I want to break-up with gf but I'm worried she'll commit suicide, help me
I want to break-up with gf but I'm worried she'll commit suicide, help me
Her choices are her own.
You must get her to break up with you.
Specifically, you must do your best to be incredibly disgusting. So disgusting that she'd never see you sexually again.
When she asks to break up, you can then stay friends because it was disgust and not emotional shit that ended it.
>Specifically, you must do your best to be incredibly disgusting. So disgusting that she'd never see you sexually again.
This actaully turns women on. Saw some white girls with black guys they smelled literally like shit yet the girls were clinging to them as if they were pure gold.
Let's see if op's gf is one of t h o s e, then.
Honestly, just "opening up" about his feelings would be enough. That's a surefire way to make a girl stop being attracted to you.
You have to cut toxic people out of your life completely. Your life will improve, their lives will be just as toxic with or without your presence.
In regular cases, yeah, but if he's worried that she'd neck herself, I'm thinking as if she's ultra unstable.
We'd appreciate some more info, OP.
we started dating about 6 months ago. She'd suffered from an eating disorder in the past and she seems to have some sort of bi-polar disorder as a result.
This started having a pretty big impact on our relationship as she would go crazy anytime I saw a female friend in public or say i didn't want to do something with her, that kind of behavior. she is also super passive aggressive, in an abusive kind of way.
We started drifting apart since that started happening (about a month ago) and I'm considering breaking up with her but i'm worried she'll do something silly since her home life is really bad and she has no friends.
Have you considered getting professional help for her? If her issues ARE the reason you're drifting apart, you aught to try fixing those instead of running away.
Hand her a noose and tell her to kill herself after you break up, reverse psychology bro.
I have considered professional help, she sees a doctor every now and then but it seems to make things worse. I want the best for her of course, but she hates seeking professional help and hates admitting shes 'sick'.
Dude she won't. Trust me I've been there. And honestly fuck her if she does that's her own stupid fault.
You should give her a chance to fix these behaviours before you break up if you have any feelings for her at all.
Lol fuck that gay shit. OP, if you need to break up with this girl, just do it. If she does anything because of it, she was going to do it anyways.
have you talked to her about this shit? addressed the bs she's started pulling and told her to knock it off?
thats your cue right there. Break up before she slits her wrists open and blame it on you
Don't do this, absolutely retarded. Just walk away if sue kills herself that's not your fault I'm any capacity. That fact that you have to worry about this means she's already manipulated you into thinking she's the victim
Do it. She will not kill herself, she'll threaten it. Only to realize she doesn't have the balls to do so. Free yourself from her clutches..
After you dump her she's not your girlfriend
Not your girlfriend not your problems.
Just tell her parents or friends what's going to happen.
Staying with her because she's unstable only encourages her.
And how's that your problem? Call the next ward and call her a safety cab if that makes you feel any better