I've just realised what Nietzsche means by 'God is Dead.' This universe is absolutely fucked...

I've just realised what Nietzsche means by 'God is Dead.' This universe is absolutely fucked. I mean it is so fucking arbitrary, savage, and humanity is a disgrace. The earth is a ball of shit.

I have been incel this last year after my first gf of 4 years left me to get fucked by Chad. I've thought and pondered upon morality and thought that me myself could singlehandedly uphold good standards, work diligently, I may be able to transcend this wreck of an existence.

But this experience is the quintessence of dust. People are fucking savages, and as a society we have well and truly killed God. In England we're full to the brim with Paki and Muslim scum. Girls are all degenerate in the city, well and truly vapid fucking cum recepticles.

I love my family too much to end it, so I'm not going to kill myself but I think about it alot. I don't believe in anything anymore. I'm going to renounce inceldom and refine my masculinity.

What do you think Jow Forums? My ideology has shifted to a neo-nihilism and I can't see far ahead of it. Absurdly I'm liberated with these thoughts, in face of burgeoning depression.

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Shut up.

Suck my ass faggot!

We know God is dead, but listening to you say it, I'm not sure now

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Nice job completely misinterpreting Nietzsche

What are you, a fucking camel?

I'm on levels unparalleled, Hamlet would be jealous

Have you actually read Nietzsche? Your missing the main point that we are arrogant in thinking that will all our success we've outgrown God and a false source of morality.

Either way don't fall into a unhealthy mindset. The world is tucked but you can always improve your own life.

I swear people who use this term are part of a psyop. Why is it used so frequently now?

I'm staring into the abyss and I'm becoming it. Hemingway wrote before he blew his brains out he saw 'The black emptiness of human existence.'

I need to take a step back from this cliff edge, get to sleep and go back to uni tomorrow. And read more Nietzsche. I've never been so close to a mental breakdown LOL

Everyone above the age of 15 knows life sucks. It's not news. Just cope with it like the rest of the world. Try Religion, or a hobby, or mindless activities to fill time, or helping others, or eating good food, or literally anything that doesn't negatively effect too many people since life already sucks enough for us all.

Side note
>Girls are all degenerate in the city, well and truly vapid fucking cum recepticles.
How could you possibly be an Incel in a world where half the population are sluts?

he explains what he means in his books, user..... Maybe read sometimes

The message is mysticism is gay and people should become their own gods and perfect themselves

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>close to a mental breakdown
>thinks he is capable of rational thought
How do you maintain such cognitive dissonance?

It means Incelibate you fucking retard. I restrained from shagging for a year because moral hangups amidst other psychological issues (like I'm complete and utterly INSANE!)

A schizoid friend told me whilst I'm in Thailand to get down and dirty, it's good for the soul. Boy oh boy, I am seeing what he sees!

No it means involuntary celibate. You aren't Involuntarily celibate if you choose not to have sex kettlehead

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Do you have retarded?


Seriously cheers for the response. I've had insomnia and depression for weeks now and my mentality is cracking. Bi polar runs in the family - I was reading and intermittently playing music and I felt my spirit rise higher then it has in ages, and boom - I composed this shit post. The human psyche is a strange place. I have some demons to sort out. I work damn hard at things but no answer has unveiled itself, going to read some Watts. I've always detected a nihilistic undertone to Buddhism, I don't know why. Also Watts killed himself (admittedly, he didn't practice what he taught.) Meditation is hard. Do you think therapy is useful?

LOL. Thanks for the lesson!

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Oh and correct to 'I don't believe anything anymore,'

That was an oversight I noticed on first reading - I meant to use the word faith. Just heard my roommate stoned off her face get shagged (by a Paki, LOL.)


jesus christ listen to you bro you have a fucking pop understanding of philosophers and high school readings shut the fuck up dont talk about this shit yet just read if you want to know but dont for the love of god make any more posts on Jow Forums referencing nietzsche and hemmingway cause you just started reading this shit... come on, nihilism, really bro... the point of nietzsche saying god is dead is that in the human conscience collectively, in the form of its institutions and social fabric... it's not a great teaching either

You don't understand nietzsche at all lmao.

This. Please

The phrase "God is dead," implies that neitzche would rather his people remain practical at all times which correlates to Hitler's aspirations of a stronger Germany. Essentially, neitzche realizes that once the germanic people on an induvidual level, try to aim for themselves to become like the Germanic norse Diety, Odin, then it would revolutionize a new generation of the idealized ubermen. He was basically supporting hitler because Adolf was the replacement of Jesus Christ In WWII.
The fault in this ideology is that this strips any bright human to aspire and put forth a modicum of real effort to better one's self, it kills the hope of looking towards a world beyond the material one. The nihilism is a byproduct of by simply looking at things objectively, rather than what they truly are in the big picture.
With this in mind it doesnt free you, It makes you a slave to the material world and all it stands for; Appealing to the eyes, good for food, promise to make one wise, and ultimately the pride of life. So ultimately you have no choice. Unless you are willing to break a few bones in your body to achieve something, dont bother, the god of this world wont bestow any riches to you if its not there.

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You need to be over 18 to post here

>I've just realised what Nietzsche means by 'God is Dead.'

Dear Diary today I listened to Rammstein and I thought the german was pretty cool and edgy, but it's german so it's kinda dumb lol

Ahhh I do journal, but it's more planning or strategising for certain events. I've done a little bit of mental journalling as you term it, and I've developed quite a self awareness of what thoughts trouble me.

Firstly, breaking up with my gf destroyed both of us. She left me first, slept with some random guy (which gives me troubling thoughts from time to time) tried to get back with me, and when she told me what happened I told her to fuck off. I wrestled with these thoughts and I knew she's just a young insecure girl trying to figure things out. Her father was terribly ill (we saw him writhing in pain numerous times in hospital) and she got terribly depressed. I thought I could forgive her with time, tried the relationship but it just wasn't what it was. So I bailed on it.

This still haunts my thoughts all day. I think of the future alot, what my job will be and fear my neurosis will see me do a mediocre job whilst here at uni. I don't think I'll ever find the solace in women like I did with her, I've met others but there's always something off. I've had issues with my own masculinity after breaking up with her, i continue to doubt it. I am quite an introverted person and I worked for a telephone company last year, and work alongside city dwelling extroverts who would kill with the women around the office made me feel weak, lacking in confidence. I am a strong athlete and in sports have a very aggressive personality, and I often fantasise about joining the army or dying for something I believe in. Pride and honour are at the core of my beliefs, and after my break up I feel those have been shat all over, and no avenue in life other than weight lifting and reading (at times) gives me any release. After being in the warm arms of love for so long, and having so much vigour I feel as if my life force has left me, I feel old. I'm 20 and I feel like I'm 30. I don't think I'm clinically depressed, just in a bad state at the moment.

When I do anal with my gf rammstien just plays in my head for some reasson

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you mean your pillow?

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If you were as creative or intelligent as me, you would comprehend how abjectly startling such a proclamation is. However, seeing your weak attempt of humour I think someone with your wit could grasp about 10% of what I garner from it.

>equating Nietzschean philosophy with Nazism.

Nietzsche had nothing to do with the nazis, and would've despised them.

I guess your welcome Gandalf

I'm gonna get a pint now

Fucking retards guiding retards on this board.
He is saying that there is no return to Christian Morality; humanity has to find a better replacement because the old one was fucking shit and useless.


All the Facebook normies are taking over the world my buddy!!!!


Nigga thinks he's clever yet can't spell or put out a cogent rebuke to my thoughts lul.

My understanding of that term.

And in the vacuum til we discover that new system, we've had 2 World wars, political extremism on the right and left pop up everywhere, technology advance like nothing else, and mental health problems raise worldwide.

I think my lamentations about humanity have some basis from Nietszche's statement.

ye you got it sorta twisted in my opinion but you're rght

he said god is dead in despair
not in triumph

welcome to hell

Atleast we got ice water hey!

....is what the lefty media makes stupid boys like you believe.

Paki scum detected

Look up optimistic nihilism.

Life and people were even worse when we believed in god