How do I get a gf that isnt a fucking NPC...

How do I get a gf that isnt a fucking NPC? Had a romantic encounter about 2 months ago that im still trying to get over because of how emotionally fulfilled she made me feel and I think a part of that was because I think I gave that to her too.

Anyways I didnt come to make a post about her, are smart girls outside of her even a real thing? Shes the only girl who ive met who isnt a raging brainlet. Ability to think critically, politically literate, life skills and academic, traditionalist family values, physically stunning too. How do I meet more girls like her? Ever since dating her and experiencing that intellectual fulfillment I dont think ill be happy with anybody who isnt as smart as she was. I never realized how attractive smarts are and im scared I wont find amother one like her because I never have, and even looking back on my ex's im incredibly bored by the thought of them.

Basically where do I find girls who are smart and interesting people? Seems like the only girls who delve into ethics and politics are degenerate stalin apologists who want me gulag'd for saying the wrong pronoun. Not a Jow Forums regular, just logical person

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>Not a Jow Forums regular
Sure buddy.
I hope you're happy that your thinly veiled Jow Forumsbait thread is gonna get lots of (you)s

Traditionalism is pretty anti-intellectual in general so it'll be tough. Good luck though, have a bump you nazi.

Im not even a pol user, just dont like being called a monster and screamed at for thinking that open boarders is a bad idea.

Anyways can you give me some advice pls?

All women are NPCs

Lmao so its bad for a girl to want to be a stay at home wife and raise kids? Yeah fuck me women can make their own choices unless its a stereotypical choice isnt it?

Kill yourself faggot I said she had traditional family values not that she wanted "those dang gays to not violate the sanctity of marriage"

>open boarders

OP with your grammar and spelling skills you're talking about literally any woman over 17.

Can someone just give me advice pls im very lonely

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I'm lonely too man. The only thing we can realistically do is go outside and interact with more people, and reach out to those we haven't talked to in a while. The best means to do that will be up to you

I want to know too since I want to peruse a family of my own and am just looking to get the best would be mom or my would be kid. The only way I can think of OP is by trying to get yourself a job as a R and D job for a university or company but that will take some work and it’s going to be mostly filled with Asians and Indians if you don’t mind that kind of thing. Another possibility will be shooting ranges or gun shows

Got a job, not a neet one either, Metal Roofing in commercial construction. And yeah I would try meeting people around those places but its a commie cesspit.

Honestly OP the only way I found a great woman is through work in a field that requires more than 2 braincells usually. I work in programming and while there are not many girls in the field, I did find an amazing one 2 years ago.

It's either through work, university or book clubs that you'll find smart women. You won't find that shit in clubs or on tinder, 99% of them are slutty dimwits.

Why would a smart girl bother with an NPC like you?

Well then he'd also have to be in the top 1% of men that also attend those groups since they're usually male-dominated. But considering he's had girls before that probably won't be much of a problem for him.

>traditionalist family values
>puts out on the first date

>implying she put out on the first date

>Traditionalism is pretty anti-intellectual in general so it'll be tough. Good luck though, have a bump you nazi.
Horse shit. If you knew anything about the word "intellectual" that you are using so carelessly, you'd understand that it's absolutely in the correct context.

Hopefully your NPC brain is capable of learning

Femanon here. 20, have a permanent job, currently in uni studying software engineering. Most girls won't share their particular opinion about anything on a first date because they will be trying to know you better. Since there's no one specific place where all the 'smart women' go to hang out i'd recommend you to start a new hobby that connects you with people. Maybe you can start a course or something and meet new people. If by chance you don't find a girl you will most likely find a guy who can present you to more new people. When you meet a girl you like try to spend time with her so she can open herself to you and that's it. Hope that helps user

Im not talking about the first date though. Only social autists talk politics on the first date but I want a girl who isnt just "stacey who watches Kim Kardashian #553842"

The thing that was so attractive about this girl was that she was so different and unique like nobody id ever met before. And on the subsequent dates when we did start talking politics she was extremely literate woth how things worked and the complexities of all of it, and she wasnt scared of any of it either. She was proud of who she was and I loved that about her. Most other girls are just vapid, predictible nothings that I already know before ive even met them. Talking to her though, everything was new and exciting and it made me feel so happy.

You sound autistic.

You do realize NPC doesn't just mean retard, right?

>the NPC meme
Cope more faggot, you're an NPC. Despite having convinced yourself that you are special, you will never amount to anything even remotely remarkable and no one will ever care about you in any meaningful way. You are incapable of human connection because you are less than other people, not more.

Maybe online dating? That's how I met my wife who's not a supposed rocket scientist politician like the chick in your description, but she's traditional, has business smarts, is a legitimately great cook, has real hobbies, her own interests and logical opinions, and is the sweetest girl in the world. You can also sift through thots easier and I find that girls on actual dating sites are more likely to be a tiny bit more interesting (or are single moms but it's probably in their bio/pics so you can just avoid asap). You sound like a huge faggot that just wants to jerk off about some opinionated slut that dumped him though so you might not have much luck.

>be me, an intellectual
>working the fields as a roofer
>unis are commie cesspits
>tfw no intellectual gf
This has to be bait

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everyone is dumb but you, must be a real burden

>Seems like the only girls who delve into ethics and politics are degenerate stalin apologists who want me gulag'd for saying the wrong pronoun. Not a Jow Forums regular, just logical person

>Im not even a pol user, just dont like being called a monster and screamed at
never happened

I know what you mean, but unless you can read minds you won't know which one is the good one. The only way to find a person you like is talk to a lot of people until you find the one you prefer. I know that sometimes you recognize a girl as a 'no' just by the way she looks (here in argentina we had an abortion protest recently and you can tell if a girl is a sjw just by looking if she carries a green handkerchief tied in her bag) but most of the times you can't tell that kinda stuff in a first look. Just try and try until you make it if you want a smart gf that bad. You can always focus on improve other things in your life and after that try again. Think that maybe you want a 'smart unique super cool gf' but you don't have a lot to offer to her

"Immigrant hating construction worker who dislikes gay rights/pronouns seeks intellectual equal"

All women are NPCs dude. I love my gfs and fuckbuds but to be completely honest I’ve seen dogs have more consciousness & personality than women.

Even “smart” women with prestigious jobs or high salaries are just meat robots you can bang.

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>If statement between brackets

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Reading this thread makes me feel blessed to have a gf who can think for herself. Are most girls really like this?

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Duh? Like 99.99%.

Only women with somewhat androgenized (manly) brains are capable of showing some true sapience.

there is something about testosterone that causes you to become more introspective. I read an article once written by a woman who (thought she) wanted to be a man so she started injecting test. She said she didn't think she felt much different then realized she was staying up till 3am reading about how car engines work and watching hardcore porn lol

There is nothing about chess that would stop women from being able to play it and they have been perfectly allowed to play it all they want for hundreds of years but there has never been more than 1 or 2 females per generation who could even remotely begin to make a showing against the best men of their generation, and that is being generous in the extreme. It's really like one or two women ever who could even pretend to play the best men all the while knowing they would lose

Non NPCs tend to avoid NPCs like you, so to answer the initial question: You don't.

>"Immigrant hating construction worker who dislikes gay rights/pronouns seeks intellectual equal"
holy shit kek

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If she likes you enough to date you and spend time with you, you'll get shared interests. It only comes after the initial phases.

He called it a romantic encounter with no further contact. Even worse probably

>How do I get a gf that isnt a fucking NPC?
You look for one? Like, are you actually mentally retarded?
You guys hem and haw all day like finding dates is some occult ritual and that by using the right reagans you can summon the perfect gf. You date people and try to find one that's compatible. If you go on a date and she's not compatible you dont go out with her again. A date isnt a fucking marriage proposal. I have no idea what words to use to get this through your colossally thick skulls.

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everybody's gonna call you retarded because you're insinuating that you're smart lol this is how NPCs behave they only want to rise up against you cause they think you're bragging or something lol.

Well he's obviously not smart so what did you expect?

I don't think this NPC thing is dehumanizing or whatever but I do think that using memes and buzzwords unironically means you're following the trends and therefore it makes you an NPC.

Or does it?


I didn't really read or answer your question but you need to find someone who is their own person but you'll never find that considering you like to follow trends yourself. Sucks to be you.

yeah how would you know that you dumb faggot acting like the act of assessing ones intelligence epistemologically is taboo lol.