How to get over my hate for women?

It's something I've been struggling with since I found the Redpill in 2015. I dunno what to believe. I was told by teachers and my parents that females are just like males and we are equal. But now I see that women themselves desire to submit to men. I don't know how to adapt to this paradigm shift. What am I supposed to believe anymore? We were never taught about female nature in school, how was I supposed to to be prepared for this?

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Do you interact with women on a regular basis?

My mom and some thick Asian prostitutes.

redpill is a bunch of anecdotal bs. (Not talking about the men's right activism). Learn conventional pickup if you have to

Dude, you bought into some feelgood bullshit. “Redpill” is a dumb mentality for people who can’t get chicks. Sure, you have to not be an autist to get a date (go out on a limb, deal with being actually rejected a few times), but once you’re past that point if you want a SUSTAINABLE relationship, you have to get to know them and treat them as a human being. It’s fucking gay, I get it. But having a fulfilling relationship is one of the best parts of my life.
Just give it a shot and realize all of your intuitions come from leddit.
Are you in a position where you regularly run into girls (college), or just one where you have to go to bars?

Redpill is a term that autistic angry incels use to believe their cult of lies. It has nothing to do with truth.

Or just start fucking dudes. A lot of my homo friends got to the same point you’re at, and they just realized it was easier to touch a peen/ get their peen touched in return than to deal with the whole dinner and a movie schtick. Do you not desire female companionship? If you hate them so much, just switch. You’re not going to find some “submissive big tiddy beautiful Christian wants to do anal” girl out there.
If you don’t have genuine interest, it’s easier to just start touching dicks.

Don’t say incel, we’re trying to help the poor thing.
Just fucking care about someone, man. It sucks. You get burnt. You grow up. You can move and try again.
Unless you want to start a grindr, start fucking trying.
Future threads include
>how to deal with rejection
>how to cope with dad problems
>how to lose weight
>how to stop watching anime
I’m sure there is SOME grill out there that’s willing to put up with you. Once again, you need to work on loving yourself before you can love someone else. Figure out what’s wrong with your life.
Otherwise, just start sucking cock and hate yourself forever, but experience temporary pleasure.
Up to you, my dude.

>actually believing the redpill
I want r9k OUT

No one is answering the question. Why aren't boys taught female nature and how to actually approach and act around females? Are we just expected to pick up on what females want?

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your dad fucked up

He got deported back to Trinidad when I was 8 and hasn't been a huge part of my life. But it's still a valid question, most dad's don't teach their kids anything these days.

that's just not true

It's true for you so it makes you think it's true for most people?

it's not true for you so it makes you think it's not true for most people?

Of course, yes. In an unironic sense, this is actual autism. Pick up on social clues.

Everybody in America knows about the single mother epeidemic you fucking ignoramus.

As I have proposed the idea in my adult life within my Sonichu Comic Books, and a bit before then, High Schools SHOULD have Dating Education Classes along with the Sexual Education Classes. In my humble opinion, Sex ED is fine for AFTER 3 or so DATES, but HOW DO WE EVEN GET TO THE FIRST DATE?!!! If I had the Dating Education back then, I wouldn't have to had suffered being a frustrated virgin for soo many years.

Not everybody gets to be born knowing automatically.

Learn through trial and error like everyone else. You're just justifying being a pussy.

Females cant be trusted. They are just babies who are arrogant and selfish. I wish they would all die so men can finally create mechanical womb. Woman is holding down our future. Their ego is absolutely busted they dont care about us men all they care about is themselves and their pussies. Horrible creatures!

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This. While the "redpill community" might be a bit overboard on most things, there is still a lot of truth to be found when you compare it to the post-modern belief that men and women are 100% equal and act the same way.

Women love men who are in control and who express a certain form of dominance. Many people love Jordan Peterson because he says it with such confidence. Does it mean that you should beat the devil out of women to show them who's the boss? No, that's dumb. Then again, I feel like a good dad / good friends would've tought you all of this, even thought it's now a pretty tabboo subject because of the whole PC culture.

>Does it mean that you should beat the devil out of women to show them who's the boss? No, that's dumb.

Why it's dumb?

>I was told by teachers and my parents that females are just like males and we are equal.
We are similar but not equal.

>We were never taught about female nature in school
Nobody is, all you get to know is that they shit blood out of their cunts and boys jizz in their sleep. That's pretty much all you learn about the differences between men and women, which isn't enough, especially if you think about how much we know thanks to darwinism, modern anthropology and biology to describe human nature.

>What am I supposed to believe anymore?
Wrong question. Believe itself is wrong because it's based on nothing, try knowing by learning something about actual facts aka science.

>treat her like a human being
>she jumps on a cock of jobless junkie """friend"""

Cool story, hang yourself.

That won't happen if you abuse her.

Neither of you belong in Jow Forums.

Yeah they all belong into concentration camps right roasty? Send them straight to auchwitz ja? Hail hitler to you too.

I agree OP, once you find out the true nature of women it's hard to really trust them.

Get over yourself and stop buying into the redpill npc bullshit. Look at people as individuals and you'll soon realise that everybody is a piece of shit and it's just about finding someone who slightly less of an asshole.

>le all humans are shit
>just find someone less shit
>They're still shit, albeit less.
Great advice Gregory

thats gay.
rather be forever a virgin that a homo. and im making headway on the former.

If you haven't realised that it's a dog eat dog world by now then I'm genuinely concerned.

I'm only 18, haven't even gotten a job yet.

That's exactly why I jerk off exclusively to women abuse videos. Nothing gets me harder than seeing a bitch get what she deserves.

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Well, I did. Now I don't know what to do.

I channeled my hatred of women into sexually dominating them and not actually treating them like people.

I just treat my gf like a pet that I fuck and spank once in a while and she responds positively. One chick from work is constantly hitting on me so I might ditch this girl and give newbie some dick some day. These hoes are replaceable.

With women in professional life I just keep my distance and never interact with them aside from formalities.

Women will baw about male entitlement and feminism and small penis insecurity etc. But their #1 weakness is being ignored and rejected.

The most cold hearted fempowered sex positive girl will have a breakdown and spend months in therapy if you put up a wall of silence and ghost her. Done it before and I've absolutely destroyed some cunts and it was great.

The root cause of your hatred is most likely some sense of inferiority and intimidation. Women are gaining more collective power by the day in society and they still have their innate advantages in the sexual market over men which makes them overpowered.

Men still have a few aces up our sleeve so I wouldn't fret too much stay the course mang