulation stimulation, and or transcrainal magnetic stimulation

Also were you sexually abused or raped by any chance?

I actually accidentally administered a mid-level electric shock across my temples about 4 years ago right before my life went off the rails.

Could this be related?

Maybe, suggest getting MRI scans or EEG graphing done. If you want professional assessment I suggest the former

I just pretend to be a girl on the internet them go home and bench press to maintain my swol phsic and grow out my beard. I look like a homeless hairy lumberjack irl and I act like an animal but online its all
> uwu so cute!
I've created a mask dripping with masculinity to hide how girly I want to be.

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Not OP but I somewhat struggle with this. I have a masturbation addiction, masturbate prone, and have intense autogynephilia. It's scary, just seeing a tranny online no matter how shitty makes me want to block them out in my life because I know all that would happen is I would fap more to thinking about being a girl.

Also props to this place not being /lgbt/ shouting egg memes and actually offering good advice.