What is the best dating and relationship advice you have?
What is the best dating and relationship advice you have?
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If somebody really wants to be with you they will find a way.
Don't do anything/any favours for a girl you're not dating that you wouldn't do for any of your regular friends.
never be with someone you don't find attractive out of pity because you will fuck up yourself.
It's more important to find someone you want to spend time with on a regular basis than someone who meets all of your most stringent physical standards. Looks fade, personalities change little in the course of a lifetime, be with someone you'll want to be with when their face is fucked up.
Dont do it user you'll just get hurt.
Its better to end things early than late.
Just talk to her before it's too late.
If it was easy to fuck her it always been easy to fuck her so you're not special
Ooo thats a good one
and I have the emotional scars to prove its veracity
>don't put the other person on a pedestal
>stop actively looking for a partner and get your life in order
>know who you are and what you want
>don't go into a relationshit with intent do change something about the partner
>watch out for insecure fags and avoid them at first hint
>if someone broke up for you, they will most likely break up with you for someone else
>it's better to have no partner than a crappy/mediocre one
>don't expect anyone to "complete you"
>don't search for THE ONE
Ah and maybe the most important one: Talk. Most relationship and even dating fails at the communication stage.
You can't love and control someone at the same time.
THIS is very important. If you're too afraid/embarassed to talk about certain things with your partner, then why the fuck are you even in a relationship with them nigga
Be sure of what you want 100% of the time, go for it and realize that versions of yourself going into the future will more than likely have a diminished sexual apetite and erection strength, so destroy that cunt the best you can while you can
Dating's for fags, pump and dump instead.
Be yourself
Sometimes all it takes to bring 2 people together is familiarity. If you can find a way to interact with someone on a daily basis, there's also a chance something will grow between you.
Hit the gym
delete facebook
Lawyer up
Unironically reddit was right
“Never nice yourself out of happiness”
not op, but can you elaborate on this?
Too many folk lose sight of the endgame: happiness. They are so fixated on the happiness which can result from a relationship that they mistakenly believe a relationship IS happiness itself. Not only romantic ones either. Don’t stand back and let everyone else get first pickings at your dreams. Be headstrong, be bold, be aggressive.
One thing life’s taught me is that when it comes to happiness you’ve got to take it. You’ve got to grab it aggressively and hold it possessively, like the last cookie in the jar. Sure others want it too, but ask yourself do you want to be happy or do you want to watch someone else be happy?
I personally would rather starve and give my portion to somebody I care about.
But I need to become more selfish.
I think it means that you have to know when to be selfish, or you'll never be happy.
don't prioritize other people's wishes before yours
how do I become selfish?
it goes against every fiber of my being
You don't have to be selfish. In fact you should not be selfish, but you need to always keep in mind that your needs and desires are just as valid as other people's, and that sometimes when you have to choose between someone else's happiness and your own, you should pick yours.
if you think you're selfless, you probably aren't.
Most of the time is a lack of will power, it takes balls to reject people and say no.
Be honest. Always communicate.
>What is the best dating and relationship advice you have?
If she wants to be with somebody else, let her go. It doesn't matter the reason.
Find somebody that wants to be with you.
When dating women, remember that the biggest thing that matters to them is how they feel.
Took me forever to figure that out and it still bothers me because I don't give a shit about feelings but it's an all consuming requirement for women.
>how they feel.
Great point.
The logic of the situation and intellectual consistency absolutely doesn't matter only how she feels about it.
There's a difference between choosing not to be a doormat and being selfish
But you're probably underage so I understand that you can only think in values of 0 or 200%
I'm There's a difference between knowing when you should be selfish and just being selfish all the time. And it's just a fact that sometimes you have to be a little selfish.
I think you need to take into consideration how you use the language and how it influences you
"Selfish" is a 100% negative trait. There is nothing good about being selfish.
Caring about yourself is important, and there will come times in your life where you need to look out for yourself before you look out for others. Framing that mindset as "selfishness" will perpetuate a negative expression of this otherwise healthy worldview. "I need to focus on not losing my job before helping my friend keep his own job" will easily turn into "I'm going to prop myself up at the expense of my friend now, after all sometimes you need to be selfish"
Not my own, but I find this line really useful
>"just because you feel it, doesn't mean it's there"
how to not put someone on a pedestal?
how to not be insecure?
inb4 'be confident'
Isn't that what turns guys into creeps that stalk girls to death?
>just because she treats you like a human being doesn't mean she likes you
>don't be with someone you love more than they love you
For dating I'd suggest your main focus being on having a good time with no expectations
For relationships, keep the passion alive with date nights at least 1-2 times a week keep communication open and do not take your girl for granted.
>What is the best dating and relationship advice you have?
Communication is the key, communicate your intentions at the start, communicate how you feel, communicate what you like in the bedroom, communicate your future plans, communicate now to avoid being in a loveless relationship down the line.
Ensure what you know about your crush/significant other is actually what you know and not what you think is true about them based on fleeting comments or observations.
Win your significant other over all the time, relationships fail at the 9 - 12 month mark because people get "comfortable", expect things from their partner and stop doing things for them. A nice long, thoughtful text goes down well every couple of weeks, an unexpected small gift goes down well every couple of months, a hand written loving letter goes down well at least once a year (not birthdays/Christmas). Every woman I've dated for more than a year saved the nice texts I sent them in their screen shots and the letters I sent for when they were upset.
A girl touching your dick isn't a sign of a relationship progressing, a girl doing anal isn't a sign of your relationship progressing, progress in a relationship is being more open and comfortable with one another, being able to spend time together without getting bored or sharing your friends/family events with them.
>If it was easy to fuck her it always been easy to fuck her so you're not special
This is also true.
Holy shit this. I like doing all this stuff actually. The person I'm seeing has a 14 year old dog. I bought her some flowers and her dog a chew toy. It went a long way. Simple things do wonders. I haven't tried the letters yet, but I will be doing a small gift soon. Listen to this guy.
>>watch out for insecure fags and avoid them at first hint
my god how to fight this
Dude, you'll end up like this fag:
Inb4 just hooked
if you treat all women as hookers that's what they end up as.
> communicate your intentions at the start
Do you mean at the start as in after you start dating, or when you first meet the person before even dating?
They say chivalry is dead and if it pops up it gets squashed nowadays.
But good luck dude.
Are you being obtuse on purpose? It means if you like someone and they're not doing shit to be with you, then you let it go. How the fuck does stalking someone qualify under this advice
>If somebody really wants to be with you they will find a way.
If someone really wants to be with you regardless of whether you want them to be with you, they will keep pestering you and stalking you and following you around and never give up.
Give up. What you want doesn't exist and what you'll be able to get won't make you happy and may even make things worse.
I mean don't try to befriend someone when you have romantic intentions, let them know you're interested straight away otherwise you will become friends (otherwise known as the friend zone) and will come off as manipulative or become an orbiter.
>Simple things do wonders
Chivalry doesn't get squashed, women aren't ultra feminists who will scream and make a scene (followed by everyone clapping) if you open a door for them, chivalry isn't being cringy and saying m'lady, the smallest gestures go a long way, especially in a world where women are getting dick pics and unsolicited friend requests.
Open your passenger door for your date so she can get in, it will go a long way.
Also put a picnic blanket in the boot, not many women are getting the chance to lay under the stars.
If the answer isn't FUCK YES then it should be FUCK NO.
Do you want to be with this person? Does this person want to be with me? Does this person treat me right? Is this someone I want to marry?
If you don't answer fuck yes, then you answer fuck no.
>Does this person want to be with me?
I'm sure no one will ever answer FUCK YES to that, there are always a ton of better options than me no matter how good I try to be or how much effort I put into becoming a better person.
Not with that attitude.
Disagree with this. It sounds good but there will ups and downs where you may not always feel FUCK YES about your partner
What if it starts as a friendship but evolves something moreso.
Dont settle.
It never works out.
Also dont date above your looks unless you have a thick skin.
nobody wants an insecure piece of shit, believing it it's the first step to making it possible.
I don't really agree with this, because it takes a lot of time to figure someone out.
I find people that buy into the "fuck yes" mentality tend to jump into relationships too quick and also want relationships to be all fireworks right off the bat without putting in the actual work that's required to make these things happen.
That's not to say there shouldn't be chemistry, but without a solid foundation you won't have longevity either. At best you'll have a series of flings that will be intense but will flare out.
I like your advice but I worry what she might think which leads to me not doing any of it cause I feel anxious. It's a personal problem I have with gifts
How to make a LDR work? I feel it's going great, I'd want advice on how to make it go even better.
We're both teens, we were together in person for about 3-4 months, but with a break(I broke up, we got back together in july). I moved over 800 miles on the 1st of august. I already visited her in September, bought a ticket for November already.
Communication is key, what else?
Be attractive. Don't be unattractive.
Trust isn't a feeling you have, it's a choice you make.
Quit masturbating. Your brain already thinks you've successfully mated so trying to get into a relationship seems like to much work afterwords.
yeah this is the one
Das it
If she's not fucking you she's fucking someone else.