Tired of being called "adorable"

femanon here

literally everyone describes me as "childish", "cute", "a 5-year old", "adorable", "wait, you're not 12?" and all that stuff like that (strangers, friends, boyfriend's, acquaintances, family, teachers, Starbucks baristas, tutors, etc)

most of the compliments I get are people calling me "childlike" or "adorable" and i don't like it. I have a naturally high-pitched voice and a baby face and I'm 4'11" and I dress in skirts and bright/pastel colours, I have short hair (like, overgrown pixie cut, makes me look younger mer)

I don't really get called "sexy" or "hot" as often as I get called adorable. Should I take offence fo it? I'm tired of being babied by everyone but that doesn't mean I want to look like a sad adult-person with boring clothes

how do I be more mature, whenever i try to act serious people are like "no you're too childish to know what to do" so that doesn't work. Maybe if baby face would disappear :^((

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Lol just be glad you aren't being called ugly and gross

Kek. This

>I don't really get called "sexy" or "hot" as often as I get called adorable.
No one wants to be called a pedo for calling someone the size of a small child sexy. A clean shaven men your size wouldn't be called "manly" or "reassuring" either.

Taking offence will have no positive effect and only make you feel worse. Basically there is nothing you can do, even a granny that tiny would get called "adorable" and "cute". Just learn to roll with it, user.

Just embrace the cute

How old are you? Just get an older daddy bf.

If I call someone adorable it's because I adore them. I don't know about you but I'd love for someone to adore me.


Wear things that flaunt your boobs. If you have them.

Sexy/hot are just discount pretty. Like there's plenty of pornstars that are hot as hell, but I'd never want to have dinner with them or anything.

Get more real life problems and stop attention-whoring on Uzbek turtle tugging imageboard

Just imagine being a man with those characteristics and you will immediately feel better and ready to take on the world.

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lmao I was in a similar boat but as a normal male in HS. At first I didn't mind it or I even enjoyed it deep down but at some point I got disgusted by the way I was being treated. I manned up and did a 180, but as a girl a feet shorter than me, I don't know what your options are.

I suppose that if I were in your shoes, instead of taking the fighter's and funny asshole's path I'd take a well dressed smart-looking path. I'd try changing my demeanor to sound more smart and also read books so that I could back it up.
If your appearance is young, and you're not mature, then people are gonna treat you like a kid and only pedos will openly show attraction, but if you look young but you're hella mature you're an adult in everyone's eyes.

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>I'd take a well dressed smart-looking path
Which is going to look like a kid playing dress up with her mom's clothes.

Only the no-fucks-left artist way is an option for her.

>"whenever i try to act serious people are like"
You sound goofy already. Don't try to act serious when you're not. I actually forgot what it's like to be called cute. You have a weird mentality where you think that other people have to accept you and that it's up to them to decide if you're mature or not. Get rid of this. If you wanna escape being called a kid, make your own values and your own decisions.

You could try flirting with a pedophile.

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Nah I didn't mean "glasses bookworm" smart, I meant like entrepreneur smart, or a simple dark t-shirt and normal hair with low make up

" no-fucks-left artist" is basically what I'm saying, but don't commit to only that, 'cause you gotta be 3d.

Please be my gf

sorry i have bf, he looks, like, 15 years older than me though and he's almost a foot and a half taller (wow)

that's me (v v v v v tired so that's why i look grumpy) with a panda. Can I marry a stuffed panda, his name is Sugarplum he's v v sexy

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Butterscotch (bunny) wanys to be loved too

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"OMG she's adorable" was my first thought too. Though outside of height, you could pass for sexy in the right clothing.

The fuck is wrong with his ears? Looks like a pig.

"Adorable" fck you

I don't think the thotty look suits me very well

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If you want to be seen as more mature, start by acting more mature.

Why does my elbow look like a penis

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Nah, makes you look younger actually (haircut-wise too). While in the first pic you didn't even look that young, could be everything between early to late twenties. Generally darker, more serious clothes seem like the way to go.

If it makes you feel any better, if you were my friend, it'd be less "cute" and "adorable" and more "Hey, little boy! Are you lost?"

So, you at least have nice friends.

I'd worry more about the 12-year-old-boy haircut.

Well, if i look 20-ish why do I get treated like an actual child. I dress mature enough, no?

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>has a bf
>blatantly attentiowhores on adv
Do us a favour and fuck off to /soc/

>I dress mature enough, no?
Nah, looks

*genuinely asking for advice on how to be more mature and posts images*
"stop whoring, go to >>/soc/ mer"

I am aware the first pic is bad, I should've tried harder, I'm usually a perfectionist (apologies :^( )

I can relate, OP.

The next time anyone tells you that you're adorable, just whip your dick out and ask them if it would look better with a mustache.

Elbows are weapons

>genuinely asking for advice
Not any more. At this point you're just camwhoring.

Would you prefer another tf when no gf thread or a sperg who wants people to read minds?

But it's not. You look the oldest and generally the best in the first one.

Also hey, look at the positive side, while your peers will bitch about about ageing and look for botox discounts, you'll still look young.

Hey use my pubes as a moustache, great idea, then I'll look super old :^)

Apparently, i walk arpund like a lost puppy and I always look terrified. I awlayd get approached by tall people with wrinkles and ties snd they ask me if i'm lost. Sometimes police officers offer to help find my parents

here. I'm sorry, OP. I was in a bad mood. You are an amazing cheerfull wonderfull person, and I hope you won't let random idiots on the internet affect that.

Wow it's exactly my type of girl

are you fucking kidding me
i'd kill for someone to call me cute or adorable
stupid bitch be thankful people aren't disgusted by being in the same room as you

eh, I don't take being compared to a child as a compliment, so relax and be happy people can actually take you seriously instead of all of your opinions being discarded as "childish" even when I use long mature words

Wear high heels

Dress like an alt-girl from the 80s, like Suzanne Vega or something

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cute > hot

It's the way you act, coupled with your younger looks. You act childish, so get treated like a child. Grow a spine and act confident.

>be attractive
>bbbbutttt it's not the right typeeee of attrraccctivveee :'^(((

Maybe the reason you're not taken seriously is because you're the sort of person to post your pictures on Jow Forums for attention and not your looks.

You sound immature so that's probably why.

protip guys don't like hot girls they like cute girls.
a hot girl is a girl a guy just wants to fuck. a cute girl is the one he wants to be with

Could be worse. You could be a "cute" guy.

Holy shit this

>>I have a naturally high-pitched voice and a baby face and I'm 4'11" and I dress in skirts and bright/pastel colours, I have short hair (like, overgrown pixie cut, makes me look younger mer)
>tfw people who are exactly your type hate themselves for it
What did I do to deserve this life

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just live for 20 years on auto pilot


she doesn't know how lucky she has it

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lol this is really cute

Get with a tall guy who looks older and has a dad bud. That'll fix it. Do you have a snapchat?

Sorry no sc, I have a boyfriend, he looks like he coulf actually be my father though

that's the problem

How old are you? Post a pic. You can't really be like 25 and look 12. I think you're maybe exaggerating. If anything it's your height. Also you have people say your pretty or good looking so who cares. Idk maybe you will just start looking older over time.

shut up whore there ain't no problem lol... this is it, this is as hard as your life gets babe, bourgeois boyfriended hoe you live on the social cushioning of suburban femininity lol like a child your whole being is predicated on the activities of those stronger than you, of the performative population, of males and manly women, you ain't got a thing to worry about excepts maybe your next assignment due.

Lol, ever seen Leon the profesional?
Pic related.

You don't look that young... It's your size more than anything. Your cute or adorable? Who cares? Your good looking still. You could be ugly af. Your just mini, but your face doesn't look 12. Your very pretty so chill out. Also post pic of you standing up maybe that's a dif story. But hey your pretty so quit bitching.

>You can't really be like 25 and look 12.
I don't know, man. I have a friend who's 45 and she still gets carded for cigs, and she isn't even tiny and dresses like an adult.

Because your like 3 feet tall and cute. Attractive people are considered stupid.

nn, I put a pic of me standing up earlier

Holy shit. Do you act like your 5? It's prob the vibe your giving off. Your first pic you look like 20ish.

pFffy i'm almost 5 feet tall

Forgot pic.

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Everyone says I act like i'm 5 years old but I disagree mer

I mean I guess 5 isn't to short for a girl. Idk prob your demeanor. Post more pics of you standing up and pics of you standing next to other people.

M e a n

That's me standing on a random red chair on one foot

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Idk. You look normal to me. Lot's of girls prob get the same thing. I would have to actually know you irl and see these situations to give you a good answer. Best of luck. You could be ugly and get way less respect..

Come on, this is just compliment fishing at this point.

that was not my intention, people just asked for more photos so I gave more photos. They weren't even very great photos


>How do I stop people from calling me cute when I'm so dosh darn cute?

I'm not sure you can.

I'm 28 and I hang with a group of 20-22 year olds for my hobby and I get mistaken as the youngest guy in the group. Has absolutely no impact on my life though so it doesn't matter except for the laughs when we tell them I'm the oldest.

There just busting your balls. I think you come as genuine.

lol I want to fuck you bad

Fucking pedos.

so? is her boyfriend?

you don't look young, maybe people think you're such because you act like a baby


This, cute/pretty is way better than hot. Hot is some porn shit

CUTE! I WAS WRONG, I'm the first reply you replied to holy shit you're cute don't change please... wait a minute, what's with the stuffed animal? That's the shit that's got to go

Not him, but honestly it looks like an adult acting like a child

Try wearing makeup. Obviously don't cake it on, but a bit of make up may make you look more mature.

Not sure whats more pathetic; all the thirsty guys or the girl that seeks validation from said desperate guys

Change hair style to something longer

This old bitch OP looks nothing like her, fuck outta here. She looks in her mid 20s at least, you guys need to go outside and look at girls once in your life.

>Can I marry a stuffed panda, his name is Sugarplum he's v v sexy
This is why people think you are adorable. If you don't want to be seen as adorable cut that shit out. It's simple.

You dont look very cute/young. You look like in your 20s. Just stop acting like a 6 yr old with the marry my panda shit and the strange poses. Stop pretending and attention whoring. Cant believe how many believe your shit

having a boyfriend is no excuse for attention whoring. It only makes it more disgusting

You look like the type of girl i'd like to marry one day. As for personality dunno, so i can't say i'd marry you

but no, none of this is pretend, I wish people didn't treat me like an actual kid, it's dumb

You having childish mannerisms is part of the problem. I'm not going to tell you to stop though because I like that sort of personality.

>Why do people treat me like a child? I'm an adult!
>Here's my teddy. His name is Sir Snuggles and he is v v v v v sexy and the cutest panda ever!

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If that is really your personality, then maybe you should try to become a bit more mature. I'm all for being goofy when you are around friends or family, but being an adult woman and acting/dressing like a child is off-putting and frankly not very attractive. And in all honesty, you don't look that young so it's probably your behavior that is the issue.

I don"t go prancing around carrying a teddy bear and singing the abc's, i just luke stuffed animals and sleep with them, u'm not childish though