Do women get like "holy shit I need some dick" horny or are they always normal and only get aroused when they find someone they like and get in the mood?
Do women get like "holy shit I need some dick" horny or are they always normal and only get aroused when they find...
Literally depends on the woman and the time of the month.
For me its the first one. I dont know about all women of course. But for me, I get horny evey day at some point and then start thinking about someone in particular.
Libido varies from person to person, but women generally do not have the constant fire burning sex drive that men do. There are exceptions, of course. When they are ovulating or on their period their hormones acting up a lot and this can affect their sex drive.
In my person experience women become most horny after being interested in a guy and getting some attention from him.
Depends on the time of month and how long it has been since I last got dicked down. When I'm ovulating and right before and after my period I crave it, some of the best sex with my husband is around the time my eggs are scrambling
Thirst is universal.
Thats the reason why women cheat on dudes in the military.
Its also why dudes in the military cheat on their wives.
The latter for me. If im not dating anyone I tend to not masturbate for weeks
We do, but not like in the range guys do.
It’s like, a guy will eat literal pig shit if he’s hungry enough. We’re willing to starve for a bit until we can at least eat Olive Garden or something.
If that makes sense to you.
It's both, which is why women can't be trusted on what they think they find attractive. Women could reject the same dude 100 times, but the 101st time she'll just be in some 'mood' where she wants to get laid or is feeling down and wants some validation to feel pretty or some shit and she'll fuck him. Most of girls' 'regretful sex' comes like this, and you'd be really surprised at the quality of men they'll settle for in those moments.
That's why it's so important for dudes who want to get laid to play the field, roll with the punches of rejection, and keep trying and keep chasing different women, because you will eventually come across some girl who just needs to fuck tonight and you're the one asking so you're the one who'll get it.
military hos cheat because they are low tier trash in the first place
There are people on Jow Forums right now who are so thirsty they are considering rape as their only option.
If you can justify rape from thirst then you can justify cheating.
Its also the reason ldrs dont work.
When ovulating, women will want to fuck most anything with a dick that can satisfy them. Most won't, but the desire is there.
It's because LDR are a fucking meme and aren't even relationships
contemplating and considering whether to act like an animal is what separates mankind from animals
animals fuck when in heat
humans can make choices for their long term benefit
you do the math
>muh dick
>muh pussy
>ooga booga so horny
So you dont believe in addiction?
If we could ignore the chemicals in our head then there wouldnt be mental disorders.
I like when you get honest babe, makes me excited
>slutting around is a mental disorder
I get the first feeling even when i'm single, but with my partner it amplifies to the point where my head gets fuzzy and I can't focus on anything but getting some fuk from him
Its a mental condition.
Just like disliking specific foods.
Also Im not a woman. That Jow Forums meme just makes you guys look like beta males who have never talked to a woman before.
There's two types of sexual drive. Spontaneous and responsive. Everybody has both but people usually lean towards one side or another (like introversion/extroversion) Spontaneous deive is what people typically think of getting horny. The hormones hit and you want sex, with little to no outside stimulus. Most men primarily experience spontaneous drive. This can be beneficial because it means your sex drive is less affected by stress. It cam be disadvantageous because you're more likely to be horny at an inconvenient time.and it's harder to ignore.
Responsive, on the other hand, can seem like having no sex drive to people who assume spontaneous drive is the norm. Responsive drive is quiet, and spends most of its time on tbr back burner. However, if something sexual or sensual starts happening and you enjoy it, the drive "wakes up" in response to that. E.g. not feeling like sex until your partner starts kissing your neck and saying suggestive things. Most women experience primary responsive desire (though hormonal changes during ovulation and/menstruation can shift it more spontaneous). Responsive desire is advantageous because you don't really want sex unless it's already happening so it's never at a bad time. It's disadvantageous because responsive drive us more vulnerable to being negatively affected by stress; and also because it can seem like you're just not desirous because you tend to not initiate as often, when all you need is something to turn your thoghts from "normal mode" into "sexy mode"
Please excuse the typos, my thumbs are too meaty for this tiny phone
Rape from thirst is understandable.
Cheating is just selfish.
making choices vs. indulging like animals
pic related
mankind is a higher being, we have sentience. our biggest sex organ is our brain. our animalistic nature gives us raw passion, raw emotion, temptations, indulgences. our higher mind gives us contemplation, control, richer meanings, long term planning, deep emotions and deep passions.
not sure what Jow Forums meme we're on about, but i'll sign
t. healthy happy, married 15 years
>eating when you arent even hungry is the same as wanting sex when your body tells you to have sex
Stop eating for a week.
Its not that hard but you will experience what your body is capable of to get you to eat when you choose not to.
We can choose to not have sex but thats not what our body wants and it will do everything it can to get you to start having sex.
Thats not counting asexuals and low sex drive males and females.
>We can choose to not have sex
that's all I'm saying here. sexual agency. your choice. thirst is real. still your choice how to respond.
I didnt say your choice matters.
You can choose to stop eating but that doesnt mean you can starve yourself to death.
If your body wants you to do something it will just flood your body with chemicals until you are psychotic and can no longer think clearly.
Like I said go one week without eating and it will open your mind to how little control you actual have over your body.
Not previous user but sex is not a biological survival need like hunger, thirst, or sleep. Yeah you crave it and get more desperate but your body does not to everything in its power to make you have sex. Wanting it, even a massive amount, does not qualify as literally needing it.
>not biological survival
If our bodies were purely devised to survive then we wouldnt have kids as you are more likely to die from child birth.
Obviously since we can have kids our bodies are designed to want to have kids.
Survival of the species is more important than survival of the individual.
Its the reason we have maternal and paternal instincts.
>wouldnt have kids
I meant live births but that wasnt clear.
We are designed to reproduce but we are also designed to calculate the best time to reproduce in order to allow the best chances of survival. We do not have an oestrus/rutting season and we do not breed and then die.
Humans struggling with childbirth is an exception to the normal rule as a result of our opposing needs of large brains and bipedal stature. I would also like to raise the point that most animals have a method to preserve the life of a healthy and breedable adult over a baby. See the several instances of adults eating their babies in response to a threat, as well as eating babies to reduce competition. All of these are present in nature. We are not designed to breed to the detriment of all else. We are designed to balance the survival of a breeding-age adult with the survival of the next generation.
However, I digress. Sexual desire is not a biological necessity. You do not perish without it. It provides a reward system in the same way thay exercise provides a reward, since it it beneficial to the health of our selves and our species. They provide reward. But a biological need also has a punishment for not engaging in the activity. Not eating makes you hungry. Not drinking makes you thirty. Not sleeping makes you tired. And this gets worse and worse until you engage in the behavior or die.
None of this is true of sex. None. Even if you try to argue blueballs and testicular pressure from not releasing, this is solved instantaneously by masturbation. Not sex. If you ignore it for long enough, your body will stop producing the same amount of ejaculate, and then it will go away.
It's the same as breastfeeding in this sense. The body adapts the amount that it produces to the amount that is being released. When there's more demand for production, production is low for a bit and then increases. When demand decreases, there is an overabundance for a while and then the body adapts. The overabundance is uncomfortable for a bit but then it resolves.
Think about what you said.
>our bodies are designed so that our children are more evolved
Our bodies are designed around reproduction.
Lowering your own chance of survival so that your children can be born stronger.
This period of discomfort is temporary. U like hunger, thirst, exhaustion, where it does not resolve itself and continues to worsen until compliance or death. THAT is a need. That is a necessity.
Sex, simply, is not. It's desired, it's rewarded, and people want it. But it's not a necessity like you argue. It is something that can and should be controlled. If you're horny and don't have a willing partner, then masturbate. It's not exactly the same and if you're bored or lonely you will also crave the intimacy. But it's not a need, and it doesn't justify doing harm to another. You don't get to punch someone because you want to. You don't get to steal someone's stuff because you want to. You don't get to have sex witb someone because you want to. We have control over ourselves and.our behavior and as social animals it is necessary for us to cooperate with the group. People who don't cooperate and wilfully harm others will be punished and/or ostracized as a result of their actions. That how social species work.
You picture is Facebook tier levels of BS but made me laugh pretty damn hard.
And yes women get horny just like we do.
Our dicks are literally made to scoop out the semen of other men.
We arent designed for monogamy. Its just the best chance of your child surviving. That would also be true for getting pregnant young so obviously your body will want you to get pregnant by anyone as soon as possible. Trade and civilization were invented after our bodies had evolved to this state.
That's not how biology works. Evolution is not a goal or a design or an intent. Evolution is a happenstance. Those that had larger brain-body ratios were more likes to have highrr intelligence and excel in our social and omnivorous society that requires intelligence. As larger brains developed, those with hips that accomodated the brains were more likely to survive. The babies with softer skulls at birth were more likely to survive. The mothers that produced babies with softer skulls were more likely to survive. This led to more instances of these genotypes and phenotypes within the population, and thereby spread the traits of large brains and hips that attempt to accommodate. It was not deliberate.
Those that survive are more likely to spread their genes. Those that don't, aren't. There are weird areas where evolution makes instances of decreased survival duento a desired trait (chase-away sexual selection) but ttis is because they breed a lot before they die. It's not to make their children "more evolved".
Every single living thing is evolved. You can't get more evolved. You can only get more adapted. It's not survival of the young, it's survival of the best adapted. Sometimes that's the adult.
>sexual desire is not a biological necessity
And yet indigenous people always create some sort of fertility god.
If there are two constants between all civilizations it would be sex and war.
Theres a reason why most early civilizations have some form of brothel and even the bible recognizes that prostitutes existed.
Yes, because people want sex. It's also believed that civilization formed around the production of alcohol, and that it was a driving force behind the development of agriculture. People like to drink, and bars are old as civilization itself. It doesn't mean drinking alcohol is a biological necessity.
>evolution is happenstance
You really think evolution which is purely a word to describe something that was already happening in nature is based on nothing but chaotic randomness?
The reason we even know evolution exists is because its structured. Coevolution of two species to survive together is extremely common. If it was purely happenstance no animals like jellyfish would ever exist.
Evolution is not structured, that is the entire point, and the entire reason that it works. Where are you getting this idea?
Do you even know why we have sexual selection? It's because it introduces randomness into the genetic code, a randomness that is more thorough and more common than randomness that happens by a duplication error or through mutagenics such as radiation. It also focuses the random mutations within the gametes of the organism so the mutations are actually transmitted.
The thing is, the environment is always changing. Nature does not predict what is going to happen, nobody can. So the most practical solution is to induce random changes into the genetic code. Most of them make no difference. A lot of them are harmful. But sometimes you get a mutation that is actually a benefit. The individual that benefits from the mutation has a better survivability rate, and then is more likely to spread its genes and distribute them throughout the gene pool. As long as the mutation continues to be advantageous, it will be kept around until it is no longer advantageous or becomes harmful. And yes, it's all random. That's how the DNA, the code, works. It's highly inefficient, which is why it takes so long for things to evolve and adapt and why sudden drastic changes to the environment cause extinctions. If evolution was deliberate, no species would've ever gone extinct because it would've just adapted in time.
Also, animals like jellyfish would absolutely exist because they are simpler and easier to evolve than a specialized vertebrate with a brain. There's a reason they've been around much longer than we have.
Going to an evolutionary example. People often use an eye as an example of how creationism or deliberate evolution must be real. They cite how complicated of a structure an eye is, and how it could never evolve if it wasn't deliberate, but there is plenty of evidence to suggest it is.
>You really think evolution which is purely a word to describe something that was already happening in nature is based on nothing but chaotic randomness?
Nigga if you think it's anything else you're all kinds of retarded.
>not structured
Coevolution would be impossible if it wasnt structured. You are confusing the machinations with the system itself.
That would be like saying a computer neural network isnt a system because the inputs are random pieces of data. The neural network itself isnt chaotic. Its extremely logical. Evolution is the system. You are confusing it with mutations which are the mechanisms that create an environment that allows the system which is evolution.
First of all, it is a highly adapted but also inefficient structure. The human eye is filled with a liquid, which has the negative consequence of bending and distorting the light as it enters the eye from the air. This is already a major problem that we have had to work to accommodate. The brain has to re-interpret the information, do extra work, in order to negate this bending of the light as it changes the substance it moves through. Have you even tried to catch a fish, and aimed at the fish only to miss entirely? It's because light bends when it hits a new substance. That's how prisms work.
This is already a major issue, so if evolution is deliberate, why wouldn't it have negated this or prevented it in the first place? The eye is filled with water because it evolved in water. The same reason our bodies are filled with water. Our basic biological functions formed in water. IF evolution always moved towards the most efficient, deliberately, it would negate our need to even drink because it would change our biology to allow us to work on land. Instead we found a workaround, just like the eye did, because that's a quicker and easier solution than re-evolving everything.
Out eye also has plenty of other issues. The optic nerve creates a blind spot that our brain patches over. It's filled with pieces of debris that we can end up seeing sometimes. Sometimes we can even see the white blood cells moving and obscuring our vision, usually appearing as small drifting sparkles. The wiring is reversed for a reason we don't understand. We only see a fraction of the colors that we could be able to see (three total, not including people with varying levels of color blindness), when there are several species that can see one or more wavelengths that we simply are not able to. Our eyes are inefficient in the dark. Our eyes cannot function without being moist on the outside. Our eyes cannot function well if there's a change in blood pressure.
I'd like to know this as well. This really cute girl at work went for some annoying cockboy because she said she was horny at the time. She literally grabbed him by his cock and they went out on a date, after which I'm pretty sure they fucked. I have no idea what she saw in him but it made me a bit salty.
Let me bring up another very important example. The Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve.
This is a nerve that comes from the spinal cord into the throat. Not a very long way to go. However, due to how it originally evolved in animals with no necks, the nerve loops around the aortic arch of the heart and then has to -come back up-. it literally makes a U-turn inside of the ribcage to come back up.
In an animal with no neck, this is fine. However, as soon as necks started to evolve, this random placement suddenly became inconvenient. However, instead of evolving to rewire the nerve and make it more efficient, evolution with with the workaround solution. it is easier to program a longer wire than it is to program a new wire path. So the nerve got longer. And longer. And remained looped. it's not that big of a deal in humans but in animals with longer necks this inefficiency becomes even more pronounced. Think about a giraffe, where its neck is six feet long. The nerve has to go all the way down the neck, around the aortic arch in the chest, and all the way back up. That's 14-15 feet of detour.
In dinosaurs such as sauropods that have even longer necks, this becomes even more ridiculous, pic related.
And co-evolution would absolutely be possible. Animals don't evolve to improve themselves. The ones that are able to adapt to utilize biological or environmental opportunities are the ones who survive. And this absolutely includes co-evolution and working with other animals.
An insectivorous bird is hungry. It sees flies buzzing around an ox. It has a mutation that makes it braver than the other birds, and it approaches to eat the insects. The oxen shoo the bird away several times, but the bird is brave and keeps trying. Eventually, one doesn't because it it genetically dispositioned to be less nervous around birds. The bird gets a meal. The ox isn't as bothered by parasites. The bird is healthier for the food, has brighter plumage which is more attractive due to health, and breeds more. The ox has a lower parasite load and higher health, and had more energy with which to chase off rival males during mating season, and breeds more. The baby birds get the genes for approaching oxen. The oxen get the genes for allowing birds. This continues and becomes more and more and more pronounced until you have a species of bird that dedicated itself to eating the insects off of oxen. The oxpecker.
And this is happening everywhere. Biology is weird and it plays fast and loose. Consider bees, which are eusocial because the workers are more genetically related to each other than to their own mothers. It makes more sense for them to ensure the survival of their siblings and not breed themselves because that ensures the survival of .75 percent of their DNA as opposed to .5 percent. Biology throws everything at the wall to see what sticks, and as things stick, they become more and more adapted to the current situation. That is evolution.
You do realize our bodies are designed to evolve right?
When you are conceived your dna strands swaps sections with its base pair to encourage mutations and evolution.
Its not randomness. Your dna has a way to choose which section gets swapped and no way to know what "random" means since dna doesnt have a brain for such a logical decision on what qualifies as random.
You dont have to always work as intended to be structured but you need to always be random to be considered a chaotic system.
"holy shit i need some dick" happens to me for up to 5 days every month. women have hormones too, you know, some more than others (just like guys).
>in b4 "thanks captain obvious"
But it has a brain to decide what is beneficial?
Also, if DNA can determine what would help, explain why genetic illness happens. Explain type 1 diabetes. Explain autoimmune disease. Explain Crohn's disease. Explain Fragile X syndrome. There's a million others.
How does DNA know what works? Random is random because it has no logic. You don't need a brain to decide not to be logical.
No faggot, shit that can't reproduce does not reproduce. It's that simple.
One guy will has my heart but depending on time of month I'll get v... "in need." If he's just a friend or not available I'll schlick it to a fantasy of him.
Again you are confusing the machinations with the system.
Evolution itself isnt a physical thing.
It exists because dna is designed to do it.
Our dna chooses to mix its dna strands and because of this structured process evolution exists.
You think its random because you arebt thinking about what DNA itself is.
Its a set of instructions.
All of your specialized cells have the same dna and through that same set of dna one cell will develop based on whats around it.
If it was completely random then you wouldnt have things like a heart or a brain.
You obviously dont know what psuedorandom code is. Its impossible to tell something to "do something random". By making the choice to do it its already not random and is instead psuedorandom.
Designed by nature and designed by a god/aliens are two different statements.
Dna did not develop from nothing. Some type of environment would still need to facilitate it.
After all even though we can create custom dna we still need to inject it in a living cell so dna had to have been created along side the other microorganisms that build up a living cell.
Also most enlisted military and spouses are dumb as fuck
>Dna did not develop from nothing
Wrong, gay lord.
>Evolution itself isnt a physical thing.
It's actually an entirely physical process.
>It exists because dna is designed to do it.
Evolution predates DNA, dicklover.
>dna came from nothing
Did you fail chemistry? The elements would predate the compounds. And chemical reactions have defined laws.
I can’t say for others but for me I do especially when I’m ovulating, I’m so horny that I looked at a hot guy and imagine having wild sex with him in my head and feel really turned on
How long after their period do women start ovulating? I wanna know if this girl I'm seeing is gonna be extra horny.
Usually 2 weeks after period for me. It’s tricky tho cause you need to know her date
Thanks! know her date roughly. Guess the chances I get some pussy tomorrow are good.
>ITT: anons who have absolutely no education in evolutionary biology arguing about evolutionary biology
But it’s also risky because if you’re not in luck you’ll make her preggo. It’s the highest chance of getting pregnant. Just be extra careful with protection
Mhm good point. I always have rubbers with me. I'd he fine with some oral too tho.
>Do women get like "holy shit I need some dick" horny
I do but if I'm not in a relationship, toys or imagination+right hand have to do it.
I'm not made for casual sex. Even the thought of it is plain gross.
Lol me too friend. Men or women, right hand is always needed
Yeah man :)
You know what, I'm basically in heat for 3-5 days a month (around ovulation time). I'm basically wet 24/7 and my husband can fuck me like several times a day, and I'm still up to it.
I swear random males can "smell" it too. Like their eyes are glued on my body around that time of the month, when I'm out shopping or walking or whatever.
You probably dress sexier without realizing.
I'm not even joking, it's a document phenomenon.