Do you think it is worth it to work 70 hours a week for 50,000 dollars a year?
I just got a work at home job that has unlimited overtime. Should I lose sleep over this potential to make money?
Do you think it is worth it to work 70 hours a week for 50,000 dollars a year?
I just got a work at home job that has unlimited overtime. Should I lose sleep over this potential to make money?
For $50k on top of your regular pay? Sure, if you're up for it.
For $50k total? No way, go to college so you can get a real job.
Dude I make 50k as a neet. Working 70hrs a week I wouldn't if I could. Also working more than 50hrs a week can bump you into a different tax bracket and may not be worth it.
Money is money and the shit doesnt stink.
A home job means you can go live in a fucking cabin in the wilderness for fuck all.
Combine this with growing food and being said sufficient that means you can save up all that dough.
Do the work for 2
Money is money and the shit doesnt stink. 2/3 years invest and profit
Fucked up my post but you got the point
>Should I lose sleep
IMO no.
I have a job that has unlimited overtime too and I take it when I have nothing else to do that evening and have the energy. The extra money is nice but don't sell your life away like that.
90% of work-at-home jobs are scams. The "pay" only comes in the form of commissions on sales that never materialize
In a shithole like New York or any other big city? Hell no. Anywhere that has reasonable living wages? Absolutely.
Imo this. If it is work at home the fuck it. You can just wake up from bed and start making money. What would you be doing in the 30 hours you weren't working a week?
Probably jerking off or doing something useless. You don't have to work like that forever. If it were me I would save at least 25-30k then just work normal hours.
>almost double full time
>only $50k
Even for America this is shit.
Nope, work as little as possible, go live life.
No because that's basically only $14/hour
This, don't follow unmotivated spergs if you are motivated.
This world war build on here working people, be proud to be one of them and not a useless neet.
What aside from the pay does it give you?
If you are starting a business, then sure, you need to make some sacrifices at first.
>Even for America this is shit.
America has one of the better labour conditions in the world, wtf are you even talking about stupid mutt?
Lol dude. I make $60k a year at 35 hours a week and any overtime is returned to me in the form of extra annual leave. There are better jobs you can get.
>Should I lose sleep over this potential to make money?
Yes, always, I live in South European country with a 20-25% unemployment and you have not idea how fucking lucky you are, don't miss the chance to work as much as you can, as long as you get paid.
>I have a job that has unlimited overtime too and I take it when I have nothing else to do that evening and have the energy. The extra money is nice but don't sell your life away like that.
First World Problems, I swear, this fucking snowflake generation is driving me nuts.
Try not living in a third world lol. There's plenty of places for your European ass to move to.
You should never work more than 40h for anyone except yourself or your immediate family.
No, this isn’t a lot of money. Invest your time in learning some skills that can get you paid more for less work. Also, I’m assuming you’re young. When you age, that extra few thousand in your bank account is not going to be worth wasting the time in your life where you have the most energy and most flexibility to do anything. I’m only 32, and life is slowing down no matter what I try to do about it. Friends are all having kids, I need to drink less on the weekends so I’m not hungover for the office on Monday, I get home each night and end up settling into bed around 9 so I’m ready for more work. But at least I have the enjoyable kickass times of my 20s to look back on fondly. Sure, I could have Some extra money sitting around in my bank account from working a bunch, but for what? So I can look at it and say “yay, look at that big number?” Never know when you’re going to get hit by a bus.
Just because your situation is shit doesn’t mean user should force himself into a shit opportunity as well. There’s much better out there for him. I’m very lucky I don’t live in North Korea working in a rice farm getting paid nothing, but I don’t, so I don’t need to worry about that.
I work 30-35 hours a week for 97k
So no
It is just a tech support job that gives medical,dental,vision and a 401k.
Its just a regular job. People call in with problems and you screen share with them to figure out what is wrongYea. This company just pays the minimum 11/h because they are contracted by the main company.
It would be closer to 19/h since the job pays 11/h and 16.50/h overtime. So 30 hours of overtime would be $1017 a week before taxes.
> 10 hours a week
> at home
this seems pretty good
> unlimited overtime
seems even better
Then help us out. What do you do?
50k vs what?
versus 20k?? probably
versus 40k?? nah
Well. Unless your job is hiring and OP has the skills.....
We are hiring but OP clearly doesn't have the skills or any skills at all for that matter
What do you do then Mr.Bigshot?
I'm not him, but I'm in advertising and I make a little over $100,000 a year before my bonus. Sometimes I have to answer emails outside of work hours, and getting all of the numbers right is stressful as shit (I manage a multimillion dollar budget), but I rarely put more than 45 hours in the office, if that. And I'm not wasting hour after hour of my time to scrape together under 20 bucks only after I put in everyone else's full work week.
Software development, and an online store in the side
Let me guess. White male/female?
College paid for in full by parents?
Went to a private school?
grats on making in life but not everyone has the same advantages.
White male, but a full ride academic scholarship. I went to a state school out of state, but one with a good program in Journalism/Communications. I skipped going to a "better" school to save the money, and also graduated into the worst economy we've had in decades.
Don't get me wrong, there's a ton that's fucked up with the system, but I'm also the guy that was telling OP that his youth is worth more than anything. I also make my money in a state with an awesome cost of living (Nevada), so I'm able to hang on to a lot of it. $50k is poverty tier if you live in NYC, LA, or SF. Hell, so is $100k.
But regardless of some admitted advantages I've had, it's important to work smarter, not harder. OP's at a point where he can work 70 hours a week to make $50k in a year, or work 40 hours and 10 hours of a trade, to make $70k a year in 2-3 years. The 70 hour work week isn't sustainable, and in the long term, will net him less, because he's putting in a bunch of hours at minimal pay.
Honestly, I work so much that I don’t even care how much money I make. I am a self employed plumber and I make 125/HR but I only have one team of plumbers so I have to go to every job and it’s 24/7 service so in some weeks I have to work about 100 hours (I average about 80 a week). I barely have time to do anything fun and I don’t have a wife or kids. Sometimes I feel like I should just sell my business and go back to working 40 hour weeks making only 40k a year.
No college, not white, public school
Worked hard on contract, got a generous offer for my efforts
Started my own business a few months ago