Someone's got to get the new one going.

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I love Vince Vaughn and I don't care what anyone says about him. Fight me punks.

Side note, life is good and I'm blessed. I appreciate everything, so thank you life for being gentle with me.

Please just text me. It doesn't have to be any big. Just light up my phone. You're a difficult person to love.

talk to me user, i'm in a similar boat

Here is your text.

It just bothers me. And I've already told her that communicating is really important me. Even it's just a little something to let me know she's thinking of me. Most of the time she's fine. And then sometimes there's nights like this. I want a future with her. It's so crazy how down I feel right now. And I know all it would take is a little text to change my mood completely.
I really wish that would help. But it has to be from her.

Why don't you text her first?

I have, twice. I'm waiting for her to reply

girls need space and time

>have to listen to my sister and her bf have sex in the shower
I envy them. I want to ne loved too, but no one would ever want me so I’m stuck with only the fantasy of it.

But she’s usually faster and wants to talk to me. It’s that this isn’t how she usually is that bothers me

give her time
I know how you feel
give her time
it sucks and it hurts and it makes you wanna feel like doing anything

but give her time

Bullshit. If she cared about him and wanted something with him she would have responded. Girls need space and time to try and find a supposedly better guy.

sounds like you got cheated on

You should join them

I want a little cutie so I can paint her with stars and nebulas.

I want to go.

Ha ha very funny user.

I've been talking to this girl I've met on a dating app all week.
Only problem is she's shown some sketchy behavior and I worry she's a catfish.
All her profile pictures match the pics she's sent me. Her backstory and what she does for a living check out too.
Today however she randomly asks for me to send her money for a fucking steam card. Instant rèd flag but I kept it cool and told her that we need to meet first and go out before I could do anything like that.
She then fucked off about two hours ago, which is when she usually disappears until I get a text at night or the next morning.

I'm about convinced she's a fake, but I want to try to weasel it out of her.
Pic related

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def a catfish

I've decided to retire from social media. I'm making impulsive posts that I deeply hours, sometimes days later. I'll delete them, but it doesn't change the fact that it's been up for two hours and some can't be deleted at all. It's embarrassing.

It's kinda funny to me, how many things I didn't understand until they happened to me. Regarding relationships, especially. So many posts here that seem so black and white to me. "Why does this girl stay in this relationship?" "Why does this guy care what this girl thinks?" "Why can't this person make the smart and easy choice?"

I know she's not really into me. I know I'm the guy she texts when she's bored. I know she won't respond to my text if she isnt. But what else do I have going on? And what if even trying to talk about it kills everything?

whats on your mind bud?

will you faggots stop pulling files from my computer? Seriously, nothing has changed. It's all the same.

Stop being fucking cunts. Dad.

The only thing in my mind is all the bad... None of the good moments are here... All I feel is sadness...

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Yeah I've dealt with them before and asking for money is always the dead giveaway. It's a shame how elaborate these bitches can get.

There is no one for me is there? I’ll just end up dying alone and unloved it seems.

now now.
they're out there.
women have a way of telling when you're stable enough to enter into a relationship. It's like they can smell it on you.
You need to take care of you, first. For yourself. Do what makes you happy.
Stop giving a shit what anybody else thinks.
When you hit that homeostatis, they'll flock to you.

No matter what I do, I don't feel happy because I am lonely... Not that user, but I don't feel like I will ever succeed no matter how hard I try... I just want to be loved...

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Of course, there is anywhere else to go. Do you pretend me to be our savior? You don't, and I don't exist. I won't give up, either: your parents promised you those better days and someone has to satisfy. Tell me something, please: do you believe in those better days?

Baby steps, user.
Start with casual conversation with people you will never see again, to get the feel for it
then work up to making a commitment to some group activity, and strike up conversation there.
If people seem to like you well enough, exchange contact information. It's a gradual thing. It will take time. But nothing in life worth doing is easy.

I believe in you user. Now you just have to, as well.

I live in the middle of nowhere, with barely anyone, no job, no activities that I enjoy, and no drivers license yet. I am 21. What girl would want me if I don't want myself.

But thanks user. I won't give up. I never will. If life cracks my ribs, I will keep crawling forward. She has to be out there... Right? A girl who will love me? One who won't hurt me, one who won't leave me, one who won't use me?

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You threw your fucking personality away and became a bitter person. Just like me. I hope we can hate each other now. I don't even know if I want to be your friend.

I'm sorry user... I am so scared of turning you away, it makes me bitter and angry, the fear of losing you like everyone else, it scares me...

21 is the perfect time to explore, and find yourself.
Find what you can enjoy about yourself. Find your strengths and weaknesses, tolerances, and master your fears. Learn to let go.

She's out there. It will be hell. She will be hard to find. Don't know when, or where. But you'll find her.

What happens if that day is the day I die?

Then you will have lived a full life. I would honestly be envious.

But I don't think that will happen.

What do you mean user? I don't get that... Why would it be a full life to meet the perfect girl just to die that same day?

I just don't get it...

I have a partner for life but I do not have any friends. It's pretty pathetic. I have become beyond reclusive.

Listen to this one.

Same boat here. I absolutely LOSE MY SHIT if more than a full day or two passes. Then, out of no where, I get a heart smiley, or a 'I miss you' or a 'I just want to cuddle right now'.

Those. Those are worth the wait and pain. We can't know their minds, as long as it's not an unreasonable time. Allow it. Wait for it.

you don't fucking psyche someone up for two fucking years and then be all "durrr it's ready when it's ready."


i like a guy but i dont think he likes me. he doesn't bother to make conversation with me at least. i think im too weird or uggo

I hope that one day we can reconnect and become proper friends.

No, that's not true. You hate me. I made sure of that with my mistakes.
We both broke our promises, smashed our oaths, and isolated ourselves from each other. And regretted it afterwards.
We tried to repair, yes, but we knew our words were meaningless. Every single second of it was fake.
And soon enough, we both had our psychological cysis and went on to say goodbye to each other.
Maybe it all of this was just for a selfish wish of mine. Maybe this was all a stupid joke played by one another behind an illusion.
So why not end it? So we can finally suffer over other things instead.

Up to you.

I love you A. Three days after we met I had a feeling I hadn't known in 20 years. It scared the shit out of me. A few months have passed. I love you more than you know, if you even suspect at all. I think we dig each other, and have a strong mutual 'like'. But I want you to know I've never been happier than when you are in my arms. I've never felt as complete, as open and honest as I can be with you, that I've never been with anyone else. I really hope I mean something to you. I really hope I can be your one and only at some point. I don't know what you are looking for. I don't know if you are ready for something serious. I am. I told you today I wanted to hold you forever. I meant it. I hope you read between the lines and understood that. I wish that we could be together every day, I think you do too. Opposites attract could not be more true, but I think it works for us. I like the fact we each bring something different to the table. I hope and pray (however an atheist does..) that we are in this together, and I'm not just a good time good friend, that gets cast aside when you meet someone better. I. Love. You. A. -signed.. A

I hope that one day people will stop fucking with me and my life can actually move on.

Seriously, there is no explanation for this. This goes beyond patience.

僕らの部屋が冷たい、同様 生活

I'm so fucking sorry. What the fuck did I do? Please just fucking tell me what I did wrong was fake for you?

I don't know anymore.. I wanted to believe in it so much, but every time I try to all I get from you is silence. I had to live, too with the constant worry of making the wrong step. Despite being in need of support myself, I can't really say how I feel, because I fear it's too soon and that you will just leave me. Slowly, I started seeing no sense in this. I thought, no I think, that you stick around just because you feel like I forced you to. I never wanted this, I just want to be there with you.

dodgeball is a good movie but haven't seen it since teen-hood and a friend told me it wasn't great

We are here, right now. At least for a little longer.

If only you could say it in front of me

I am living in a really bad state of mine.

I’m so sick of stupid fucking girls being rude for no reason. These two roasties asked me why I was doing homework and I said I didn’t want to do it over the weekend, and they were all like “you do homework over the weekend? Don’t you go to parties or anything?” They weren’t asking innocently, they know I don’t and they were taunting me about it. What did I ever do to them that they needed to put me down like that for?

I know I sound like an incel and shit but it’s seriously grating, I’m just minding my own fucking business

People who treat others that way feel bad about themselves.

Yeah yeah bullies just hate themselves so they make fun of you I’ve heard that shit since elementary, it’s still degrading as fuck

Take solace in the fact that you are being productive with your life and they are just worthless thots.
You will go places in life and they will be dried up roasties.

I'm going to kill myself fairly soon. I'm a 20 year old college student and I've been utterly alone almost my entire life. I know for a fact it's not going to get better because of how much I alienate others but I can't stop it. I've already begun getting my affairs in order, I quit my job and I'm planning on driving to Tennessee to spend my last minutes on the top of a mountain peak. I don't want to die, but it's looking a hell of a lot better than living. Just wanted to actually say it to someone, nobody knows.
Pic unrelated

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I know looking at your social media always hurts me, but it's hard to resist.

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What do you get for breaking me? For watching me suffer repeatedly? You weren’t the first. Or the second. After all you’ve done I still didn’t want to see you suffer. Yet people like you live on and people like me die out. And eventually there will only be people like you turning on each other in chaos and misery.

I love you, I really do. But you already have a boyfriend, and I don't want to be a homewrecker.

I'm still hung up on a relationship from 5 years ago. If she called me today I'd probably just tell her to fuck off. I really don't know what to do.

don't do it user, I'm posting here to distract myself from checking up on my ex.
I just tell myself "she doesn't give a fuck about me and probably never did". She's not worth it, nobody is worth you fucking yourself up over. You need to love yourself too, because she sure as fuck isn't going to do it for you.

I'm sorry, user. This sucks. Stay strong.

I miss you mom, dad. I hope I'm living up to your guys' expectations. I wish I didn't listen to my brother or uncle. I had a really kick-ass job that I actually enjoyed doing. I know it was part-time, with no benefits, but fuck was it fun. I left for a full-time job. Promptly had a mental break down.

So, I applied for a job in Fort Wayne. Gonna get out of Dodge. Away from my brother, away from my aunt and uncle. They're the only family I have left, and this is how I feel about them.

I can take what money I inherited from you guys and just bail, but, I don't know what I'm doing. I'm only 25, and I don;t know what I'm doing. I just want some kind of guidance, just anything. I'll take a sign from god. I just don't know what to do.

I just feel so unprepared for everything. What is it I'm not getting? What is "it"? I miss you guys so much.

Got close with a girl I had a thing for, and she confided in me that a mutual friend of ours had molested her recently, and that she really wasn't ready for a relationship. But every day I spend with her I fall more for her.

Doesn't help that I'm a guy who gets way too attached to girls with the most minor crushes, but I just don't know what to do. I really want to ask her on a date, but she's honestly one of the most important people in my life right now, and losing her as a friend would completely destroy me.

I really want to spend more time with her, but I think I'm obsessing over her. I feel like this situation can only end badly, with her leaving me

how do I stop feeling so fucked up ;_;, this has been on my mind for days, I can't stop thinking about her and that bothers me a lot

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Why are you always... saying one thing and doing another. My journal is not for you to check up on me. I know it's you because it doesn't make sense otherwise. I'm so tired. I keep having these dreams. I had another one, the world was slowly freezing over and people needed to get inside to survive, my basement was flooding and started reaching the floor above, there was a bear I needed to scare away, all these things related to feeling trapped in a hopeless situation and suppressing my true feelings.

And then I have dreams of dating you. We just sit at cafes and talk. We walk and hold hands. Such cute and innocent things. That feeling is my true feeling that I have to hide and suppress because it isn't a possible reality. And this anxiety makes me physically ill.

My birthday is going to pass again really soon and it is going to devastate me again, as I haven't really fully accepted my reality yet.

I sure have a knack for making those dearest to me come to hate me, huh. When the fuck will I learn?

You somehow want to sleep with me after leaving me for your current girlfriend, why? After making me feel like i was not enough for months. I know its all lust , surely it is. But why me ? And i hate the fact that im actually considering it, for payback on how your girlfriend treated me when she knew about how i was dating you before her. This whole thing is messing my mind, and its bringing up old feelings that shouldnt be there in the first place. I also consider it to have the satisfaction of proving once again how much of a cheating asshole you are even if you say you "love" your s.o so much.

I wish things were different, the time i spent with you before the chaos was truly magnificent, and i cant find anyone that has made me feel the way you did. This whole thing sucks, you suck.


I love you and I will love until the day I die. It's my fault that you got in trouble. You chose a battle that was too big for you, you were brave. They spared no expense showing you your place. This is the darkness I face.

I wish my boyfriend would stop worrying about me cheating. I love him more than any other human i've ever seen or met in my life, the thought of betraying my best friend id unfathomable. He's to be deployed and he's been extra on edge recently. It kills me every time he doubts me. I wish he could feel what I feel for him.

I am with him but I love you. I miss you, it's literally killing me.

I wonder why you showed your ring ...

I really hope I die soon.



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I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing.

I’ve got a guaranteed spot in a medical school if I keep my grades up but I just don’t know if I want to even go into medicine. I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing and I just want to disappear.

I’m not sure if I’m interested at all in medicine. I was told that I should stick to my studying because there’s a ton of options in the medical field, but I just don’t know what I’m good at or what I’m interested in.

I want to live, I just don’t know where to fit in society

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I'm in a similar situation as you man. Don't know what career to pursue, feeling helpless most of the time

I hope we both find something soon

yeah... idk how to find passion in something. aaaaaaaa

I wish good luck to you too, man.

>Grow up with everything
>Come of age into an incredibly strong economy with significant government investment in society
>Great middle class jobs handed to you
>Still not enough
>Install governments that insist on cutting taxes while increasing spending
>Go full retard after 9/11
>hurrr lets put these stupid wars on the credit card
>tank the entire economy
>ruin everything just as your kids come of age
>they will never recover
>go into old age with the intention of bankrupting social security
>no remorse
>no attempt to fix anything
>give us fucking trump of all people in a last-ditch attempt to continue ruining the country
baby boomers are fucking terrible. Please die already.

maybe if i fucking kill myself there wont be any time to feel sad about myself

im so fucking tired of hating myself

>Come of Age in Child-Focused philosophy
>See 911 as a kid
>First major attack and IT WAS LIVE TO WATCH
>Suddenly all those power ranger cartoons are real
>Grow up in war society all through adolescence
>Come of age to fall in love
>Lol Cost of living is highest ever
>Can't have family
>Highest Suicide Rate in History
>Have to work together with friends to get through life
>Tell Zoomers to learn from us and not them

Millienials- Truly the Hero Generation

I hate myself.

I hate you, too

Why though?

I don't know. Why do we hate you?

A more realistic scenario is that he will end up killing himself and the roasties will be married by that time.

Hey B,

I’m actually worse than disgusted right now, I’m disappointed in you. You’ve fucked 3/6 guys in our suite, and now you’re working on number 4 and it’s making everyone around you really fucking squeamish. We all know what’s going to happen, you’re going to be lovey dovey with J for a week, fuck, and then ignore him. You tried to do the same thing with me last year and I shut that shit down so quickly.

What bothers me the most is how you constantly fucking belittle N, and when anyone dares call you out on your shit you just patronize us and pass it off as a joke. He’s dealing with some pretty horrible things right now and I guess it’s too much to hope that you of all people would realize that. You joke about how mean you are but deep down, I think you do so because you realize how true it is. You are cruel. You know, for someone who’s been so isolated, so outcast, so marginalized, crawled their way back from hell, I’m always shocked at how little empathy you’ve developed, how incredibly self-centered you are. Learn from the fucking patterns in your life. Have the self-awareness you make fun of other people for not having, you goddamn hypocrite.

Leave my friends alone. You make me sick. And yes, I plan on telling you all of this. They’re like family to me, fuck.

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How am I supposed to know what you feel, think and why?

How am I supposed to know why you hate yourself?

I'm not the op, I was just asking why you felt the way you did.

It's what the other guy was doing, so I assumed he knew something I didn't.

Aaaaand I think I hate you again, J. Thank you BPD. If only this empowering hatred lasted forever and crippling depression didn't follow immediately afterwards.

>Lol die u suck youre not royalty fug u haha lick my boot haha nyahahahah aaa

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sorry I dont date arab whores who give head to small cocks after soccer practice

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I'm not arabic, I am not in highschool or a woman. You missed every shot you fired.

im legally blind mb

I see you every thread, you don't repost the same images typically(thought sometimes you do) but its always anime, usually bad ones, and your posting style is like a teenager becoming deranged from some dumb roastie rejecting him. I don't think these threads are helping you get over her.

Don't worry larper, I'm sure she is just as much of a loser. She will be one of these posts you larp at eventually I'm sure.

Continue throwing shit around like an angry monkey, by all means.

I'm going off my meds to die.

No one can help me, I'm fucked.