Be single mom

>be single mom
>nobody wants to date me once they find out I have kids

should I just die

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No. Shits tough, user. There's this girl at work who I get along with great that would probably be A+ girlfriend material but she has at least one kid so that's a solid no from me. Yet, there's plenty of men out there who wouldn't mind your kid. It's just... There's a lot of negative stigma involved in male culture regarding raising another man's child.

ideally you would kill all your children then kill yourself

I've seen it done

It's no secret that this is a tough situation.

100 years ago it would have really been over for you

Don't completely write yourself off yet.

If you're willing to date interracial, or more importantly international, you still have a chance.

My family comes from a culture that severely looks down on single mothers & remarriage, but my uncle married a single mom so he can obtain US citizenship.

Being a cuck is a small price to pay to work & live in a better country.

You'll have no problems getting some cuck lefty from California to take care of another man's kids.

no i know it hard. I wanted to date this women who had a kid once. It worked out for me not to because it porb wouldn't have worked. Just keep connecting with more people. Try finding someone with a child of their own

Well, you shouldn't have much of a problem dating, but a fully committed relationship or marriage is out of the question.

My standards are pretty low, but even I don't go for single moms.
I am sorry, but it is a huge red flag that you can't maintain a relationship.

It's like a filter for you, which means you save a lot of time and hassle. Yeah, it means it might take longer but what would you rather:

>5 years of being fucked around by flaky people
>5 years of being single then finding someone decent

There are plenty of men that will date you, but for someone to date (in the broadest context) you they have to be reasonably mature; thus making your life easier and the quality of relationship better.

Historically there were loads of single mothers; a majority of them coped reasonably well and had plenty of familial or societal support.

You are considering single dads, correct?

If you want a man to take care of your kids, you should be able to reciprocate.

I would never date a single mom.

If the father isn't dead or an abusive/adulterous prick, then yeah.

Single mothers historically got there for reasons other than being a whore

If you have daughters I'll kindly take them off your hands.

This too.

Know why? Because you put your kids before them.
I can't even begin to tell you how many tinder, pof, bumble profiles I've got across where the first sentence in the woman's bio is: "Yes, I have a kid and yes they do come before you. If they don't like you I don't like you."
Or something along those lines. Fucking annoying that the man that wants to be in your life has to do THAT much more just to get you. Just terrible.

I have a friend who is a single mom with 2 kids. She has had no problem on the dating front.

To be fair, if anybody puts anyone or anything above their own kids, that would make them a shitty parent.

But I agree that something like that has no place on a dating website. I mean, it's one of those things that goes without saying. Besides, if her kids don't like you, chances are you don't like them either, so it's in both parties' interests to distance themselves from each other.

I know you are hurting but maybe this can help.
When dating, you can mention you have kids, most guys will automatically know they come first to you.
However you can try harder at making the guy you are interested feel desired.
Maybe say your kids are at their grandmas house, or something, just be sure to make time for him and not drag your kid along.
Dont pressure the guy into becoming the new dad so fast. Dont mention your kids much too him unless he says something about them. Focus on you and him when dating, or messaging. Also you might need to open your options a bit.

Because her kids are white. OPs kids are probably half black goblins.

Yeah I would NEVER date a girl with ethnic kids. Maybe white kids if I could mix in a few of my own with them, but never a goblino.

That's not true at all. For some reason people seem to so confidently defend that very statement. If you earnestly believe that anyone putting their children before them is a thing then you're wrong.
There is ALWAYS that one thought in every parent's head: "What would my life be without them?"
If for one second you have thought that then you realize ONE of the MAIN REASONS for continuing to take care of that child/children is because you are legally obligated to.

Just make sure you mention to potential boyfriends that you're willing to suck their dick every day of the week. It should help a little bit.

possibly. If OP has a couple of la luz extinguidos she'll find things a lot more difficult. Why not date the "baby daddy" OP?

I can't find a stranger willing to pay my student debt, should I just kill myself ?

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Find a single dad...

Do you blame thise that f

Why are you single? Why aren’t you still with your babie’s daddy?

No, you just need to find a single dad.

I dated a single mum for over a year. Truly the best person one could ever find, but that is a different matter.

First, she was not one of those morons who says as soon as you meet her/writes on Tinder: "my child is my world!1!11!", of course it is, that is implied ffs. That is so absolutely annoying, you have no idea.

Second, she was and is economically indipendent and was not looking for a dad. Too many single mothers' dating life could be resumed in "I fucked around for years and now I want to settle down so someone must help me raise my child"... It does not work that way.

Even with all of that put aside, it will be very hard for you to find a stable partner ie. someone to create a family with. Not impossible, but you really need to give a reason to a man for him to settle down. a fucking good one.

>I had the best time of my life with a single mum. Sadly fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony.

Can you not make it work with the father of your child?

plenty of thirsty beta providers out there. Someone I know literally posted 'my gf's son' on FB recently. I kek'd. The girl he's dating has 2 kids with 2 different men and now, after less than a year, he's acting like a parent to her children.

This is bait. Retardos.

daily reminder to filter tripfags

It's like basically playing another dudes saved game. No thanks

This may be insensitive but I always wondered since I was talking to this single mom why they wouldn't give the kid up for adoption. I know age can be a factor but there are lots of loving couples who otherwise can't have children who can take your child for you. I know that's an extremely emotional and heart reading decision to make but the main reason men might not want to date single mothers is because why would they want to bear the financial brunt for a man who didn't have the nuts to stick around? In many animal communities males coming into a single mother situation will kill the bastard and start their own line, humans are just a bit more civilized but that was my thoughts when I was talking to her

I've wondered this as well.

fpbp, at worst you'll just have to have one or two more kids by the beta

>should I just die
Definitely not. You need to be there for your kids.

because some mothers, believe it or not, actually love their kids.

if you want another faulty biological explanation, no matter the kid's father, it's always a continuation of the mother's genes

And I see that and I never brought it up to her cause it's probable this is the case more often than not. This girl specifically was in a tight situation already and mentally unstable from the get-go. Just a hard situation especially from the outside looking in

newfag af

shouldnt she have known better than fucking an abusive prick?

well, that's just the dealing-with-hindsight-phase many new single mothers have to deal with. it ends as soon as the child isn't 100% dependant on its mother anymore and they can quit being 24/7 managers (if they're not degenerates and still trying to go to work).

I have a son with my ex.
I do find it easier to connect with single moms as they understand it better.

If you're a single mom it's best to connect to a divorced guy.

That being said I would have more of a problem with a black kid but I guess that's something I could perhaps overcome.
I already stated I would have no problem with adoption in the future so actually I should have no objection against it.

I dated a woman for a while back who was Latina and had a Latino son.
I did not mind that either tbqh

I'd fuck a single mom
Might even date non-exclusively
Def not locking that down because why

>single mom
>capable of having brain
unless she's widow then answer is no. They legitimately believe that jerk is going to responsible adult.

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Well you chose to produce the crotch spawns so you have only yourself to blame for men not wanting to raise your bastards

I'm boutta be a "single mom" in the next few years and don't look forward to it because I don't want my ex in the picture. Judge has already ruled we'd have to split custody when the time comes. He told me to "shut up" yesterday in front of our toddler when I asked if he'd turned the heat down. I was cold, she was cold and even asked for her damn jacket at dinner. We have govt assistance with energy bills ffs. Anyone asking "why not with bab daddy" because he is most likely a garbage person and awful role model.

That being said I don't think I'll ever marry again ever in my entire life because men are mostly trash. Still want sex and intimacy tho. Good thing my kid is cool.

You just had low standards and call every man trash now because that's all you dated.
I'll leave you to your own decision but I think it's rather unfair to the good guys out there.
Yes there are good guys who like to treat a woman like a real lady.

So now I'll tell you another story
I worked my ass off for my ex and did everything for her and suddenly i was shoved aside
Her, her scheming new lover and her father tried everything they could to leave me broke and after that they filed for custody.
I couldn't even pay a lawyer and the government said fuck you too.

So I had no money no son no nothing and had to crawl out of a fucking hole 10 ft deep.
I got out of that hole and moved to another country because I was so fucking depressed I just needed to go away from everyone I knew

And you say men are assholes?

this right here..... If you even think for a second women have it worse when it comes to dating, shut the fuck up

go fuck yourself you whore
i hope you get pumped and dumped again

I don't know a man who wouldn't call himself decent/not trash. Low standards high standards good guys bad guys you are in fact all the same under the sheets. Treat a woman like a lady (whatever dumb standards you define that by) and fap to the thought of fucking a different one the next morning. No thank you. You show me a man who is capable of (and wants with me) monogamy mentally and I'd do anything to keep him.

It's hard enough to keep young/virgin women in line. Single mother is a woman who has proven experience with ending relationships. If you want to date, you need to lower your standards and realize you might have a "boring" relationship with a normal guy and not the studs you think you can get. Not being misogynist. fat/jobless/average guys have the same problem

Only way I'd ever consider dating a girl with a kid is if she was truly my perfect ideal 10/10 and her husband died.

Literally just go to Church and find a cuck there

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You're an asshat. At least she has something to live for. The minute your computer fucks up you'll probably anhero.

No right minded guy would touch a single mom even with a 10 meter long pole.
He will be reduced to the lowest rank in the group as your children take first priority. (rightfully so), but that's the issue.
They won't see him as a father and he can't bond with the offspring of some other chump.
Single mothers should stay single until their kids have left the house, but you need that extra help and paycheck don't you?. HA!.

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Op this is a good thing. You should be very grateful to the ones who reject you straight away, because it means they aren't going to be suitable father figures to your children.

If you want only fun then get that, but you should be picky with the men you bring into your childrens life.

Single fathers are a better option. You know how demanding parenthood is and only another parent can understand that. It's very rare to find a good man let alone a man who is good with kids.

Guys can't bond with the offspring of other men and women, you can't deny that.
You're like a paper towel in human form, yes.
Sit the fuck down and tell her bullshit that will make OP feel good about herself you little shit.
"It's them men alright", pls curbstomp yourself user.

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I'm currently dating a single mom, she's a great fuck. But she's acting all motherly with me, reminds me of my mom, so sometimes it gets weird.

It is possible but you have to look for the open minded, relaxed gives a fuck kind of men, I am dating a single mother, currently we live together the three of us and he calls me father nowadays, what made me want to keep dating my gf was her personality (of course she is beautiful too) and that I don’t judge people because I don’t care for anyone unless me and those I love/like.

We want to have a child and marry but I told her that I want to have the child first (or being pregnant at the moment) before we marry, this is for precaution.

All of this has been very hard for my pride and responsibilities, being love, confidence, commitment the things that have made me keep on going but it is still pretty hard, also the support from both our families have made it easier.

Finishing all of this, it is going to be really hard to find someone like this.
I recommend you being really kind, loyal, don’t fuck until something is going on or they are going to think that you were pregnant because you were a slut not because you loved someone and be really honest.

Gook luck.

So what? You don't know me.
I've never cheated never looked at a woman wrong the only reason I was dumped is because we grew apart.
This happens and I accept that but she was such a total bitch that she wanted everything.

so yes I do take offense in what you say because I think that you are insulting my standards.
As far as iam concerned a man is still supposed to provide for his wife and kids and respect their vows no matter what happens.
Nowadays everybody gets married and thinks "we'll see if we make it the next 10 years" and not just the men.

And the funniest part is that I even let her take everything in the house and let her live there and paid alimony on top so she could provide for my son but that wasn't enough.
So what about women are assholes?
You won't hear me say that because I know that not all of them are the same and the same goes for men

I should have worded that differently to avoid coming off as a raging feminist.
Single mother/father or not, relationship worthy men/women are far and few regardless.
I believe single mothers and fathers belong together but there's always an exception in situations.

>guys can't bond with the offspring of other men
I agree. But some can and have been amazing examples of a man to the kids, most of the time better than the actual father.
If telling her to be picky with men is making her feel better, then fine.

It's not "the men"
It's the situation and position she is in.

I gave the same advice to my long time friend when he divorced his wife.
I gave the same advice to my cousin when he started dating a single mother (now married)
And I gave the same advice to my friend when she become a single mother.

I guess we can both speak from personal experience here. anyways.

>Wants monogamy mentally
This is the best thing I've read on this board. Ever. Mental monogamy? That's the standard? Why not demand a man with a ten inch cock that cums gold and he massages your busted stink feet everyday on the private island he bought you
>These are my standards or man is trash
Better start getting cats now, miss

You dated a piece of shit and took it far enough that you actually had his child. Rather than use this piece of poor decision making to reflect on and improve yourself you decide to project his qualities onto all men. All the best in your life as a single mom, I hope no poor beta sap gets stuck with you.

Best answer.
Evangelicucks win social status among their peers for out cucking each other.
Wife's kids, adopted kids, taking back wife pregnant from cheating. They pretend it's WWJD

Don't bother user. You're speaking to the type of women that would do all that to you in a second and have the gall to tell you you're the bad guy. Bottom of the barrel trash.

If it's not also mental you're not monogamous and can't demand your partner to be.


I want 2 kids and no man but have 0 kids and 1 man. Let's trade

I always wonder about women who date shitheads.

Why did you do it?
Was he nice at first but changed after you got pregnant?
Was he always an asshole, but you found it cute/thought you could change him, but eventually saw how horrible he was?

I'm always so confused about how this shit happens.

you define some men as shitheads
women are shitheads too
it’s just you don’t see it because you like her

can only speak from observations among my friend circle but so far only one fella did a sudden 180° personality-wise after being together with her for almost 3 years. the other times there are some red flags that usually go unnoticed/ignored due to feelings (or at least intense infatuation).

The only men who date shithead women are
1) Probably shitheads themselves
2) Using(or trying) to use them for sex.
Otherwise a guy wouldn't deal with a bitch for too long. (Unless he's a beta, but that's number 2 as we estbalished)

Wonder if people like the person you spoke of are people who are fake for awhile then finally show their true colors.

If my husband beats me up, tells me he hates me, fucks my sister in front of my kids, makes me wear a collar and call him “master”, and feeds me only his leftovers can I divorce in traditional Christianity and find new love with a man who actually loves me?

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usually people are a pretty equal match until one of them realizes they arent. most people who have been together for a long time are the same 'quality' of person.


Hey Jimmy Carter says wassup
If I was with you, and you told me that retarded shit? I'd lie my ass off and actually start REAL cheating

nobody wants to raise a chad's spawn.

I met a guy who's very attractive and has a fantastic personality. He's dating a single mom.

>lol this sub 10/10 dude thinks he can date me? pffft
>lol small dick gtfo
>lol virgin incels
*gets pregnant*

Sage bait thread.

>If OP has a couple of la luz extinguidos

Date single dads, as long as you're not a shitty mom.

If you are a shitty mom then you need to change your life first.

Then just don't mention you have kids


depends; if you're a widow you have my condolences..

but if you're tyrones used up, torn-out tissue, BITCH, you ain't my issue!

It depends, how old are you OP and what age range do you wish to date in>

If you find a single dad you can make it work.

Otherwise most men are not gonna want a relationship with you. Sex maybe, but not a relationship.

Put yourself in their shoes, they would have to help you care for a kid that isn't theirs. And on a daily basis look at the result of you fucking another guy.

This is true too.

My wife puts our kid before me all the time and it pisses me off. I can't imagine if the kid were not mine. No way I could handle that. I would feel like a provider in a situation where I'm not even getting the payoff.


> user is white
> wife is white
> kid is blacker than bill cosby
see user where you fucked up is thinking the kid was yours

If they are Burgers, they have enough black genes mixed in to make it plausible.


I sure as hell wouldn't date a single mom. Maybe smash if she is hot, but zero commitment.

I hate kids and don't even want any of my own? Why would I want to help a roastie raise tyrones half goblins?

Single moms have way too much baggage between the kids and the baby daddy, and thats coming from someone who has had relationships over a year with two different BPD girls.

I'd rather take the BPD girls again, at least the highs with them are really good and they stay faithful if you are strong and in control.

A single mom will put you below herself, the kids, and even the pets. Most of them will have no problem cucking you whenever Tyrone shows back up in town for a weekend.

> Why would I want to help a roastie raise tyrones half goblins?
fucking kek

Just date beta males.

This. If I were to EVER consider being with a woman with kids she would have to have them shipped off to the adoption center or have them put down or something. If her loyalty isn't to me first then what is the incentive to protect her and provide a household for her?

Would potentially consider a relationship keeping the kids if her husband (she WAS married right?) had died somehow but NOT if he was just ejected from the home, or was the kind of person who chose to walk out and she did a bad job at choosing a partner.