Why would a girl I went on a successful date with (out for ages...

Why would a girl I went on a successful date with (out for ages, said she wanted to meet up again and we kissed at the end) leave my message unread for over a day since we went on the date?

Is she ignoring me or what?

Attached: 2450198F-F325-4495-A3E6-BA5F18386B93.jpg (720x659, 66K)

you're looking too deep into this; it means nothing.

what do you mean?

She's not as excited about you as you are for her

proof: you're obsessing about her not reading your message and she hasn't bothered to read it

Also, chances are you're not the only guy she's messaging. She may be occupied with a guy she likes more.

I suppose yeah, I’m really not confident at all so whenever I get dates I am surprised and want it to do well. Thanks.

there's no correlation between your message being unread and your history with her. ergo, just because she hasn't read it yet doesn't mean that she's ignoring you. simply put, you're connecting the dots when you don't even know the full story.

I get you, I’m soooo para when it comes to this stuff that if it doesn’t go exactly how I expect it to I think it’s going terribly. I’ll just wait and see and either way I enjoyed the date so

Welcome to my hell. Months in and I'm the same way. Life is good though. Some people are just weird with online shit.

The actual solution is: It doesn‘t matter and you should have learned to not put all of your eggs in one basket. Always talk to several girls at once to be less invested and needy with all of them. And if you are the type of guy who thinks he got lucky when 1 girl gave him the time of the day, then it‘s time to put your time in more important things than girls and instead work on yourself. You need the self esteem, happiness and confidence first. If you get into a relationship only out of luck, it‘s going to be one hell of a shitty relationship. I urge you right now to do something productive. Sports, reading, improving a skill. If you are still wasting thoughts on her it means you are still not invested in yourself enough.

Maybe she wants no feelings, just sex. And she is getting the vibe you have feelings for her and want more. Or viceversa. Thatll scare them away. You need to figure out what they want, and they never tell you. Theyll flat out lie

Got ghosted recently by a girl who seemed really interested.
It happens, just wait till she responds and move on. It hurts a bit but there's nothing to be done.

Btw you should add these girls on Snapchat. Its easy to stay in contact with them on there. A random pic to them every one or two weeks will keep them around and sometime theyll be horny or want to try another date

chad came and took her

She added me on snapchat that’s what the message is on, she hasn’t opened it

>leave my message unread
stop stalking peoples social and message platforms, fuck are you people this desperate

If you start worrying too much now you'll end up with delusional jealousy. Shit will drive you mad

bro, 1 day is nothing, give her time

also, who uses snapchat as main messaging app? That shit is ass for texts and I barely check it.

check her score and check it again in a few hours. If it hasn't changed she hasn't been on, most likely. If it has then she's using it and ignoring you. Ignore her and continue with life. In a month she might be lonely and hit you up. But you probably blew it by coming across that you want a relationship. If it happens often be more forward with girls when flirting and talking about sex.

I think the score still rises if she receives snaps but does not open them

It doesn't. Test it with your friend. It only does when it opens. If she sends one, it goes up regardless of when the recipient opens it.

one day isn't that bad
dude imagine what I've been going through, this chick I've been talking too and seeing for months suddenly just started acting super distant and being really short with me, not reading my messages.
I asked her what was up and all she said was "Just busy...That's all" then never responded back to what I said to her lol. You realize how much anxiety that's been giving me, and how many bizarre delusions i've been developing because of that? I mean shit she's probably telling the truth but idk, I have a really bad feeling about it and wish she'd just be straight up with me instead of givng me the okeydoke

Nah it doesn't