I can only cum when I fuck my gf in the ass

Vaginal sex does nothing for me. She doesn't want to get pregnant so insists on condoms even though she's on the pill but I always go limp as soon as I start to put them on. In the few instances when I could remain hard while putting them on, I'd feel nothing while fucking her and go soft. She loves it in the ass though and so do I could I can go bare and feel everything but I don't want to just fuck her in the ass constantly cos that's gay.

wat do?

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Sheep skin condoms or what ever there called. Ultra thin. Google them. Also put lube inside of the condom. Makes a world of difference.

I have the same problem with condoms, but we have yet to try anal. She takes birth control at least

Try an ultra thin, I can't feel shit other than warmth with a regular on too.

Make sure you get the right size condoms, it makes a world of difference.

Put a drop of lube on the inside before you put it on.

Keep doing butt and mouth stuff, variety is the spice of life.

Talk to her about an IUD long term.

Sounds like a good problem to have.

And you’re gay.

Suggest spermicide or a diaphragm spermicide combo. It's a little bit extra work on her part. With the spermicide she injects it with a tampon shaped thing. With the diaphragm, she covers it in spermicide and shove it up there. She would have to go to the gyno or Planned Parenthood but is it worth it. Either way it's like having unprotected sex. I used spermicide and a diaphragm for 8 years without getting pregnant. The spermicide is so strong some people use it by itself.

In addition to the above suggestions you should at least attempt to say something to her. Women have some weird misconceptions about how sensitive a dick is, and where it's sensitive, and just how pleasurable things do or don't feel.

Of course you have to be careful or she'll assume you're calling her loose and be offended.

Warm mayonnaise jar.

Dude theres nothing gay about your fetish. The fact that she loves it is awesome for you. Dont be a retard and fuck up a good thing.

Don't worry. There are many heterosexual couples that prefer anal over vaginal. It doesn't mean you're gay.

>I don't want to just fuck her in the ass constantly cos that's gay.
It's not. Gay is when you have sex with a dude. It has nothing to do with having anal sex.

well if her ass looks like pic related, i can't really blame you.

my bf cant stay hard in a condom either and i'm gay so we only do anal, there is no fronthole... i'm gathering the the main reason the anal is getting you off is because you can go in raw and don't have to worry about knocking her up

to elaborate. it's not that vaginal sex does nothing for you,it's that you can't have vaginal sex without a condom and the condom ruins it for you. that's the issue here.

Men's obsession with an anus is second only to their obsession with a penis. You would think a vagina was at or near the top but no.

You can have vaginal sex from behind, virgin.

and she will look like a fucking pear when she's mid 30's. no fucking thanks

“Cos that’s gay” looollllll

Apparently fucking a women is gay now. You're a retard, OP. You need to tell us more. Are you used to death grip masturbation? If so, the tightness of anal might be why you like it so much. Don't knock vaginal until you have tried it bareback, though. The vagina hugs the penis and milks it, and is ribbed for your benefit. Find an antipregnancy method that works and then see what happens.

Do you ever intend to have kids?

If not, go get a vasectomy and never worry about this shit again. I highly recommend it.

>le can't feel anything with a condom meme
I can't imagine how furiously you guys molest yourselves when you jerk off that this would legitimately happen.

>anal without condoms
The only advice left is cutting off your dick.

Bro I hate sex with condoms on as well. Those sensoprene or whatever they are ones were as good as it got for me. Anal is tight as fuck bro. I bet there is a physical aspect to condoms and vaginas where they aren't as awesome as raw and anal in terms of tightness, but also some psychology in terms of pregnancy, raw, anal and so on.

I find a lot of sensation depends on how aroused I am? Like if I'm TOTALLY into this situation sliding into a vagina feels like being engulfed in sexy lava. If I'm not really turned on then fucking requires some friction to do the magic.

Putting on a normal condom completely kills all sensation for me. It's like I'm humping into thin air. Luckily ultra thin condoms work so I can cum without fucking the poor girl for an hour.

So... having sex with a woman is gay???

Apparently if you do anal.
Crazy right?

I'm having problems with this ass as it keeps appearing in my catalogue and I keep having to jerk off and it is stressing my cats. Plz.

Holy shit. Okay new thread
>I think my bf might be gay, he fucks me in the ass sometimes. Halp?

I was like you once
you poor man. Cum inside the womb, make babies. condoms are so yesterday. Its all about dat procreation now.


I have the same problem.

But for me it works if I get her horny enough, then she'll take it even without a condom. If I really get her going I can cum inside her pussy too.

>implying that's a bad thing

Kiss your hand.

Now kiss it through a bag.

Now imagine this on a sensitive organ.

Lets switch gfs for a week..