Get it off your chest, bitches

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I feel like i'm going crazy. Why wont you just be honest, I hope what I think is going on isn't going on. It just wouldn't make sense to me, would you really do that to me? I hope it's just a coincidence

Why can't I stop loving you ? Every time I finally feel I am over you, you flash me a smile and reel me back in.
You are everything I look for in a women besides of course not liking me back but in my life there is no other women.
I have tried everything but it is you and only you.

Sometimes I wonder if you torture me, you send me snaps everyday.
When you are at college or on your days off your hair is tied up, you wear your glasses and have no make up on.
But the one day you see me every week your Hair and makeup is perfect and you have your contacts in.
It doesn't matter when you look your best or worst I am still crazy about you.

I just want to be free and move on.

I like the new logo

why do I even bother playing these games? It's so obvious that you faggots are fucking with all of them. If metro didn't roll up next there might have been a small chance that wasn't happening but here we are.

Go fuck yourselves faggots. How many times have my bullets just magically went right through someone? How many times has someone just magically appeared behind me? That tank round took out my tank completely, didn't hit it in the weak spot, wasn't aided by soflam, just critical hit for no reason.

Then everspace where you assholes have cearly ramped up the difficulty.

lol- just look away nigga. Jeez

Why do black people have tribes? "Gangs"

just fucking block her on snap

Black Communities are actually strong and put together. White Communities should be envious.

Poor people look out for eachother- no matter color

I need you...

I'm a Destroyer- your tank is an ant

> Poor people look out for eachother- no matter color

Lol what a crock of shit! Have you seen the South side of Chicago? It's poor people robbing and beating the shit out of other poor people.

I'm being ignored by my best friend/romantic interest. I don't know why he's doing this or if I've done something to wrong him, but I'm really confused and hurt.

If anyone wants to talk to me about it I made a thread that goes into further detail.

I'm only 19 years old, but I already feel tired and old. I'm graduating high school a year and a half late and I feel even more out of place than I did a year previous. I'm not dumb (I'm actually graduating with marks that could possibly get me into my country's top university), I just went through a deep depression that caused me to miss a lot of school when I was young. The past week, two people have confronted me about my age. Later, some college girls started flirting with me and it got real embarrassing when I had to explain I wasn't in college. There is a 15 year girl who I think is cute and I think she's interested in me, which is legal where I live, but I can't get over the feeling that I'd be some sort of creep if I tried pursuing her. All of this just makes me want to die.

or you assholes change the stats so shit does more damage against me.

You don't have to cheat, they do it for you.

I'm speaking of my involvement with the Boys and Girls Club in my town.

The community was all black. I was white. The mayor of my town turned out to be black- didn't know that until I met him.

The Club was in the Poor part of town in a park and the community center was there to. The Masons would meet there, the local government, whatever. The kids would practice Dance and stuff there too.

Never had a Libertarian Socialist Experience like that in any other type of community then black.

It's ok man. Use your age as a confidence boost to be a key player in the school.

Misery isn't going to get you anywhere

when I actually put in effort and im in the mood when trying to get a girl it gets no where. but when im not in the mood at all, and im occupying myself with shit then they start talking and being nice to me.

im done. I quit. nothing makes sense. the game is fucking retarded. im just gonna be as busy as possible and focus on no one but myself women can fuck off..

did you really think all the problems in your life would magically solve themselves when you got rid of me? you’re still a loser, you’re just alone now.

Good luck getting a girl these days to make you a sandwhich.

Might as well be Steak

I know you lie about me when I'm not around.

I'm sick and being sick is annoying.
Also packaged chicken isn't too bad, might try buying some more for when i'm lazy.
I wanna learn how to play a musical instrument soon.

What instrument?

I hate the name Matthew.

I love but this is the last time I’m feeling hurt about it. I’m tired and you don’t love me like I deserve. You’ll always be one of the best things that happened to me.

i got a dui a few days ago and i called up a bunch of people to come pick me up from jail, including an ex that i miss so fucking bad. she got back to me too late to come get me but now we're talking and gonna meet up this week.
i know its probably not gonna go well but i really just want to see her. i wouldnt be surprised if this is the last time i do.
gotta deal with all this dui shit too, im gonna lose my job within a month in all likelihood

dicks are funny
vaginas are gross.

There is nothing funny about a vagina. They are always very serious business/ Dicks are very rarely serious business.

That is all.

Vaginas make me laugh

and I suppose you love this person like they deserve. You already have your mind set on distancing yourself from the start, this is most likely coming from your self-centering attitude. Maybe the fact that you only see the problem is mining your ability to see what caused it.

jesus christ elle is pretty as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck

Don't flatter yourself your not that pretty

i'm tired

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There is no problem. Or there is but we don’t talk about it and act as if it wasn’t there. And I’ve tried and everytime I brought it up they shut me off. And everytime we get close they shut me off. Or run with someone else. So no, this is not on me.

> Black Communities are actually strong and put together

They are falling apart, and the only reason the "community" even still exists, as opposed to starving to death and resorting to cannabalism, Is because 99% of you niggers are on benefits.

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what do you try to talk about? and how do you try to talk?
>Or run with someone else
how do you know

swiped through my entire city and got no matches lmao

time to get back into gaming

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can you please kill me tonight in my sleep

I would greatly appreciate it.

Nothing serious. I kind of want to go out tonight, but then it'd be three nights in a row. Maybe I should stay home and save money, even if the event is free.

I've gone over a month without looking at porn, and honestly since the beginning, I've had no trouble/temptation until recently. I also can't say I've noticed any differences... yet.

Every day I dread the thought of you dying. Seeing time take its toll on you, and in turn rapidly force me into the real world, is terrifying. I have an anxiety attack almost every time I think about it.

I'm sorry I was such a shit son. I know there's nothing to do but to make the most of the time we have left. Even then, it's still difficult to keep my cool sometimes you know? Life sucks and it hurts seeing you get old.

You’ve made me feel so sad.
I hate that you have this effect on me.

fancy logo.

It's weird. But lately someone always replies to me here kindly, and it gives me this sense that it is him, or something he would say and makes me think he is thinking about me too. You know when your on the same mine waves as someone?

The only way I would know is if that person knew the songs he sent me in our emails. But I think it isn't him but just that I'm being reminded of him. I wish it were him just once. I would tell him that the best thing for us is to just talk about everything and figure it out.

I’m so sorry you have to deal with me. I’m so sorry. I’m the worst girlfriend. My depression and anxiety are so bad and make me so difficult but I’m so afraid to tell you because I know you’re coping with your cousin’s death and I don’t want to add to the load. I love you so much. I wish you could open up to me. It kills me inside knowing how you’re hurting and won’t tell me. I die inside at the thought of you drinking, especially when you know you shouldn’t be because of what the doctor said. I would die if anything happened to you.

Please open up to me. Please let me carry some of the burden with you.

yeah same

I didn't forget. I'm planning it. Stop doubting me. I love you.

I constantly feel like none of my friends actually like me or want to be around me, even though I know that's not true. Fucking help.

Maybe you should just break the ice.

I wanna live in a world where the two of us are always making out, listening to records, makin memories, havin fun, laughin, getting it on- ya know? And if I can't be w you I genuinely just wanna die. 3 years of this waiting, I don't know why I even fucking waited since it's clear you fucken hated me and forgot about me, but I genuinely could never stop loving you. I guess I really am fucking crazy. I wish I had the balls to kill myself. I seriously don't know what to do anymore. What do you do when the one person who means the world to u is basically a stranger from 3 years ago? I can hardly even remember your face but you still get my heart all heavy like no one else. It's fucked. I couldn't even reach out to you if I knew how to. I just don't know what to do. I don't wanna end up like one of those crazies you see on here who have loved their ex for 15 years and now they're old and missed out on everythin. But that's the way I'm going. Lmao... I'm havin such a breakdown

I know what you were trying to do. I know a lot more about you than you think; you can be a real asshole. Sometimes I hate you, you have to know why. I am not your fucking pet, I don't care if you are the king of the world, I am not your pet. I have a lot of anger watching you do what you do at times.

You can't even reach out through a mutual friend? I'm sure they haven't forgotten about you.

It's fucking bullshit that I can't even be open to a therapist about being suicidal without the chance of getting hauled off against my will to a psych ward and be faced with a bill I'll have to foot.

I have people in my life including a family but I feel so alone. I wish I had a friend who could do stuff with me and care about me as a person.

I’m not close to been a priority for you so don’t expect anything different from me, not anymore.

I hate having you as a friend and not getting what i want out of it. I want to have a close best friend i can share anything with from deep dark secrets to casual everyday bullshit, and you clearly arent interested in it and i just wish you would say it out loud so i can stop obsessing over it as a question and move on to trying to accept it and separate you from my life.

it's not my place. he's an ex.
he can if he has anything to say.
I won't reach out to people anymore.

Lots of posts in this thread sound addressed to me when I read them. Maybe I'm a bad person.


No number, no social media, nothing. Keeps to himself, I keep to myself too.
If he hasn't forgotten about me, I can be sure all he feels is hatred. It's fucked. I do not know what to do. I wish I could go back in time and fix everything. All I really ever could do is sit here and wait, and that's all that's happened the past 3 years, lettin the days slip away whether I like it or not.

being aware is the first step

Even if we’re only friends (we are more) I feel so safe with you and loved. I feel the love that you’ll never admit you feel for me. You always seem so strong and confident and in control, it makes me want to get closer. When we’re talking everything feels right and good, like we fit. I love you so much and I guess I’ll never be in your arms but whatever happens I’m okay with it. I hope this is forever.

You’re still upset and you won’t even fucking tell me why. How do I fix this?

Yeah, I was embarrassed and ashamed of coming onto him. My two rules for my romantic life have always been 1 don't fuck coworkers and 2 don't fuck married men. For all the mixed signals and signs of interest I read, I think I held out pretty long and well, all things considered.

When he started to attack me for bringing his other love interest up, well, what. What did he expect, that I'd be a dog for her as well and orbit? I could pretend to be innocent of knowledge of her but then, well, I wouldn't be honest with myself. I'm selfish romantically and sexually because I'm also selfless.

Like, I have a potential client willing to drop 2K on me. I've ignored him and turned down other men for relationships in the past few years (one I'm still salty about) because I'm addicted to this one who takes turns snubbing me and praising me. I'm still looking for the silver lining. He's been talking about breaking up, so, maybe that's it.

Peace Out America

Your Daughters are all Whores

Gives yourselves a pat on the back with a 100 dollar bill

Thanks, will do! We're proud of our sluts. We don't have to force them to cover up head to toe before we rape and beat and kill them.

i wanted to tell you i had a vasectomy so many times during the 7 months

one of my roommates seems like he's kind of a douchebag. he comes in and throws his shit down in the living room area. he spends all day and night partying with the frat almost every day. he doesn't go to classes almost ever, as far as I can tell. he always wants to drink or smoke and then he does dumb stuff when he does like driving cars through traffic with people on the hood or ripping signs down and cutting the shit out of himself in the process.

at this point I'm not concerned with trying to buddy it up with this guy but I'm wondering how long this will last. do these guys usually just self destruct eventually and fall right out of college or do they tend to straighten up once they get bored with partying all the time?

C's get degrees loser

not as bad chin up yo

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fix what?

If he isn't maintaining an acceptable GPA, then his time on campus is limited.

This. All you have to do is keep your head above water for your undergrad. Have fun while you're in college, that's part of the reason why everyone's there.

Ah what the fuck man


>shitty job
>no gf
>no friends
>no car

I deserve your hate. I can't bring myself to talk about it but I know you're disappointed in me. So, yeah. I'm a terrible person and you should forget about me. It's what I deserve for treating you badly.


I babied that fucker and I have absolutely no idea what could it scratch on because I never keep it around anything sharp or whatever and yet there's a massive fucking deep scratch that ruin the entire FUCKING SCREEN FUCK

I haven't had a good day in ages now. Every single fucking day is a bad day. Every day something bad happens and if something can either go well or wrong, it always goes wrong. Jesus christ I want this streak of bad luck to end already.

Tell me about it.
I just want to leave my position for another in good terms, but everyone is an asshole and no matter what, they tend to make my job not fun.

I hate this. It annoys me more I have to grind several more days before my new job lets me in. These people are terrible and I don't ever want to look at them again.

At least you're gonna get a better job. I'm getting nothing. I'm just fucking vegetating here and I want to kill myself but don't have the balls to do this.

Truth be told, even if I win, I still have mental scars with these freaks.

I didn't vegitate exactly, I just rotted mentally and now have only bitter saurkraut in my life.

Maybe a month or two of self-imposed rehab would help me, but that truly depends on if life gives me good cards to play.

Nothing can help, user. I tried taking a full month off work (I had to study over that time for an exam).

I failed the exam and am even more wasted mentally. Nothing can save me now. I hate everything, everyone, nothing makes me truly happy because I know that soon something bad will follow and it does. Like everything goes wrong, even if it logically shouldn't.

I'm thoroughly in love with my girlfriend and we have something really magical going, with plans to marry and live together forever. However I constantly feel the urge to cheat on her.

What a joke.
We're in the off season and you expect me to work nine days in a row? Half of them 10 hour shifts. Fuck you. Chefs not working a week straight. No sous are working 7 days. But I get nine? Suck my dick, I can get another job that doesn't FUCKING FUCK ME OVER AND OVER WEEK AFTER WEEK
Nobody deserves this.

>be 38, ok job, live in my own place
>divorced 2 yrs ago from a cheating wife of 12yrs
>depression for 6 months
>get a gf, 14 yrs younger, last 3 months
>another 8 yrs younger, last 4 months
>I find women my age "old" (I look 10 yrs younger than men my age because asian an how I dress)
fuck it, I'mma live my own life
>start playing basketball, rock climbing, hiking, get a dog, party sometimes, etc
>feel lonely even though I have social life, always with younger friends or older folks because at 30-40, people have kids and rarely go out....

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>be me

Smart, 9/10 guy, beautiful gf, amazing grades, lots of friends, caring parents but all I can think is killing myself. The only reason im still alive is that I care about gf and im a religious guy but even that is starting to lack the drive to keep me alive. Should I just kill myself? Should I wait for this shifty feeling go away?

Am I lying to myself not believing I'm still into you? We barely even talk anymore. I wish I had someone I'm interested in.

I spent 5 hours yesterday writing an essay and Word fucking crashed and it didn't save my progress. I barely slept tonight and right now I just opened Word to start again and I feel so fucking depressed, don't even know how to start again.

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Fucking this. If you're not ready to be friends, then don't fucking tell me you want to hang out and then completely flake on me with no response.

Does your name starts with Pau?

why is the world so cold?
all I want is to be loved and feel like i belong but I'll never have that because we aren't evolved enough to see past the physical. everyone lies to their child telling them " love them for their heart" and "beauty is skin deep" when in reality we still judge someone based on their physical appearance. on top of that it seems like no one really cares that i'll die alone.

D if you don't kiss me when/if I see you again I am going to have to just stop talking to you.

I don't want to be your older lady friend. Why do you even talk to me? If you just want one quick fuck, I'm down for a quick fuck. Then we can avoid each other. I'm fine with that, because that's all it can ever be.

But I don't like being teased. I want you, yes but I won't cry if you don't want me. I just won't talk to you after that. I will not be your female beta orbiter.

So you need to decide. What do you want from me?

A, i can't think of sex, i can't think of intimacy, i can't think of romantic feelings, because i think of you.
This is the first month since march that i haven't cried on the tenth. And i was very close.

10years and i'm still thinking about you. I thought i got over you for some time. Why did you began being so cold after christmas break? Was it me, was i too slow? Signals you gave me seemd so contradicting and confusing that i was afraid to open up complitely. This invitation to meet in a friend's car while you were clearly comming back from a date was his or your idea? Sorry for making out with your friend. In your presence. I was sad drunk and angry. Is it why you left me in the middle of our dance or you did that because i didnt liked dancing and was bad at it? I miss your gentle touch, your laugh your bites when you was excited. Even though you said you get easily embarassed you seemd so outgoing and confident, i was thinking im not good for you. I know that what was between us will probably never come back but atlest i would want to know if you loved me too for those 3 years and we just caught ourselves in spiral of misunderstanding or you just toyed with me and tested your abilities. I know you are happy with real boyfriend now and I am happy for you. Maybe it didn't seem like it at times but i always loved you and at the end i was smiling with you. Now the only thing i hope for are just answers about our past feelings and deeds. I wish you are reading this right now. From P to P.

I know it's not normal but I sometimes like having sex with my stuffed animal.

She said she turned down other men? And a married man was coming on to her? Regardless of her nationality I'm pretty sure your daughter would end up a whore because you'd blame her for men's actions.

I fucking hate niggers so much!

I should have killed myself weeks ago but I pussied out, figured I should get a gun and it would be easier but I cant get one anywhere.

I'm using her to push away my own loneliness. I know it's wrong, but I can't stop. I feel like a terrible person.


This doesn't work a all.


every time i get slightly less depressed i remember all the people i’ve pushed away and get even more depressed and push people away more. how the fuck do i get out?

break the cycle. find a problem and try to solve it.