A male doctor saw my wife's vagina today. I was there and nothing inappropriate happened at all...

A male doctor saw my wife's vagina today. I was there and nothing inappropriate happened at all, but there is a follow-up appointment in a few days. Why the fuck am I so pissed off about this? I got very angry at her.

Am I overreacting?

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He probably got all the doctors in on it for a gangbang man

You're a massive cuck for allowing this

Yeah. You are overreacting. Consider it from that guy's perspective. All he can do is inspect vagina's in a very unattractive manner. That will include diseased vagina's. This can never be sexual for him. So you have nothing to be paranoid over. You're still the only guy that gets any benefit from seeing your wife's pussy. Now stop being possessive and just enjoy your wife's company. Have some sex or something.

How would you feel if a female dr palpated your testiculars?

I just said I was there, in the room. So am I overreacting or not?
Yeah well what the fuck do I do now then?
It lasted like 5 minutes total and we were there because we had kind of an important fertility question (we are trying to have a baby). I just didn't realize the doctor was going to be a male and she'd actually be inspected today.

I feel weird if I have sex knowing some other dude saw my wife's vagina today.

Dude spends all day every day looking at vag in a totally sterile way. Don't be a retard.

>(we are trying to have a baby)
Oh that's good, we only have 9 billion humans

That doctor have probably seen +100 vaginas. And so much more while working.

It's weird. Yeah. Not in any way something that'll last. Just take you mind off things for a bit. Stop hyper focusing on this and it'll stop being weird. You're stuck in a loop right now. Also don't listen to the cuck stuff. That'll only fuck you up more. Plus they're just trolling you. If not then they're certainly not the kind of people you should be near right now.

I would imagine this guy probably jacks off to the memories of at least some of the vaginas he sees doing this. Wouldn't you?

She has a follow-up appointment on Wednesday because that is the day after she is ovulating and they need to check something specifically at that time for any complications with her ovulation. I'm thinking to tell her to just cancel the appointment and go find a female doctor somewhere else.

Yeah doctor’s probably an incel and does this just to see irl puss.

As a male nurse who sees dozens of vaginas a week, yes, you are overreacting and you need to chill out. Unless you have a very very good reason to believe that this doctor was doing anything more than his job then you have nothing to worry about, just let the professionals do their job, which is to look for problems then get out. Most of us have seen so many vaginas we just don't give a fuck anymore. Also, believe me, it's way worse for us when you have to check out some crusty old lady or a fat ugly doggymom who tries to flirt with you. It's just part of the job, nothing more.

Think about it, if you had some nasty sores appear on your dick and you went to the doctor and a female doctor looked at your penis for ten seconds, told you to pull your pants up then told you to come by in a few days to pick up some medicine would you feel like you had been unfaithful to your wife?

You’re being ridiculous. If you can’t handle a doctor in a medical setting examining. If that gives you jealousy, trust, possessive, etc issues than god help your relationship. That’s literally nothing.

Hell, my gf went to the doc a few weeks for an exam. A male doctor examined her breasts. I told her she was probably his favorite patient of the day(my girl has perfect tits) and we laughed about it. He was helping to keep her healthy. Why would you be upset that person keeping the person you care about healthy?

All her previous bfs have seen her vagina too.

you got angry at HER for it you retarded nigger of course you're overreacting

You are a massive manchild

Upset at the person*

Only if Europe and USA keep aiding shitholes full of niggers.
Imagine what your ancestors would think of you for allowing it.

I wonder if he works Pediatrics haha

Based cuny poster

>Why the fuck am I so pissed off about this?
because you are an extreme insecure guy.

Do you fags actively look for more stupid crap to be insecure about?

You should see a psychiatrist.

It's going to be okay first of all. I know it's really difficult to have girlfriend being touched by a doctor. But it's going to be alright. It's not overreacting, it's a very vulnerable part of the human body that's being examined. It's completely normal to feel what you're feeling.
Being angry with her, that's you processing it. You love her so much. She means everything to you. I'm glad you both are healthy and have each other. I'm sure you're already coming to a calmer mind set by now. Realizing it's just a doctor making sure your girl friend is healthy so you guys can one day make beautiful kids.
It's going to be okay. Go give her a kiss on the forehead and say you're going to be okay.
Apologize to her by saying "hey baby, sorry about yesterday. Today im feeling better. I must of made you feel so horrible, but i really mean it when i say i was in the wrong and that next time i'll be okay. That was all very new to me." And give her a big hug. Tell her she's beautiful.
Hope you feel better soon. It's going to be okay. We all have to go through that, it's uncomfortable at first. Im glad you pulled through. Proud of you for wanting to open up about it. Hope you're day starts off great!!

Imagine being OP for a day. This dose of insecurity and tiny dick syndrome is probably lethal...

yes you are doctors fuck the nurses its unprofessional as a male doctor to have sex with his patients....women doctors...thats an entirely different story.

You're stupid and deserve to lose your GF, OP.

pls don't have a kid you insecure faggot