Call doctor for medical marijuana

>call doctor for medical marijuana
>they tell me if I qualify they will call me or maybe said if im able to get it I cant remember
>I send them my medical records
>they call me
>tell me the cost of the card and schedule me an appointment

what does this mean?

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Sounds like they just need to see you before they give it to you. Why else would they bring up the cost?

what? did you think they'd just give you a card no questions asked? It means they want to see if you need weed for medical reasons. You either lie your ass off or tell them whats going on. You didn't elaborate if you need it, or just want it.

I told them why but my state says you can only get it if you're like almost dying from cancer but I keep hearing of people getting it for illnesses I have

that would be really cool

Well, sounds like they just want to go over some things. Weed, like prescriptions, costs money. What are you concerned about..?

them just calling me in to take my money and telling me no

You'll only be out the amount of the visit itself, I still don't understand, do you not have insurance or a stable source of money?

Yes, better trust your drug dealer instead.
You never know with these doctors...

I wanna try different doctors if they dont but does it sound like they will do it?

idk dude. What condition do you have? It sounds like they might do it if they want to discuss costs

idk the illnesses I have dont line up with what it says online they prescribe it for but ive heard stories of other people getting here for different stuff including stuff I have so I have no idea whats going on.

i know they're telling the truth because the way they describe it its the way my state perscribes it

They'll ask you if you have back pain

I actually kinda do but nothing on my medical records said that

is that a scapegoat disease they use it to give it to people? I know someone who got medical marijuana for the same disorders I have on my records

Hey user, you have some strong back pain? Its at least a 6/10 yeah.
Ok great sign here, today brings us to $$$. Your card will arrive in a plain white envelope in 8-10 business days.

Pic very related.

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you can just say yeah no questions asked? ive been studying off my laptop a lot lately and it really is giving me back pain

I originally wanted a card to help with insomnia and for gallbladder attacks so that I didnt get addicted to OxyContin.

But because My paperwork was older than a year, we had to start anew. Chronic pain is the most common reason cards are recommended.

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i dont really have pain diagnosed on anything

Basically, just be agreeable and roll with whatever angle they seem to be going for.

Access to dispensaries and legal peace of mind are worth every penny.

Thats what im trying to say, they will diagnose you on the spot. They will push for back and neck pain.

Go get a massage, and stretch more.

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well my state is strict as fuck with marijuana doesn't even allow you to have weed if you get prescribed medical marijuana just certain thc products

if it was that easy couldn't everyone just walk in and get it? Id think to get it prescribed for pain youd already need a prescription to pain pills for it or undergone surgery or something

you need to get*

Arizona here, and yes you are right. Anyone with $300 can walk in, talk to a pt and a dr for 20 minutes and youll have a card on its way in a few days.

isn't Arizona not really strict with it or are they?

oh I looked up arizonas laws it looks like it works about the same as it does here

They want to meet you to verify some things.

I gotta say though OP, you don't need a card. Marijuana is literally everywhere. All you need is the right connections. Medical MJ is basically for people with cancer or glaucoma. Don't abuse a good system my dude.

im on probation

On paper az is strict. But the reality is that it’s really laid back about the whole thing. Every avid smoker here has their own card.

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As long as its not a drug offense, especially a illegal substance distribution conviction.

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This is why I love Vancouver.

I can just go to a store and buy it lol

Still waiting till Canada makes shrooms legal.

its a dwai but papers say I can use marijuana is prescribed by a doctor