Am I racist?

I live near a Puerto Rican enclave, so half of my coworkers speak Spanish as their first language. The ones who were born here speak English fine, but some of the recent arrivals have a questionable understanding of English and almost never speak it, besides short phrases. Sometimes I feel uneasy or excluded when everyone around me is speaking Spanish, even more so when I’m working with the less fluent ones. I find myself getting annoyed and thinking things like “Speak English! This is America!” It doesn’t help that I’m paranoid that they’re making fun of me in my presence because they know I don’t understand them.

I know these people haven’t done anything wrong. They’re nice and good workers, and I know it takes time to get fluent in a new language, especially when it’s convenient to keep speaking your native language. I even feel bad for them when they struggle to communicate with me. Still, I get irritated by all the Spanish and I wish I didn’t.

inb4 it’s good to be racist
inb4 Hispanic isn’t a race

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Oh yeah and I’m afraid of strange black men. I’m certainly not afraid of my black coworkers, but if I’m alone around a black dude at night I’m definitely afraid. Actually, I’m slightly uncomfortable around them in many safe situations too, and I’m not sure why. Lack of exposure may be a factor.

Feel the same way about Arabs where I live. If you're gonna live in a country, adopt the culture and speak the language. That said, my best friend since kindergarten is a Muslim, and we get along great.
Then again, Puerto Rico is basically part of America, so I guess that it's more like getting mad at a Québécois for speaking french in Canada. Still not racist though.

I fucking hate niggers so much

Its not racist to demand from people one common language.
Its more a social rule than racism in any case
If they don't want to they are just antisocial
Even though America doesn't have an official language it's plain rude to not want to integrate into society.

Moved to israel myself as a goyim
Took me a year to talk normal hebrew And it's a shitty language.
Notice that people i know are just ignoring me when I talk English now
Which is fine and totally understandable.

Americans are just cucks for not saying anything about it tho.
You can not have a country with 2 languages, even arabs here know how to speak with jews

>If you're gonna live in a country, adopt the culture and speak the language.
That reminds me of one person who has been here for a few years (I think?), yet they never speak English unless spoken to, and then they only give a short answer. I find it slightly infuriating desu.
>Puerto Rico
It’s literally part of America, it’s just not a state.
Quebec/Canada is a little different from PR/USA because French-speaking Québécois are a larger part of Canada than Spanish speakers are of America, and I live in a very racially, ethnically and linguistically homogeneous part of America, if you don’t count this little Puerto Rican enclave. I’m not annoyed by anyone speaking Spanish in Puerto Rico and French in Quebec because that’s the dominant language in those places. I recently took a trip to Quebec and made a fool of myself with my shitty French, but I mostly just spoke English. I wonder if anyone was annoyed by my lack of fluency in French. I did try sometimes.

You don't hate them, it's perfectly fine. My advice for the "making fun of you" part: learn curse words and insulting phrases in Spanish, and if they do, call them out on it, they'll bite their tongue.

They say cabron constantly, but maybe that’s because it’s one of the few words I know. There’s no way it’s always about me, but I’m still curious why they say that so much. I also learned today that they say fart (pedo) a lot, if I’m not mistaken. I do fart a lot (bowel problem), so I’m worried they’re making fun of the stinky gringo. Like I said, I’m paranoid.

>people i know are just ignoring me when I talk English now
That sounds rude, or at least awkward. Maybe that’s just my American cuckness.

>I wonder if anyone was annoyed by my lack of fluency in French. I did try sometimes.
Nigga, my sister in law is from Quebec and she's fluent in french, but she's picked up an English accent when she speaks it. Just that is enough to get weird glares from the frenchies. Hell my mom speaks french with A FRANCE ACCENT and that's also not allowed. Quebec is unimaginably xenophobic.

I only noticed overt condescension once when a subway worker waved me away saying something along the lines of “no English.” Almost everyone snapped into fluent English if I spoke a word of English. Even when I tried speaking French I sometimes got English in response. They must hide their xenophobia well.

Wait, you live in Puerto Rico and you don't speak Spanish? Isn't Spanish technically the native language?

They know I speak the language pretty well so they would like me to speak their language.
Nothing wrong with it.

But that's the problem with spics.
They don't care what you want and just don't want to be part of Your country.
They just want to bring their country into yours.

I live on the mainland in a predominately English speaking area. Spanish is the primary language in Puerto Rico, but knowledge of English is still pretty common, although it’s rarely a first language.

Google "enclave" my friend

I’m not sure if Hispanics are different from other groups in this regard, but I’m positive that the existence of a Puerto Rican community is what makes them assimilate slower. Why speak English if you could just not? Imagine you lived in a neighborhood of all Americans in Israel.

Well the fact that they huddle together only proves they don't want to integrate.

As said before they take their own country in to yours and that's not the way immigration should work

Well they are still Canadian. Our entire culture is predicated on silently thinking we're better than Americans. But if you look at the way Quebec votes, they're pretty nasty. In the 80s there was practically a civil war. Just Google "the October crisis", it's the one time Canada used the "suspend all civil liberties and institute marshal law" button written into our Constitution.

They’ll assimilate eventually. The town they effectively took over used to have Italian and Polish communities, but there’s hardly a trace of those now.

I hate to break it to you sweetie, but Spanish is a recgonized language of America. You just gotta deal with it, especially since America is getting more Mexican every year.

>gets butthurt he can't learn Spanish, literally the easiest western language in the world to learn
>not already burying his dick in Latina booty
>not already cumming buckets inside Maria's mouth and deporting afterwards
>worried about appearing racist instead of dominating Latinas with his Conquistador dick

Dude you're a fucking faggot, I wish I lived near Puerto Ricans

Just because it's not the mainland doesn't mean people don't speak the language of the mainland. I mean honestly I don't know what OP expects, that's like working in Chinatown and being "hurr why can't these chinks speak English"

A high proportion of these Latinas are not very attractive FYI.
My workplace is well outside the Puerto Rican part of town. They are an anomaly in the area.

That's subjective. Stop being gay

Bro, I would berry my dick so deep in some of them, don’t get me wrong. At least I would if I wasn’t a total pussy.

As a fellow puerto rican , both words especially "cabron" can refer to literally anything and its rarely used to be mean
And mostly as "dude" than whatever definition it really has.

as someone who went through a legit Jow Forums phase, that is not racism. a lot of people feel that way. I defend people celebrating their cultures and traditions in the US, but they should learn to speak english unless they are elderly, then they sort of get a pass


Yeah, "cabrón" means "dude" and "pedo" can be anything, from a thing, a situation or something that someone else is doing, like "ya terminaste ese pedo?" ("did you finish that thing already?". Things like that. Dont over-think it too much. My advice is you ask one of them to teach you some words or to speak spanish so you can understand at least a little about what they are saying. You say sometimes they try to speak to you in english, well, you should do the same with them. I am from Latin America, and we do appreciate when foreigns at least try to speak our language even if its not 100% accurate.