Try nofap and hit the gym last spring

>try nofap and hit the gym last spring
>keep it up for a month or so
>start getting retarded ideas like "maybe I should make a tinder account" etc in my head, and get anxious about finding a gf.
>massive stress and insecurity engulf me
>relapse back to fapping and cut out gym routine
>no longer bothered by those worries and again content with being a kissless, handholdless virgin who will never have children.
>sweet sweet apathy.

Why the fuck did I fall for the "lol improve yourself" meme? There is no point in it, because at 25 years of age, it is too late for me anyways. I am just waiting to die.

Attached: at last I truly see.png (447x378, 15K)


You did it wrong
Tinder and other sex related thoughts are consequence of the testosterone levels rising, and increasing that drive makes you more willing to approach girls
Enjoy being an incel i guess

>Tinder and other sex related thoughts are consequence of the testosterone levels rising, and increasing that drive makes you more willing to approach girls
Yeah, and their consequence to me is massive stress, anxiety and relapse into my depression.

Men like me were meant to die, not to breed. I want war or something where I can die with a measure of glory, not this pathetic worthless existence where I can't fulfill even the basic function of life that is reproduction.

Did you want advice or just whine?

What advice is there to even give at this point?

I advise you to stop shitting up Jow Forums with your pity party threads. There are sites and communities dedicated to incels, try your luck there.


Get help for your mental issues? Stop being a basedboy?

Seeing a psychotherapist already.
His advice to me boils down to "you should start looking for a gf".

1. Find a better one.
2. Have you tried?

>1. Find a better one.
And start the multi year process of building trust etc over again?

>2. Have you tried?
I don't have the courage to try. Even just thinking about it makes me anxious.

people complain about women attention whoring like crazy and yet on Jow Forums you can find adult guys in mid 20s attentionwhoring like craaazy
masculinity is truly dead nowadays

>masculinity is truly dead nowadays
And women killed it.

>men should talk about their emotions, concerns and worries like women do
Also feminists:
>men expressing their concerns, worries and emotions are fucking losers lmao masculinity is dead.

it had to really fucking weak to begin with if a bunch of cunts managed to kill it

yeah dude but expressing your concerns and talking about your emotion isnt the same as posting oh woe is me and wallowing in self pity. Especially when a guy is in his mid 20s, holy kek

>if you are past a certain age you should shut up about your concerns and fears, and take it like a man.

>it had to really fucking weak to begin with if a bunch of cunts managed to kill it
Men in the past allowed them to have rights etc thus the women just killed what was left. Plus, your "tough guy" talk is pretty cringy.

If you want to give up give up. Nobody cares about you.

Improving yourself isn't a meme.
You failed because you listened to what other people tell you what improving yourself looks like.
Being in-shape, having a gf, etc, might not be how you want to improve.
Maybe you should work on improving your self control, or learning a new skill, or something along those lines. You have to determine for yourself how you should improve, not listen to others tell you.

unironically this and it applies to both sexes btw. Learning to deal with your issues without moping around and making a victim out of yourself is a part of adulthood

you /thread-ing your own posts is cringy

Yeah, I agree with you.
Let's pump those male suicide numbers up.

Whine obviously

This lol.

You always have Monday to start And try again so stop bitchin.