Just turned down sex cause she was drunk.
Rate my decision 0-10.
I could be doing it right now
Just turned down sex cause she was drunk
you would also be accused.
i'd give you a solid 10/10
If it's some barslut then maybe idk 5
If it's your partner 0
I love that Jow Forums simultaneously hates women but believes that you should never fuck a drunk girl.
I understand why, and I agree, but I still think it's funny.
random person: 10/10
partner you sort of know: 9/10
partner who assures you she likes drunk sex: 6/10
partner who you trust 100% and who trusts you and likes drunk sex: 2/10
i bet half the woman haters are women trolling
Well then Jow Forums would be like 70% women.
>inb4 that math doesn't work out.
Fuck you egghead.
pretty much any faggot: 0/10
10, gg OP, don't pound the snatch if too much went down the hatch
SCOTUS just legalized rape thanks to Kavanaugh
It's not out of respect for women, it common sense if you don't want to get metooed and life ruined.
Oh I know. Like I said, I understand and agree, I just still think it's funny.
>Brett Kavanaugh gets a chance at taking one for the team on live TV
>Has to live with not being Jesus
How drunk are we talking here
Think honestly, at what point would you consider yourself unable to consent to something like that? Most likely if you can walk and hold a conversation you can consent. If you don't hold a woman to the same standard it's sexist. All she wanted was to get laid.
turning down sex is always a 10
you would've regretted it! go user!
If your sober that's kinda rapey.. Plus drunk people are annoying.
Unless you both were shitfaced and it kind of just happened.
why is that hard to believe?
One other reason to turn it down is that having sex with a domeone who is drunk (especially when you're more sober) is fucking annoying and not very fun. They're usually just a sloppy mess and kind of gross and reek of alcohol. Boner killer for me.
Probably a good idea user. Most femoids couldnt rub 2 brain cells together and probably would accuse you of rape even though they initiated.
Not completely related but I just found out it is completely legal to record audio of yourself having sex with someone and not having to inform the other party in my country.
A man who had a bit of an iffy history with girls started doing that and managed to completely nail a girl accusing him of rape. She was sentenced to pay him 35k for false accusations due to the audio where she thanked him for the sex and how nice it was.
Thank you.
Filming it is like a 500-1500 fine but just getting the audio is alright.
>Not completely related but I just found out it is completely legal to record audio of yourself having sex with someone and not having to inform the other party in my country.
you better start doing that every time from now on bucko
get that sober pussy in the morning G
1500 fine is better than having your life ruined, getting fired and going to jail.
hungover pussy is more like it,
Gee, when we live in an age where random thot can ruin your life with a single accusation, it is no wonder men don't want to engage with them in situations where they could be can be labeled as rapists on just her word alone.
Pence rule is unironically based and redpilled. You should avoid being in any sort of compromising situation with a woman who is not your significant other.
>You should avoid being in any sort of compromising situation with a woman who is not your significant other.
Maybe Islam's strict rules about gender segregation are not such a bad idea.
Islam is the final redpill.
10, you’re a good guy user and that girl will appreciate you being a gentleman.
rape accusation > sex
or you could just to the opposite of Pence and go full homo
Fags are disgusting.
pros: no rape allegations to ruin your life
cons: AIDS
Proud of u 10
0 because you're a faggot