I just got on addrall for adhd about 2 months ago...

I just got on addrall for adhd about 2 months ago, it was great I was very productive and actually able to control my impulsive behavior. Now I am noticing that I am back to where I was before medication. What gives it feels like i am taking a sugar pill now. Anyone ever take this medication for ADHD.

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You developed a tolerance to the drug. You either have to increase the dosage or stop taking it for a while in order for it to be effective again.

what this guy said. i used to be on adderall too. they all recommend you take weekends off of it to stop your body getting a tolerance. Are you also going to therapy to deal with the impulsive behaviour?

I didn't know therapy worked. Right now I'm just taking my medications as prescribed. I did try one day with 15mg but it caused a lot of tightness and pain, I felt like I focused better but I don't want to raise my dosage without having it allowed because I'm paranoid I'll become a drug addict. Why does tolerance happen does this mean I don't have ADHD.

You already are a drug addict. There is literally no such thing as ADHD. Functionally, chemically, the drug affects you the same way it does everyone else. It’s kiddy meth. Seriously, I’m telling you now, just stop it, find another way. I have friends that have been on the shit for years and desperately want to stop but they CANT.

Those pills significantly degraded my quality of life and turned me into an awful robotic person.
Only take them extremely sparingly and only when you have work you NEED to do.

If you are in school try bundling your work together into one or two days a week and then not taking it the rest. If you work try to figure out a way to do all of the focus heavy stuff on one day.

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>Seriously, I’m telling you now, just stop it, find another way. I have friends that have been on the shit for years and desperately want to stop but they CANT.
Only if they are pussies.
It took me a year of withdrawal but I can do shit now.

And ADHD is real, and the meds help, but take them only very rarely so they actually work and you don't become addicted.

god damn it dude, if you actually want to get better you need to do it holistically. popping a pill does help but half of adhd is our inability to manage our behaviour.

i had adhd and didn't run around like a monkey, because i also went to therapy. it basically taught me to chill the fuck out and not let offensive things come out of my mouth.

tolerance happens because your body gets used to the drug and it gets less effective. that's why heroin addicts have to keep upping the dose until they die. because their body doesn't absorb heroin as much. There is nobody in the world who wouldn't develop a tolerance to adhd meds.

You will become an 'addict' if you don't force yourself to take days off the meds. You took one day off? not even close to being enough. This is why i stopped the meds. Eventually even taking weekends off won't be enough. I must have been on 80mg a day at one point, and I'm a tiny small person. it wrecked my body dude

It really isn’t real. The meds “””work””” because it’s a fucking amphetamine. Nobody “””needs””” amphetamines for any legitimate medical reason, period. You got fucking duped.

There have been studies done that show people with ADHD have different brain structures.

It is a perfectly valid brain structure, but it is not adapted to sedentary modern life sitting in front of a computer. That's what the drugs help with. They are a useful tool, but you need to take EXTREME care with them and use them sparingly (like 5 times a month).

Lmao this nigga thinks he knows shit.
t. Literally couldn't function properly without ADHD medication and this was only discovered after two years and $3,000 of destroyed school property

Go fuck yourself.
I was told by my psychiatrist not to take days off.

>I was told by my psychiatrist not to take days off.
My psychiatrist told me to take them only when absolutely needed and to avoid dependency.

But I'm on dextroamphetamine which IIRC is stronger?

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Hmm I guess I'll start taking breaks. I didn't know it was bad to continue taking them.

I was on Ritalin and Adderall and if I didnt take it for ONE DAY I would be completely incapable of controlling myself. It's got to the point my mother would count the pills each day and if she found the count to be +1 she'd just wait for the phone call. It always came.

I just started on IR dexedrine myself, 5mg 2x a day. How do you like it? I prefer it to Adderall myself.

I prefer it as well. I cut my 5mg in half and only take them very occasionally.

Okay I believe my dose is too high. Sorry for seeming crazy. I've been on this for 2 months which confuses me to why it's acting up now. My bad anyways.

What you are experiencing now is pretty common. Its not medication tolerance, it will take longer to develop that.

The problem is you are under stress which is causing you to go back to bad dopamine seeking habits and procrastination. Stress can also fuck up sleep, diet, and your daily routines which can lead to a negative spiral. You have to avoid the negative spiral. Get good sleep and food. Learn better study habits to make work less stressful. Keep taking your medication regularly, etc.

Treating ADHD is complicated. You will never just be like a normal person even with medication. Effective treatment should include adjusting/taking medication, good diet, proper sleep, exercise, and controlling environment. You also need a social support system in place so that your friends/school administration have your back when things go south.

I believe that with the right treatment and attitude a person with ADHD can be as productive as any other member of society. I know it has been done, and I am doing it myself. Don't give up user!

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Thank you this is very helpful and uplifting. I have been under some stress working full time and in school full time. I usually only eat one meal a deal and sleep 6 hours a day. I need to be more careful and I am trying to limit my stresses. I plan to stay on this medication but I need to figure out how to go about with assistance from family maybe I don't want to use this as a crutch. I just feel guilty .

Full time work and full time school is a tough one. You're attempting something that would be very difficult even for a normal functioning person. You're probably going to have to choose one or the other at some point.

Taking weekends off sounds reasonable to me and I take 40 mg of dextroblahblah salts a day. Every couple of weeks I take a half dose because it feels like the medication has built up too much. You feel it right in the temples. Can't got three days without spinning in an office chair for almost an hour just to be able to hear myself think. Try caffeine and see how it affects you. If you feel like you have a lot of energy, but don't need to use it then that's a good alternative for break days. Adicts have no self control and the 'zombified' people are over prescribed. It has been a miracle drug for me and without it I'd be a loony who has no idea where he is and how he got there. Good luck talking to that guy, he can't hear you.

A lot of people get misdiagnosed and that annoys me, but a false positive does not beget an untruth.

I'm close to burning out. I only have till June and then I'm done working full time. I need to pay off my debts but I am just worried and anxious about falling school on one hand and losing my job on the other

I drink coffee or soda and it puts me to sleep immediately. I do enjoy taking breaks. I plan to tomorrow. I do love being able to read books and listen more instead of being an idiot. I think I figured out why I felt so obsessive today. I took it on an empty stomach which I rarely ever do and I think that's what caused it

Everyone is different and I'm sure that's entirely possible, what's your dosage?

It's only 10mg twice a day it used to be 30mg XR but it caused complications about 11 months ago, but I never hyper focused as badly on it as I do on this.

I am starting to think it's my sleep schedule as I work from 8 am to 11 pm and then have school two times a week. So maybe I'm not crazy after all. Sorry for dragging this out

Try a half dose once and see if it goes back to business as usual. If you take capsules then empty stomach shouldn't be a big problem, but if it's powder pressed then it's possible I suppose. I consider myself a bit of a intense case so my results may vary.

It's no problem. I like to set the record straight for adhd. So many people are misinformed about it. Remember that when it comes to sleep it more about finishing a rem cycle than it is with getting a solid 8 hours. Also sleep schedule make you feel tired at worst, not distracted.

I stopped medication when I was in high school until a few years ago. If it makes sense how I am now is how I was off meds I am just confused as to why. Is all but yeah I need to quit soon work this job is seriously killing me I wake up with blood red eyes and black eyes.

What other tips do you have for me ADHD user.

>Other advice
Avoid access sugar like the plague. It hits you hard and undoes any usefulness the pill does albeit for only a short period of time.
Supposedly Mediterranean food is good for those with adhd but I can't confirm that since I'm allergic to sesame.
Don't be afraid to wear the disorder on your sleeve. Many people are quite understanding about it.

I'll try and think of anything else, but that's the biggest stuff I can think of.
Also I can tell your meds wore off since your writing is disjointed. Like you lost focus a couple times.

Yeah the meds wore off awhile ago, I've always had writing issues since I was in school. I just feel like a liar is all, the medications to me are inconsistent and I feel as thought I am making excuses. But I do try to go without them for weeks and i usually have to get back in the as I'm unproductive and do not accomplish anything or can't focus. I have so many assignments due in the next few weeks. But you're right it is a bit disjointed .

That's interesting... Would you say you feel the same three days after medication as you do the day of? If not, go into detail.