Prev sexual partners?

Do you know how many previous sexual partners your significant other has had?

Do you they know many you have had?

Any one care to share the number(s).

Also how has this affected your relationship? Did you lie? If so, why?

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We've never talked about it and have never had a need to. We've been together four years.

>Do you know how many previous sexual partners your significant other has had?
>Do you they know many you have had?
>Any one care to share the number(s).
me, male, about 25 sexual partners; her, female, 2, and then married me
>Also how has this affected your relationship? Did you lie? If so, why?
who knows if it has at all, but i don't think it has; I didn't lie, she didn't either (confirmed)

sexual partners= any sex, not just PIV

why are you asking user? what's going on in your life?

>Do you know how many previous sexual partners your significant other has had?
No and neither does she. She was essentially a sex slave as a child.

>Do you they know many you have had?
Yep. Three, I married two of them.. I've always been a one woman kind of guy, but I've got a big apatite, so my partner has to like that.

>Also how has this affected your relationship? Did you lie? If so, why?
Affected, but not necessarily in a bad way. As we dated, she slowly let me know more about her past. She usually didn't lie exactly, but frequently left out key details. As she realized I wasn't going to freak out about it she told me the whole story. Trust must be based on honesty. If she had lied to me, we never would have gotten married because I couldn't have trusted her. Later this was pretty funny when somebody tried to break us up by revealing a "secret" about her past.

holy shit user

Yes - 1

Yes - 0

Can't say it's honestly ever been a topic we discuss (going on 12 years). The only time we seriously discussed it was at the start, before we had sex. We wanted to know each other's histories to make sure there wasn't really any baggage on either side.

Yes and yes.
We're both at 5. Dates girls ranging from 2 to 25+ before her.
Neither of us gives any fucks about it, the stuff just came up when talking about our lives before we even dated.

Only lied about it when I was some insecure 15y/o teen trying to hook up with a 16 year old and of course wanted to come of as more mature and experienced than I was. Her acting like I was more experienced an mature than I was even before that sure didn't hurt the motivation to keep up the illusion. Thanks to study of amateur porn I did fine but had no balls to tell her the truth over the whole year our relationshit lasted.

I've been with her for 13 years now and It's been really great. She's intelligent, interesting, still keeps herself looking good and is great in bed. She's a great mom,but she also always smiles and flirts with me when I come home. She appreciates what I do and tells me so.

The contrast with my first wife is notable. We got married young, 20, and she went from being college athlete to career girrrl. She wasn't very good at it because she couldn't take advice from anybody. She cut her hair off short, gained weight, cut off all sex and proceeded to blame men for all of the problems in the world.

My wife isn't happy about her past, of course, and occasionally it comes out. (At a store a couple of weeks ago, she noted that dog food sucks, but the "crunchy" stuff is better than the "mushy" stuff) It's interesting how we always hear about the broken women who get into drugs and self destruct, and never about the ones who figure it out and go on to have happy lives.

>amount she had

>amount I had

>how does it affect
Doesn't really. In a way I'm less demanding of what I want her to do, just in any scenario, because she was in a way raped when she was 16. I'd rather have someone who's had a little sex than a virgin because I don't have to explain to them that sex is normal and how to do it.

Stories of people who hurt kids make me wanna become this guy

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>She was essentially a sex slave as a child.
why is the world like this?

>why is the world like this?

There are some people who will exploit others for personal gain. Vulnerable people, like children, are the easiest to exploit. In her case, her mother discovered that she could give her daughter out to men and get money, drugs and attention in return.

Sometimes when it comes up on conversation that she has not spoken to her mother in many years, the other person will say something like. "Oh, that's so sad. You should let bygones be bygones and make up." My wife usually just stares at them.

I've had 5, she's had 20.
Hasn't negatively affected anything, positively affected a little though. She was terrified I'd freak out about how many partners she's had and was surprised I didn't get angry. I'm a calm and kind person and she'd previously been with manipulative and cruel partners so I'm very appreciated.

>Do you know how many previous sexual partners your significant other has had?

More or less.

>Do you they know many you have had?

>Any one care to share the number(s).
3 on my part (though maybe a couple more for oral). 3 that she chose (Child abuse case, so more that she didn’t and doesn’t really want to remember/think about)

>Also how has this affected your relationship? Did you lie? If so, why?

Not really much. She was pretty reluctant to tell me about her past (for obvious reasons) and she spoke in really vague terms (took me a while to figure out her “relative”, was her father), but she brought it up a couple weeks in to us dating (literally shaking, hoping I wouldn’t run away).

Over the years, more and more details have been discussed, and some of It is things I think she’s forced herself to kind of try to forget (like hitting a trigger that made her remember a couple incidents that may have involved more than just her father that sent her reeling for a couple of weeks).

On the other side of things, I’ve also been pretty honest about my history, including the fact that my best friend and I used to be friends with benefits and that she once asked if we could try for a relationship (which... kinda intimated the fuck out of my gf at first, but she got over after a while of getting to know her).

Honestly, none of it’s really a factor in our daily lives. I don’t really think about her past much more than she thinks of mine. We were upfront and acting on good faith on both ends, so it’s given us a lot of leeway to sort through whatever shit may come up. Trust is a pretty powerful thing when you’ve alowed each other to build it up.

I'm one of those that actually got a virgin girlfriend. Thing is, it was never a criteria for me and I don't mind if they had past boyfriends (as long as she's not the ONS sort and fucked the whole city).

It's always funny to me to see all these desperate virgin betas around here cry about how they can't get a virgin gf. Girls can smell desperation and nobody likes an incel, so chill a bit and maybe you will find one.

I can't chill, I'm almost 27. Once I hit 30 its fucking over. There is no chill anymore, only panic. I don't want to settle. I don't want leftovers. I'm freaking out. I want some semblance of romance and beauty in my life, I want to feel like I truly matter to someone who matters to me, not to just be a notch on some baggy-eyed thot's bedpost. I want significance.

Oh and to answer the rest of the question, I've had 3 partners before her, though all pretty short relationships.

Hasn't really affected anything to be honest, never really got the obsession with exes.

There's a big difference between the town slut and a girl having been in 2-3 long term relationships in the past. Anyone who can't see that is mentally ill and only does damage to himself by restricting hinself from pretty much all 20+ female population.

It's ok if you really want that, but don't be surprised if you'll end up as a bitter 40 year old who never got into a relationship just because "i wasn't her first one". Again, big difference between an ONS obsessed whore and a girl who's been in LTR's.

But only virgins can be cute.

>Do you know how many previous sexual partners your significant other has had?
>Do you they know many you have had
>Any one care to share the number(s).
1 for both of us
>Also how has this affected your relationship?
She had only another dick inside her. I consider myself middle-tier down there, but since the first time she felt me, she said i was very big, and that i had to go very gentle with her. So i guess i have to thank her first to made me me look huge
Did you lie?

Good to know she's still able to trust, and even have a relationship/sex with another human being. And good to know she's found a decent one.
Godspeed, user

Not currently in a relationship but with the last girls I was with I usually didn't ask or really want to know how many partners they had unless we were in a 6+month relationship and usually around that time is when you start to bring up those kinds of things. The only time it was brought up earlier than that was when the girls were virgins.

I'm at 15 sexual partners now, and for context I'm in my early 30s.

It hasn't really affected my relationships one way or another and it's not something I lie about or would lie about really. Like I said it's not really something that's brought up on the first date or early in a relationship.

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Femanon here
>Do you know how many previous sexual partners your significant other has had?
>Do they know many you have had?
>Any one care to share the number(s). He had 1 I had 2
>Also how has this affected your relationship? Did you lie? If so, why?
Even though my bf is 7 years older than me he only had one gf and she was basically a nun, so he didn't have a lot of sexual experience (i do since my relationships were considerably long and my exes didn't had this issue). I remember that in our firsts months as a couple he only wanted to masturbate me and when I tried to suck his cock he couldn't keep it hard. He told me that was because his ex never wanted to suck his dick so it felt weird. He also couldn't penetrate me (vaginal or anal). He felt really bad because he wanted to make me feel good but we couldn't do shit. I helped him a lot and now he fucks me like a god. I really love him and since i'm really open minded i let him try and discover himself and what turns him on. I've never lied to him, i don't really have a reason to lie about this

I'll let you know once I get you

wrote this wrong but it's funnier this way so I'll leave it up