How do people waste their lives working shitty full time jobs and see it as what they're supposed to do?

how do people waste their lives working shitty full time jobs and see it as what they're supposed to do?

Attached: Steven-Gerrard-Liverpool-slip-Chelsea-584517.jpg (620x413, 32K)

Growing up being brainwashed every second that they need to work for porky does that.

Congratulations, OP. You've finally snapped out of the prism. You can mope around and be bitter over the way society currently operates, or you can get involved in politics. Now's a good time, too, since a ton of retards are suddenly interested in politics and in need of a leader.

The NPC thing is no joke dude.
>t. NPC that enjoys working

because i make 90k a year

>life has no specific meaning
>thus the meaning of life is left up to the individual
>even if you dislike the system as it stands, participation is mandatory if you don't want to live as a hobo or hermit
>even changing the system requires participating to begin with
>you must both participate and make your own happiness
>ergo the best thing you can do with your life is to work in a job that gives you fulfillment in some area of your life
>for most their primary income source won't be their primary source of happiness, but it will provide financial fulfillment and provide the freedom to pursue other means of happiness

Work a job that pays enough to allow you to eventually build a livable business out of something that you actively like to do. If none of your hobbies are viable as successful businesses then work a job that provides financial stability so that you can do other things with your life.

>if you don't want to live as a hobo or hermit
There is always the greatness of NEETdom in first world countries.

Because I don't work shitty jobs.
I get to invent robot systems and make a decent living doing so.
My day is usually better when I go to work than when I don't.

As social animals unfortunately a lot of what brings us happiness involves the judgement of others. If you go it alone then you can define happiness, but without others it is potentially untested and prone to delusion. You might not like the system, but within it is contained everything with which you can test yourself, measure yourself and find pleasure in overcoming. Don't want to run in a rat race? Great. But what if there is nothing except the race and everybody you encounter cares about nothing except running in the race? You can build an identity raging against the race, but it continues, indifferent to you, you need it more than it needs you and you define yourself ultimately through what you avoid, deny and dislike rather than what you engage with, accept and like. I want to have a positive impact upon the world and others and want to be seen as a positive person with good ideas doing good things because I'm a dumb social animal. I can't sustain a false and entirely personally created superiority complex, untested and unproven by others and wider society as justification for why I live in an antisocial manner. If the rat race is all there is, then be the best at it, if you aren't the best at it, die happy knowing you did the best that you could irrespective of it and with compassion towards others, not in spite of it from a position of judgement and artificial superiority.

>Jow Forums - Advice

Have you considered the fact that sometimes people like their jobs

is that supposed to be alot?

You need to do it to live

no you're not

it's enough for me to have everything i want and no financial worries.

>a lot of what brings us happiness involves the judgement of others
>a lot
Not sure if it's true. Obviously positive feedback especially from people we hold in high regard is pretty nice but at least for me it'd be 1/10 at most. Besides, it's not like NEETdom prevents that shit, unless you're someone who uses it as an excuse to waste your life with vidya and hiding away from people.

>If you go it alone then you can define happiness, but without others it is potentially untested and prone to delusion.
As long the person is indeed happy or at least content, do such details really matter?

>But what if there is nothing except the race and everybody you encounter cares about nothing except running in the race?
Well, thankfully it's not the case nor ever was and probably never will be. It's just the most simple way.

>If the rat race is all there is, then be the best at it, if you aren't the best at it, die happy knowing you did the best
Dunno, mate. I just don't see the appeal of playing someone else's game for the lack of choice.

what else am i supposed to do
i wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth so i can't mooch off mommy

>set up passive income streams
>travel to a third world country and work remote for a first world company
>work part time jobs and make compromises about what you'd be giving to give up

the possibilities are endless

> waste their lives
Yes because i work 24 hours per day
Fucking mongs man

Any tips for passive incomes or any first world companies?

>sell t shirts designs on redbubble
>sell digital products on shopify
>sell books on amazon/ebay

as for the company it depends on the industry you're in but they're out there, you just need to do abit of researching

You're browsing Jow Forums you stupid hypocrite.