Is my bf cheating on me

Is my bf cheating on me...

We finally got a place to move in together I hasn’t been there yet. He said he stopped by yesterday as finally signed lease & can move in. And slept at his house last.l night, so I could go whenever bc he’s busy with family stuff right now.

So I went today and just intended to clean everything down. I found two dirty towels in the hamper in the bathroom. And kinda like dirty-ish footprints in the shower and a medium length piece of hair that I supppse could have been but I don’t think was mine. I was just trying to clean.

The place is a short term (7 month) rental so it’s furnished, has everything including towels, blankets etc. it’s hard for me to believe that he landlord would leave behind two dirty towels in a hamper. I asked my boyfriend if he had someone there he said no, just his ((male ) cousin (who’s been staying with him at his mom for a couple days) when they stopped by who he said took a pee in the bathroom.

He said I’m crAzy and nuts and he doesn’t know why there was towels. At first i thought taking showers then I thought used them to clean up after sex, maybe had sex in the shower w. Their shoes on that’s why it’s dirty

Idk What to think. He obviously isn’t going to admit if hE cheated. How likely is it the landlord would leave dirty towels in a hamper in the bathroom. I don’t know what to do..

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That's some weird shit
I suppose his hair is very short ?

It's suspicious but idk

It’s longer hair than for a guy. Like hair that could be shoulder length hair, and dark.

Yeah. Just the dirty shower footprints and the two dirty towels. All I can think is he brought someone there, had sex, and used the towels to clean up after sex. It’s hard for me to believe that a landlord would leave DIRRTY towels for new tenants. It just seems kinda nuts, like it’s like saying they would leave behind dirty dishes in a sink almsot.

I want to believe him but I also don’t want to be naive because it’s so strange.

I’m almost 4 months pregnant with his kid which makes it all way worse

No one on gods green earth would fuck someone in a shower with shoes on.

Showers are real hard to clean especially if they were stained by previous tenants. I had to soak mine with bleach when I moved in

Well you know when you have dirty feet and you step in a kinda wet shower and there’s like footprints?! It looks like that.

I mean maybe. Not but what about the whole towel thing. Why would the landlord leave behind TWO dirty towels it’s jusf hard to believe

Maybe it's time to sit down because it kind of seems like you'd peg him for the type, which speaks to me that you've had a similar situation or some other scare and you haven't cleared the air yet.

Maybe sit him down and have a talk about how you're worried.

Hampers are an easy thing to forget especially if nothing of importance is in them.

Okay, so if you step in a shower with dirty feet, and you get a footprint, the only way it would stay there is if the shower wasn't on after. If you fucked someone in a shower they'd wash away.

>two towels
My immediate thought is 'if they're a woman, one was for their hair'

And no one in their right mind would fuck someone in a shower without the shower actually being on. Thats just insane

I meant like maybe they did without turning the shower on.

Or like turned it on but only
One of them was under the water and other person wasn’t.

Even if it wasn’t in the shower it’s still weird about the towel..

It’s weird that there’s exactly 2.. and honestly they seemed kinda like they were a little wet

Well it doesn’t even have to be about the shower. The thing that concerns me is the towels .

I didn’t think for taking a shower but for each person to clean their shit off after having sex.:

Lady, listen to how crazy you sound. It sounds like you absolutely want to believe he's cheating on you for some reason and that isn't healthy. Either that or this is bait.

Even if only one person is under the water, the whole shower still gets wet. The footprints wouldn't stay. No one would say to someone else "Hey lets fuck in the shower but not turn it on".

I'm a lady and don't use 2 towels. A lot of women don't use two towels. And towels that are 'kind of a little wet' would insinuate the water was on, and not someone in the shower fucking someone else but with the water off. Like what?

How about you ask him why there were footprints in the tub and why the towels were int he hamper instead of trying to be sly and asking if he had anyone over?

Not especially, I just don’t trust guys in general. I’ve had friends who has boyfriends who would do stuff like that

Dude I don’t even think anyone took a shower there!!

I think the towels were to clean up after sex. Like he came and they both used a towel to clean off their genital parts. I mean that’s what we do after we have sex and he ejaculates on me (but we usually share a towel, but I can see them using two )

No you're an over emotional brainwashed bitch who is looking to sabotage a great relationship because you can't handle intimacy with someone now that it's getting serious.
You'll never change for him, but he would for you. Think about that in 6 months when you break his heart cunt

There are so many reason someone could have used a towel in a bathroom. Maybe he got water on the floor. If the shower was wet maybe he took a shower, SOLO? I use a towel for the floor and for me. Hey, that means two towels. Isn't that weird

We JUST got the house yesterday! He stoped by with his cousin to sign the lease and pay. He didn’t sleep there or stay there or anything so I wasn’t even thinking they took showers. He said he was there for a minute and his cousin went pee and that was all they did while there

If you're insinuating that the towels were strictly for sex then, I've never had to use a towel after/during sex and I don't think it's very common. Maybe tissues or baby wipes but not really towels. I don't think it'd be smart to do if you were cheating either.
The only thing I could find them helpful for is if a girl is being eaten out, but I think if they were fresh enough to be a bit wet like you said, then you'd probably be able to tell. Plus if there's two and they WERE used for sex, there'd probably be stains or maybe even slight smells from semen or other fluids, not just being damp. I really dont think towels are a good piece of evidence for cheating unless there's obviously weird shit on them. You honestly sound pretty crazy

If they were actually a little wet like you said, I'm 99% sure something like semen would already be dry by the time you found them. Unless you want to start believing they showered with them *then* used them for sex or something? If you really want to believe he cheated on you this bad then why not just break up with him?

If he JUST got there and didnt have time to shower, then I promise you he didn't have time to fuck someone AND clean up. They were definitely left there by someone else.

Uhm sorry that is really suspicious to stop at a new house for five minutes and use two bath towels...

There’s hand towels and paper towels,, he said only his cousin used the bathroom to go pee. It makes no sense

Yes I hope he cheated on you. Women are filthy whores so it's good to hear when one of you suffers too from time to time.

okay bitch then break up with him you fucking retard. lets see how the next dude handles your apparent mental illness

Ok maybe yoi don’t, but my boyfriend does every time . To clean up the cum.

Indeed I’m about to break up with him .. I don’t know what they could have been used for by two dudes who stopped by the house for the first time for five minutes, and said one of them just peed. It doesn’t add up

This is bait.

Well said. Thanks user beat me to it.

I mean he could have went there and fucked someone and then they left.

His story was “he went with his cousin and stopped by, his cousin used the bathroom to pee”

Other than that, neither of us have been there yet, we just got approved the house yesterday

They were probably left by the landlord or whoever he hired to clean the place before you moved in you insecure cunt.

>pregnant with his kid
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
Enjoy being a single mom

Two towels lol

So a landlord would
Leave dirty dishes in a sink right

You're a moron. Do you really think cum would dampen an entire towel? If it wasn't actually damp and you lied like the crazy cunt you are, you didn't think to check for cum stains since you two apparently do it all the time? I just BOUGHT a house and the previous owners accidentally left small shit like that. You don't think a cleaning lady could use it to wipe down a shower then leave it by accident? Or maybe even just forget to check the hamper in a PREFURNISHED house?

no because that's fucking obvious. TWO SINGLE towels in a hamper is not

A hamper is an easy thing to forget about. Yeah it's absolutely possible and has happened to me when I've rented. They have to get the places filled asap to not lose any money, and stupid shit like towels get forgotten.

The stove was dirty in the new place I rented. Must mean my boyfriend had a girl over and made a romantic meal after fucking her brains out on the unswept floor. There was some paint spots too, maybe they painted the place together too

I couldn’t tell if they were actually wet or like damp from it being cold/idk it’s hArd to explain. And no I didn’t check for everything I didn’t even wanna touch dirty towels that’s I don’t know what we’re used for

I suppose it just seems odd there was two
Yah I suppose but it’s just the point that it’s not normal to leave behind dirty items

Well they were actually loooking for someone for 2-3 months

This is the real answer to this thread!
Although the last paragraph is not quite relevant and not sure applicable.

It's not normal to do something like that intentionally but it could absolutely be done accidentally or forgotten about.

you know they only actually check the place ~twice and clean it once right?

I can understand like dirty/dusty stuff tho. Some ppl have different standards of cleaning. I feel like left behind towels (or dishes stuff like that) is a bit different tho.

If you really want to find out, just go on a "work trip" for a few days and set up a video camera pointed at the front door. If he's cheating on you, something will show up and you'll have evidence--which is much better than shitting all over a relationship and fucking up your unborn kid's life over what might be a false assumption.

Or you could have those towels DNA tested for his seed, kek

Okay so any one of the potential renters could have washed their hands and used a towel and threw it in a hamper?? It's not normal to check a fucking hamper after each potential tenant is there.

Enjoy being an insecure and mentally ill single mom then.

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There is paper towel on the sink for ur hands. There’s also hand towels. Why would they use a large bath towel to dry hands when theirs paper towels (and even hand towels )

Ya I guess . Part of me doesn’t even wanan see that :x

I hate using paper towels to dry my hands. They rip too easy. Why the fuck wouldn't someone use a hand towel?

pack it up lads its bait

See the crazy thing is you saying "I found towels and I think you're cheating" rather than first gathering information. You could have said "Hey I found some dirty towels. Where'd they come from?"

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He's not cheating on you, you crazy cunt. You came here for validation and desperately clinging to any sort of anything that someone says that MAY point to him cheating or the situation being weird and totally ignoring everything else.

You believe what you want to believe, no one can help you. You don't deserve to be in a relationship if you're this willing to believe he's cheating on you for something so astoundingly dumb and easily explained.

Okay guys on the darker towel (one was brown and one was white)
There was like little stains all over it, I assumed it was bleach stains,
Does semen do that to a towel immediately ????

Semen doesn't do that to a towel at all


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so you just instantly went back over to the house as soon as an user mentioned that to check? It hasn't even been 30 minutes yet. hmm....

I didn’t think so either I thought it was an old bleach stain. Which is why I never mentioned it. But someone asked if there weeee stains

No. I knew They were like that. I assumed it was bleach, I didn’t think semen stained likethat. So now I’m wondering if it does and if that’s what it was

>only mentioning it now
>I didnt wanna touch dirty towels that I didnt know what they were used for
yeah sure buddy here's your (You)

Bc I assumed it was bleach stains. I didn’t think cum could immediately make stains. I mean I’ll go back and take pictures