I find most guys really unattractive

Not as people - most men are pretty in my mind as people and I even admire their looks but not as men.

I have always thought that I am asexual because have never noticed guys on the streets on my own, have been only attracted to a few people and even then while being away from them, avoiding looking at their pictures and only writing them occasionally. Never even thought about "real" guys, never had sex or kissed.

But now I'm not sure about that. I have been very much totally alone and have known only a few males who are not my relatives. I have always been more "picky" than other girls about chemistry and natural connection (I rarely have that even with friends) but not pickyabout artificial things, like if they have a car, money, what kind of education, etc. I have developed sexuality only recently as 31 year old. I have always looked a lot younger, I still need a document to buy alcohol (age limit here is 18) and when I was in early 20s, people treated me like a middle school kid because they thought that I was 13-14. Maybe it was the reason of my delayed sexuality.

Anyway, now is the first time I feel some sexual desire but it is so abstract. maybe I'm not asexual at all but find most people unattractive, also personality wise. I like excitement, I don't want to settle down and are very weird myself, so normal weirdness or a little bit more than averagely exciting personality does nothing for me. I don't want kids or a relationship though.

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Holy fuck just go get laid.


My problem is that most guys who hit on me and I see in the streets are really unattractive. Guys hitting on me are like fathers or grandfathers for me, friendly but they talk to me exactly like my father used to when I was a child. Many of them have beer bellies and are balding, I don't even see them the same generation. Or they just look and act very boring. They have this standard text that you are supposed to tell when you talk to a girl and it is really boring. I also find most guys unattractive looks wise, for instance 90% guys have no chance ever but then again, they have boring personality so I don't know if they acted otherwise. But I would never like my friends boyfriends for instance.

Is it normal to think that way? Those fatherly and grandfatherly guys who hit on me, they are like mentors or teachers for me, I would never even think that they see me anything more than a little girl because I don't even see them as my generation even if they are younger. Maybe I'm fucked up because have never had anything and starting from the middle age looking guys seems really weird but 18-23 year olds look like kids. I feel like I am a bad person not for liking a vast majority of the guys who hit on me. I only like guys who I find hot but my taste is of course subjective (I definitely don't like mainstream Chad for instance)

How many guys do you like? Or is it normal to exclude most guys you meet from the first moment?

I don't like any of those who normally hit on me. I also never like guys based on the picture like Tinder. Even then I need to get to know the person first and it takes a few weeks at least, if not months. Just because when I know only looks, I don't know their personality and every guy is boring at first.

Somewhat similar to how I feel about most women as a guy, although I have no issues finding someone attractive based on a picture. It's when I get to know them better when the attraction fades.

Though overall your lack of interest and the time it took to develop any is definitely atypical. But hey, better being picky than wasting your time on someone mediocre.

>I feel like I am a bad person not for liking a vast majority of the guys who hit on me.
There is 100% nothing wrong with that. Chill out.

>Or is it normal to exclude most guys you meet from the first moment?
Even based on most ratings, most people are, well, normal and not particularly attractive. So seems given too.

nice thread lol, hey what do you think about my appearance? also what kind of guys do you like?

forgot pic

Do you masturbate? When did you start, did you like it or did? Just curious since we are talking about sexuality here.

forgot pic twice

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Tldr if I am honest but I get the overall sentiment of your thread.

I am the same and don't find men attractive and fall in love with personality first, then suddenly they become a sex king to me and I fall hard and deep.

You might just need to fall in love.
Also reevaluate yourself and why you attract old men. Can you improve appearance wise or hang out in places where you're more likely to attract guys with similar interests?

And actually a lot of girls I know are similar too, so it's not uncommon.

fuck off this isnt soc

im psychopathic i cant help it

has nothing to do with being a psychpath you idiot

Look at the bright side, nigga didn't post his dick. Yet.

I assume you are really young but you look good. I like more alternative/weird/artistic guys and I do like hair so you are good that way.

Because I look very young and naive. I have always attracted actual pedophiles (old men over 60) when I was younger, even to the point they offered me money for sex and sponsorships (which I naively thought were about sports but I sucked at it so didn't take it). Now those guys hitting on me are not actually older than me, often even a lot younger. But there is still this little girl - old wise man dynamic. I just have this really young looking babyface, soft voice and am less experienced in life than even teenagers.

Started less than a year ago because I saw an infographic about female clitoris and that it has more nerve endings than a penis and never knew where mine was. Before that I thought that inserting something in a vagina was like putting a knife in stomach when you are a virgin and didn't want to try.

Yeah, usually guys do like girls based on picture. I find most girls pretty that way too but most guys are just ok, I don't know what to think about them.

So how often do you do it and do you enjoy it ?

it is ok, getting more boring with time.It really depends on my physical shape too, how much I do sports because after certain exercises I like it more. I have never fantasized about actual person thpugh.

So what do you think about then or do you focus on your body and focus on touch and the sensation?

>Because I look very young and naive. I have always attracted actual pedophiles (old men over 60) when I was younger, even to the point they offered me money for sex and sponsorships (which I naively thought were about sports but I sucked at it so didn't take it). Now those guys hitting on me are not actually older than me, often even a lot younger. But there is still this little girl - old wise man dynamic. I just have this really young looking babyface, soft voice and am less experienced in life than even teenagers.

That happens with all guys to be honest. The guys I've dated have been younger and older and still as males, they slip into the protective role.

Stop being naive because it's not endearing to healthy males. I'm shy, inexperienced and soft spoken but not naive because unless you're living under a rock, you pretty much should have a level of awareness.
Just like we tell boys to self improve and become men, you should do the same and become the woman you want to be.

Women don't fall for guys based purely on attraction anyway. You just haven't found the guy for you yet.

Let me add another question: what motivates you to masturbation? Boredom?

I think most girls are really unattractive.

I hate when:
-girls wear makeup/lipstick
-girls post Instagram pictures like this
-girls want to share their whole life on insta
-girls dress very revealing
- girls who hook up

At first I only focused how to do this. Sometimes I think about cosmic creatures that surround you, not a real guy who has one contact point. Other times I think about more standard things, like how they treat me but I don't focus my imagination enough that they would have faces and very concrete bodies. I have never imagined a man with a face. I also don't imagine me as me, but more perfect and sexual being.

So you could say that you find the male body attractive?

I just get turned on randomly or after training.

I think that I just look naive. I am introverted and shy but have really stubborn personality, if they reach some point I just leave or get angry. But it is very weird when 50+ year old guys talk to me and want to find out if I'm over 18 or not (legal age here is 14 so I don't know why).

Yes I do. not all bodies, for instance short men with beer bellies but some things are attractive even about them

Have you talked to your gynecologist about that? Don't know how about you are about this topic, but i find it interesting that after work out you get turned on.

What kind of sports do you do, when did you first started doing sports, how often do you do it and what is the motivation behind doing it?

>I think that I just look naive
It also comes back to your behavior. You are in control of how you are perceived in the world so if you act like a dumb girl, you will get treated as such.
Life is not an anime Op. You're going to struggle in life if you don't snap out of your delusions.
A lot of girls like you are also into loli dress styles and tend to live in a fantasy world. They actually try to recreate anime in real life lol it's not how it works for the most part. People who are not sick fucks will not waste their time with you because you're delusional. I know exactly what you're doing and you should seek help.
I'm not being mean but that's the truth, you're mentally unwell friend.

Probably brainwashed by hollywood and disney. Basically u think you are looking for a prince. Tbh same shit happen to man. They think they can only get hotties so they die virgin.

Op, are you me?I am 31 and am the same way. I also id as asexual with some trepidation. I recently found out, however, that I have very few dopamine receptors in my brain (genetically) Just having sex does very little for me. I finally figured out how to orgasm though (solo) but only just recently. If i masturbate or fool around with someone i get mildly arroused, but it's more annoying than pleasurable since i never can finish. it's like there is dopamine circling around my my brain, but there is nothing it can bond to, so it just expires. In the absence of sexual satisfaction I feel nothing but disgust for sex and my sexual partners. I also have ADHD and get bored really easily. giving up my job to be a firefighter soon.


>teehee so fragile

Fuck off

I have never been to a gynaecologist because I am virgin and had hymen. I don't get always turned on just being physically active increases the probability. Usually it is just abput being more fit and moving my legs in certain way.

Hollywood prince type is not my type at all. But if I'm not overweight and look younger, I don't want a guy who is already looking like middle aged. I have also been shut in most of my life and have met only a few males in my lifetime.
Why do you think I'm mentally unwell? If I have as much social experience as a 11 year old then I obviously am more naive in real life than other people my age. I don't live in anime world or mix any fantasy with real life, I'm just naturally more creative than the average. I know artists who are the same way. I don't dress in loli uniform, I have way too individual taste to follow anyone. Also, I don't let anyone force me to do anything, it is just my voice and shyness that makes me look naive (even though I probably am that about relationships, but not about work for instance, I am usually the most dominant female when things needs to get done but I have no idea how to have chitchat)

Delete this i said im very picky I need huge cock abd cash

In males we call it autsim and in females we call it naivety?

So removing your gender from this equation, what advice would we usually give for someone who is socially inept?

*behavioral therapy
*read self improvement books
*practice speaking louder and clearer

I'd worry about becoming a more self aware and improved person than spreading my legs but hey that's just me.

I am probably actually autistic. But I don't really get what you are talking about. I seem naive because of my looks and voice. I have a lot less social experience as I haven't had friends most of my life and haven't been out a lot. But I am very analytical, I just don't show it.
Self help books don't do anything because they use the same hazy language that you do, that there is somewhere something, talk about self improvement and all that abstract stuff but don't make any concrete examples of concrete situations which is the only language I understand. I don't even get how the conversation got here because those fatherly guys are like that from the first moment, not after getting to know me. They just assume I am younger and I like them even though I'm just friendly

If you suspect you are on the autism spectrum then seek professional help.
Your mind works differently and you need to process things differently.

I don't understand what exactly you need advice on apart from the fact that you keep mentioning you're a naive little girl who masturbates, is shy and gets hit on by pedophiles.

Do you need advice on how to become more social as a shut in?
Or how to attract males your age?

Women don't usually masturbate to a picture of a male but rather the embodiment of one or the feeling of being with one. In those moments we also feel like we're the epitome of sexual perfection and harmony. This is all true for most women. So in that area you are normal.

its spelled naivete you fucking WOMAN

Don't embarrass yourself.

Just that if it is normal that I don't find most guys attractive at all and whether I should feel bad about it. Pedophiles hit on me when I was still under 20, not now. Some old guys still ask if I'm 18 but it is probably not a pedophile thing as age limit here is lot younger. Maybe it is because old person can't really tell how old younger people are, I have no idea either if someone is 16 or 22.

Yep it's normal. We usually need an emotional connection first.

And most guys hitting on me are my age or even younger. But they look old for me, like balding guys with beards, short guys with beer bellies, I would assume they were hitting on more mature looking women.

alright just being goofy lol whore

>only attracted to a few people and even then while being away from them, avoiding looking at their pictures and only writing them occasionally. Never even thought about "real" guys, never had sex or kissed.
That's basically my behaviour. I've been molested throughout my childhood one if them was an attractive classmate who did it for three years until I finally could change schools. Generally the guys who did it all through my life where never the "old fat greasy old creep" stereotypes you see in movies. They all were more or less good looking psychopaths around my own age.

I started dressing in males clothing and wished I was a boy while it happened because I had nowhere to escape and was a weak ass short petite girl.

Just try and consider this for a moment.

>maybe I'm not asexual at all but find most people unattractive, also personality wise.

Yeah. That's was true for me too, but once I got why I was how I was things started to normalize in my life.

>Or is it normal to exclude most guys you meet from the first moment?
It definitely is. Well for me at least, I don't know how often other women get approached.

Same here, I am a woman and replace the word girls with people for me

>They all were more or less good looking psychopaths around my own age.
I guess that's true.
My fat ex used to tell me stories about how this one guy slapped her ass and unhooked her bra several times. I jerked off to her stories, but never got to fuck her myself. Being attractive really is fucking everything, lmao. I'll fuck over society before I kill myself though.

>Being attractive really is fucking everything, lmao.
It took me years to stop hating and resenting them...
> I'll fuck over society before I kill myself though.
You are lovable please don't...