This use to be my favorite board and now the Jow Forums cunts have completely overran it. No other board was as comfy yet hilarious as this one and now ask the awful recycled/r9k/ memes have completely shit it up.
I wish I could just crusade and get rid of everyone who uses "npc", "Chad, "roasty", "redpill", and "BBC" You are absolute trash and you ruined this board
Advice on how to begin my crusade against Jow Forums refugees invading my country?
I feel your pain. /tg used to be my home board but it's literally turned into tabletop /v. I have no advice for you. Mods have made it clear through their inaction that /polshit and /r9k are the intended audience for this site. God speed to you in your quest. >inb4 post deleted
My homeboard also got invaded by Jow Forums shits. And /soc/ got completely overrun by /lgbt/.
Evan Lopez
I'm sorry. I use to pop into /tg/ ever so often and it was also a comfy board. A shame it's come to this.
This is good
The only people who like you Jow Forums fags are more of your kind and reddit incels. You're the lowest of the low.
I won't comment on /soc/ but it's seeming like all the containment boards are no longer doing their job. How do we get mods to stop this?
Alexander Thomas
I think the problem is that there aren't any more mods.
Leo Sanchez
Hurry up and off yourself, thanks.
Noah Gomez
I've been considering applying as a janitor for adv for a while so I can clean up this board. Useless robot drivel has no place here and should be considered spam
You sound like the "roasties" who have to result to virgin insults when they're bested
Grayson Hernandez
Did you find the bleach? Maybe rope would be more your style?
Blake Young
It's because loneliness is the biggest problem for men on Jow Forums and also the hardest to cure. It will never end.
Ian Johnson
Loneliness has always been an issue, but not everyone deals with it the way robots do
Austin Campbell
Jow Forums and Jow Forums are the cancer of this otherwise amazing community.
Caleb Gonzalez
Jow Forums turned into instagram, guess where went all the true virgins
Xavier Miller
Absolute truth
Go to wizard chan
Josiah Campbell
Jow Forums has been on the downtrend since moot originally deleted r9k. Before that, Jow Forums was maybe 30-40% relationship problems at most. We'd always have a constant infographic thread up, more general life advice questions like "how do you organize your fridge?" and a lot more fun, comfy AMA's. It was understood that Jow Forums had a lot of women, like myself, and we'd inform anons so they could ask for a woman's perspective. Then, r9k was deleted, and the angsty, whiny virgins poured in. Women had to go completely underground, AMA's died, infographics disappeared and the board was just constant frogposting ever since.
I miss it, lads.
Anthony Gomez
And /lgbt/. Trannies and gays post their dickbutt pics on every orange board. And even on blue boards they post their blogs.
Aaron Nguyen
You've obviously never been on /lgbt/. The people there generally stay in that community because they hate themselves and their identity, you're just bitching about thots being thots, they're just gay ones.
Aaron Cook
Then why can't they stay on their containment board instead of posting dickbutt pics all over Jow Forums?
Joshua White
/lgbt/ is a blue board, user. They can't post their dicks and butts there.
Nathaniel Howard
Making /lgbt/ a blue board was clearly a mistake.
Alexander Rodriguez
These are the times I miss The robots need to be cleansed from this place
This board isn't their home
Hunter Richardson
At one point you gotta just jump ship. I've been on Jow Forums for like 11 years now and I've seen it gotten worse and worse all the time. It went from "lol" to "lulz" and now it's "kek".
I don't mean that you should find a another chan website, I mean it's time to get your human interaction from other humans IRL. Even the most culturally-isolated boards like /jp/ where you'll almost never see frogs being posted still has r9k language and ideology spilling through the cracks. Jow Forums is what it is now.
I only come here to genuinely give advice, but it's really rare. It's all like "this feminazi accused me of fake rape" or "how do I kill my neighbor's dog" or "what are some roastie red flags" r9k shit. I'll be lucky to find one genuine thread a week.
At least now I have more free time than ever before. Jow Forums became a prison and now I'm free from it. I just like to visit and try to help other people escape from it.