How fucked am I?

I accidentally scratched a woman's car when opening my door and didn't give her my information. I was pissed off because my gf and I just broke up 10 minutes earlier and this woman came out screaming in my face over a scratch that was less than an inch long and barely took off any paint. So I basically told her to fuck off and just buff out the scratch. While driving off she took a picture of my plate. Does this constitute a hit and run? Am I gonna get fucked legally and/or financially?

Attached: worst-car-accidents-ever-1.jpg (600x398, 64K)

That scratch is gonna cost at least $400 to fix.

Imagine you just destoyed someone's patio furniture and told them to fuck off.

>insignificant scratch
wew lad

>Am I gonna get fucked legally and/or financially?
Yes. Next time be kinder to strangers whose property you damaged.

no fucking way this scratch was worth $400. It was the type of scratch you can remove on your own. I can't even find a picture online similar to it because it was so minuscule.

Some people dont want to do it themselves or some people want their car as new as possible.

Either way scratches cost alot to repair correctly
Even if it was 200 dollars youd be fucked if she called the cops.

T. Mechanic

well you're fucked op.

that might be a reasonable response had you told her that you're sorry, given her your contact infos and asked her when she had some free time so you could repair the scratch.

but now she's going to go to a mechanic who'll cash in because her insurence will hunt your ass down for the shekels. better luck next time.

If it broke the paint at all a body man will want 2 hours for it -- $100
They have to disassemble and remove the door for paint -- $60
Belt moldings break for no reason about half the time, adding another 50-150 and another day in the shop waiting for the part
They have to refinish the door -- $100 labor $60 mats for basecoat, $25 labor $15 mats for clear coat

Telling someone to buff it and get a paint pen is rude, you can immediately tell when a door has been spotted, even flat black

I compared it to destroying patio furniture on price point not visual damage.

>scratch someones car
>don't give the width of the scratch
>don't even mention what make and model car so we know how much the car itself means
Anyway yes it is a hit and run.
Any type of car on car property damage is still an accident and leaving the scene of an accident is a hit and run.

double all that if it was an expensive car, kek.

t. audi owner who just last week scratched my car's side while driving out of an old and ridiculously narrow garage dead tired

Criminal charges. At least a week in jail.

ok, so I've accepted that I'm fucked. How much ass pain can I expect? Will I have to appear in court?

That will solve his girlfriend problems.

Maybe call the police and file an accident report. Tell them the woman was being hostile so you left.

She was hostile because he was a dick

Its a criminal offence.
I had this precise situation once but the police asked me if i wanted to press charges.
I ended up getting the offenders number and solved this in a normal way outside of court.
This wasnt in the u.s. tho

Depends on what the woman will do

Her word vs his.

At least if he follows the law and files an accident report if she does go to the police it sort of covers his ass.

If she's got your plates she's got you, and your insurance if you've got it.

Call 311 and give them your name, plates, and what happened to mitigate what happens to you. If you make the cops do a lineup and actual work to get you things will get worse for you.

or it'll burn his ass even more if there was a witness who saw what happened. one of his ex's neighbours will do just fine.

Turn yourself in, tell them you're sorry and like to sort it out with the woman

ok, do I go to the police station or the dmv?

Reread what he wrote. She accosted him so he left. While it may not be legal, it is reasonable excusable. Most places have a time limit set for when accidents must be reported, one to thirty days.

best course of action would be to go to the police, report the accident and tell them she was being belligerent, and hostile so you left out of fear of your own safety. It's her word against yours so as long as you stick to that story you should be fine, you're not financially fucked if what you say was true and it was just a minor scratch it can probably be settled in small claims court or something though I've never been involved in an accident so I can't tell you the process but the most important thing is to mitigate the damage she can do to you legally and go to the police yourself with the story that you felt threatened by her demeanor.

Anybody can take a picture of anybody’s plate at any time. Unless there is somehow proof just say you didn’t do it dummy.

> gonna take a 12 inch sausage over a 1 inch scratch
you fucking idiot

You fuckers are retarded. I literally backed into someone's car today. No one there to see it. I left.

Your situation is more complicated OP since the other car's owner did see you. I dunno what to tell you. But nothing good would come out of turning yourself in. This isn't elementary school.