Is ugly gf better than no gf?
Is ugly gf better than no gf?
Only if they aren't fat or have tattoos.
Are dead puppies a cure for premature ovarian failure? You should know the answer OP.
Yes. Ugly is subjective for the most part. If you become invested in the person then you'll quickly find your tastes start to include what they are. Just the same don't force something just for the sake of having it. Not minding what somebody looks like is different than ignoring your revulsion of them.
I wasn't attracted to my first gf (nor did any of my friends think she was good looking), in fact, she came up to me first, and doubted I was going to accept her. At the end of the relationship, I thought she was the most beautiful girl I knew.
Things change OP, and tables turn.
And this
sure why not?
people will laugh at you behind your back
Obviously not. You're wasting your time on an inferior person, which could be spent on yourself, which in turn raises your chances to catch the attention of someone worth the time.
Was there a study done on that?
no? wtf... My friend though his gf was ugly and im like nah she's average just like everyone else
If you are insecure, then sure, let that bother you. Just being here on Jow Forums, I’ve lost faith in humanity and no longer care what strangers think, because most of the time, they are either stupid or their taste is shit. Doesn’t work for everybody though.
Yeah 100%. At night you come home cuddle and get your dick sucked vs. come home jack off and cry.
Of course fucking not.
Being single is fucking amazing, for one. Having some fat, ugly girl that's dependent on you is literally just tying yourself down to a cannonball for eternity that's going to nag and bitch at you all the time. Not worth it just to get your dick wet, buddy.
hey with paper bags this cheap why not
Been there so many times.
I def don't really don't rule out ugly girls although iam for sure an 8/10
If everyone would do this we wouldn't have so many "why do I feel alone" topics here.
Guys should at least look at girls 2 points lower but once you get hooked up you get rose tinted glasses anyway.
If you're worried about what others say you're just a pussy.
do you think OP is ugly? for someone who keeps up her appearance, she's average. also, yes, ugly gf is better than none *if the relationship is good*.
That girl is beautiful.
So I hope it's no pic related
t. happa
Better than Taylor Swift honestly.
Only for a while
>come home jack off and cry.
Delete this now
you shouldn't think your girlfriend is ugly
Love is more important than looks. I know that sounds like a meme but it's true. My gf is someone that before meeting her I'd never look at her and think "damn she's hot I wanna stick my dick in her" but after getting to know her and opening up to her and hearing her shyly and awkwardly return my feelings in the cutest fucking way possible I can't not see her as attractive.
Trust me, find a girl that you have a lot in common with, a girl who acts cute and genuinely shows interest in you, and even if she doesn't fit any of your previous perceptions of beauty you'll get harder for her than you could possibly believe.
>not having a girl less attractive than you that worships you and your dick and supports you because she's so happy to have you
user is true with this. if you can get over looks and genuinely enjoy spending time with your gf OP, then you dont have to worry
Been there and done that, and it was the worst experience of my life. Come at me once you're over the age of 21 and not popping a boner at department store mannequins. If some girl I have no desire to look at can suck my dick and make me happy, I may as well let some guy from Craigslist suck it.
You wanna know what's better than settling for some slampig that has no self-respect? Banging the hot girl that you beat every slobbering idiot for. Feels like being a prized purebred puppy at the shop that all the kids come to play with, compared to the dog that got adopted seconds before being put down.
lmao imagine LARPing on Jow Forums like this.
>because i come from Jow Forums it means the rest of Jow Forums is just like me
Sorry are you butthurt that nobody's believing your generic chad act?
If she has other qualities that make up for it, then why not?
Besides, most "hot" girls go down 2-4 points the hotness scale once they take their makeup off and gain those 20 relationship pounds
>TFW chubby Japanese qt gf that plays video games with me instead of boring girl that I have nothing in common with
Hmm depends, how ugly and alone are you and how much of a shallow hypocritical person are you that deserves to be forever alone and especially rejected by stacey. on a scale of 1-10
And this is also the reason why most guys on here are single and post help me iam lonely threads
Most just have a pure inability to love someone.
If you truly love someone looks don't matter.
Everybody here can hookup with a bucktoothed monster.
While that's a bit extreme for me it at least has 2 holes for someone who needs it.
We all look the same in the dark.
Personality is a different thing tho, or maybe a weird annoying speech thing.
As long as they're not fat, trashy, or have an obvious physical defect.
I knew a girl who was disturbed with but eyes, fucked up hands.. everything
Nice girl but ugly af.
So a friend of mine (10/10 chad) who said he would only date Staceys come at my birthday party.
They hook up get together get a kid and get married.
That's 5 years ago now and they're still going strong.
What do if
>0-3 ugly
>extremely shallow
Wtf tier is r9k meme? Why everybody reference this board
Can you guys post pics of 'ugly' girls that you actually could date? Like on the edge of d-dating material...
depends. if shes annoying, which she probably is, then no because theres almost no redeeming qualities
ugly women are ignored even by total virgins and are mostly targeted for pump and dump by psycopaths of moderate to high social value for short term shit.
there was a study about this.
as it turns out men are quite selective with the exception of medium-status psycopaths who aren't.
Too much
If you have a beautiful gf, there's a higher chance of funny business. More guys will talk to her not knowing if she's taken or not, she knows she's pretty, etc... honestly if you wanna be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife.
>inability to love someone
B-but that can be fixed, r-right? RIGHT?
Certainly doable
Would go even lower if needed but it also depends on her attitude.
If she likes to at least dress nice and wears make-up
I can't date a woman who doesn't know how to be a woman
Once a sperg always a sperg..
Spergs for life
Also rate this please
Of course, ESPCIEALLY if you really get along
That's my wife.
Know she ain't the prettiest and she's a big girl but can talk better with her than any stacey I dated
She's beautiful.
A bit chubby and make faces
>Most just have a pure inability to love someone
Post her nu... body.
depends on how ugly we're talking
Not /b/
JESUS FUCK!, is she melting?!?!?!?
*tips fedora*
>That's my wife.
What will happen if she divorces you anyway? And why not get an attractive fatty?
You must be quite the la luz extinguido.
I was gonna ask this as well lol.
Why should I date someone I don't find attractive? I feel like it would just fuck my self esteem up, it's basically me telling myself "you couldn't score any better than this so you gave up".
Why do you guys keep posting all this "love is more important than looks" stuff? It sounds like you people simply settle for an ugly girl and then convince yourselves that you are happy and "in love" when you are actually not.
Besides I plan to eventually have sex with the person I'm with, I can't get hard for someone I don't find pretty.
This has been my life for the past 5 years
The second one sounds unironically better than having an ugly girlfriend. At least you get to choose what to jack off to rather than cuddling with someone you aren't attracted to and who probably can't get your dick hard unless you put in some mental effort.
She is jewish and iam aryan.
>Everybody here can hookup with a bucktoothed monster.
I wish. I such a piece of shit that I can't do that. I'm not even ugly.
No. It's repulsive to kiss someone you don't find attractive.
I once almost gagged when kissed that one ugly girl
an ugly girl doesn't have to be repulsive, depends on your standards and how ugly the girl is.
I used to have a 6/10 gf, she wasn't ugly or anything, but she had zero tits and fat legs (genuine "big bones" or some shit because they stayed big no matter how much fat she lost). it got progressively more and more difficult to get hard at the sight of her body, in the end I treated her almost like a guy friend because she was so sexually unappealing to me. eventually broke up because I thought it was a bit ridiculous. I assume it's similar if you get a really ugly gf
Yhea I had almost the same experience. 6/10 girl, not too bright either, and terrible at bed. But I liked her anyway because she liked me and she sure was the only one.
Relationship lasted 2 years then we broke up because I started to lose interest. Now I bitterly regret that we broke up : no girl ever wanted of me since and god knows I tried to find one. I've been single for 4 years now.
I feel so lonely.
I think that getting an ugly gf is gonna make me feel worse than being single. I see guys that I consider to be less attractive than me and who have less personality than me and they scored with the best girls. And these were their first girlfriends, they didn't do that "practice gf" crap. If I give up and go with a girl I don't find attractive it will just crush my self esteem.
Only if you love her. But if you did, you wouldn't be asking this question. So the answer is no.
Nobody cares you lame.
yeah, if you want to practice whatever you need to be a better guy, and then toss her to find someone better.
>Its called a practice run for a reason
You use the terms fat and ugly synonymously. Mind explaining?
hambeast pls go
>this board keeps saying that it's good to have a practice gf and then just dump her when you are done
>this same board also says it's wrong to have a "more fish in the sea" mentality while chasing girls and that it's immoral and unethical to have more than one girl in mind before you actually start a relationship with one of them
fuck people
>this board is one person
fine logic there mate.
What annoys me its the ugly girls that i tend to meet, i have more in common with, the problem is you need to have some sort of physical attraction to them, i think most ugly just need to dress nice and stay somewhat fit and it pushes them up a couple of points but if they are ugly dont dress nice and overweight doesnt do themselves any favours.
You can't deny the fact that most of the board agrees on certain topics, unless this happens to be 2 people who samefag all over the place.
The Fire Rises
It's not love if you find her ugly.
You are just getting a gf for the sake of it. Stop. This won't make you happy.
>ITT a bunch of desperate guys saying yes
No, of course not. If you consider a girl ugly, why the fuck would you date her? You can't have a fulfilling and lasting relationship with someone you aren't even attracted to, let alone would refer to as 'ugly'. Get some standards.
Are you legitimately retarded or why do you keep talking like the dissonance comes from the same people? It's different people with different opinions.
Blame Jow Forums
>If you truly love someone looks don't matter.
Grow up. It's bad to be entirely focused on looks, but being physically attracted to your partner is God damn essential.
gross no
not even worth the effort to go and meet one over coffee
Doesn't matter if they're ugly as long as you're attracted to them.
If you aren't attracted to them then you won't be satisfied in the relationship and things will go badly.
Because they might feel lonely too. Is there relationships out of guilt?
>It's not love if you find her ugly.
you can be in love and still be objective