Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem

>Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem
I'm sorry I thought being short was permanent.

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Your insecurity about being short isn't necessarily permanent.
And if it is, then dew it, motherfucker.

Being short isn't a problem. The way you deal with it is, which in turn is just feels and can be adjusted in anyway you want.

If you're short get into heavy squatting and deadlifting. It'll transform how you feel about yourself

>Being short isn't a problem. The way you deal with it is, which in turn is just feels and can be adjusted in anyway you want.

This isn't a video sharing site. Ain't clicking on your shit, nigga.

You could not click on it and not tell me you are not clicking on it

The point was, that if you have a point, you should write it down. Sorry it went over your head.

>The point was, that if you have a point, you should write it down. Sorry it went over your head.
ok ill just write down the 10 scientific studies the go over in the video about how being a manlet ruins your life real quick because you don't know how to watch an internet video

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>scientific studies the go over in the video about how being a manlet ruins your life
Ahahaha. Post just one. This gotta be good.

Well they go over the fact that statically short men (all things being equal) earn less in whatever career they pick than a taller man.

They also demonstrate that people associate when shown photos of manlets words like "dumb" "ugly" etc... and are fundamentally genetically repulsed by even viewing the image of a manlet. The guy doing the investigating is 5'3 and takes the test himself and finds he himself thinks less of short men

>statically short men (all things being equal) earn less in whatever career they pick than a taller man
Applies to wimin and most minorities too. It sucks but not quite "life ruining".

>The guy doing the investigating is 5'3 and takes the test himself and finds he himself thinks less of short men
Stereotypes exist. Shocking. Where is the "life ruining" part?

No one is arguing that being a manlet is a blessing, there are more cons thans pros for sure but it's an inconvenience at most. Unless you dream of a NBA career or the likes, it won't have a relevant impact on how your life goes, assuming you grow out of this victim attitude.

No, it is definitely the social and physical realities of being short, not my attitude toward it. Why do people default to this explanation? Is it because it would require a change in they way they act and not from the person who is suffering?

>It sucks but not quite "life ruining".
It kind of is.

>earning less for life for the same work, women and all other men instantly repulsed, a bunch of other shit
yeah when do we get to the bad stuff XD

it was argued ITT nothing bad happens but feelings about it and that was a lie

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If earning a bit less were life ruining, minorities and wimin would be jumping off buildings 24/7.

>there are no other stereotypes around that affect your life
Something as simple as your fucking name affects your earnings or how people perceive you. If you weren't a manlet, your life would get impacted by having a pussy voice or being the same insecure fuck.

>If earning a bit less were life ruining, minorities and wimin would be jumping off buildings 24/7.
It's like thousands less per year per inch shorter you are.

but the point was people in the thread were like "it's just how you feel, buck up friendo! it does not matter!" but really it does and there are direct hardships faced on every level by short men from earning potential to mate attraction that one would do well to address and recognize

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>coping this hard when just having some simple evidence listed in a friendly way

I really hate that phrase. All problems with solutions are temporary, and all good solutions are permanent.

Are you going to actually post the study or what?

>It's like thousands less per year per inch shorter you are.
Which is way, WAY worse for minorities and women. Bet it doesn't look great for disabled people either.

>here are direct hardships faced on every level by short men
Or any other group you arbitrary pick. Basically any trait comes with stereotypes that affect your life to a point that none of the shit matters, since everyone is affected by it.

Theres dwarfs that are happy with the life they lead.
You seeing yourself as a failure because youre short is a fixable problem and therefore temporary

>Which is way, WAY worse for minorities and women. Bet it doesn't look great for disabled people either.
lol what is your point "at least im not a nigger" wtf kek lol tbqh

>Are you going to actually post the study

Are you trying to prove some study about manlets having lower intelligence or something?

So now I can discard your opinion

>Are you trying to prove some study about manlets having lower intelligence or something?

or you could spend .0001 seconds goggling it

For me, often times when I hear claims on Jow Forums I go look them up rather than demanding citations, seems to work out normally!

Not what it says, nor about intelligence but IQ. But hey, close enough.

Yeah guys when you think about it being a manlet is a good thing! Like being a woman or stupid or a shitskin!
