
>4.5" erect penis
>ugly face
should I just give up and kill myself?

Attached: 死ね.png (360x269, 9K)

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Just find a 4"11 girl with an ugly face.

I feel you
>5" painis
>strange mixed face
can't give in though. got to keep trying. just fight to be your best, and if you lose, you lose.

You still have a chance if you're Asian living in an Asian country

>should I just give up and kill myself?
if you have to ask the answer is always yes

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I'm not either of those things.

you always post the same damn gif

>should I just give up and kill myself?
should I care either way? It's your life...

Well find something else in life than a gf

>Jow Forums-advice

I already have hobbies and such, but my life still feels empty. why should all those horrible people be able to be happy but not me?

You're pathetic, but not because you're 5'0"", have a tiny dong, or because of your ugly face.

You're just retarded.

But I'll tell you what to do. Listen carefully.

Get sex ed. Proper sex ed. Learn to pleasure women with your hands, tongue and toys. In bed, it's about performance. If you're a great performer, they won't care about the tiny dick. Did you know like half of women don't even orgasm from dicking alone? Yeah?

Surgery. Don't be an ignorant fool. The solution is right fucking there. Save money, fix your face. Do make sure the doctor isn't more retarded than you.

Some women are literally into this. But that doesn't even matter because...

You can get a girl easily just by talking with people and doing group activities long enough.

With what you've said, the girl probably won't be pretty, but tell you what, maybe she'll be a wonderful person or amazing at sex.

Stop looking at standards. MAKE YOUR OWN.


Manlet here.

Work out and try to improve your confidence. With the odds stacked against you, you have to put in a bit more effort than most.

Start making money and fuck prostitutes. They don't care if you're ugly or not, or how big your dick is. If your only concern is getting off this is your best bet. It may bring you some fulfillment.

Based and redpilled

I don't know how I feel about getting surgery. what would i need to fix? i would need to get a well paying job to be able to live and save up for surgery
what about VDs

Well, what's wrong with your face? What's ugly about it? That's what you gotta fix, then.

Also, just saving up can probably work, seeing as it's a one-time thing. (I would totally advise going for better jobs though. In general if you can get better, do it)

Combine these to be blessed with baseosity and redpillitude, although the prostitutes thing is optional

Make money + work out + confidence

here is a pic tell me what I need to change

>what about VDs
That depends on where you live I guess. Over here escorts are less likely to have STDs than your average bar-hopping girl because they get tested regularly and insist on condoms. Of course if you're fucking a 20 dollar street hooker without a bag you're probably going to want to pray that your dick doesn't fall off.

That cringy incel posts all over Jow Forums.

I'm so fucking tired of people calling themselves ugly when they aren't.

You don't need surgery. You aren't ugly at all, you just aren't particularly handsome either.

Get better skincare. Lose the facial hair or get a proper beard. What you're running ruins your face.

You might also want to just lose weight. Your face looks puffed up.

Oh and trim those fucking eyebrows, holy shit.

Laser of electrolysis to perma-trim, should be really cheap for brows only too.

To be perfectly honest, you're not bad looking. You have a kind face. In any case you definitely do not need surgery. I'm guessing you're overweight or just young and still carrying babyfat on the face. Working out and losing weight might do you some good for your appearance and your self-esteem. The acne isn't working in your favor though, so you might want to look into that. Again, that may just also be an age thing and your hormones at play.

okay I'll do all that. it won't change my height and all that but w/e. i might as well try something it beats being miserable

You don't need to change your height to succeed at girls or life in general.

Stop worrying about it. Seriously.

that's not what studies have found

but why that kanji

>using population level statistics to make judgments about the future of an individual

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do you know what it means?

if you’re that petty and self-loathing, I can understand why you’d want to end yourself, but I think there’s hope for everyone to changw their mentality for the better. I used to want to kms but now I’m at least interested in giving life a shot before quitting and checking out.

What makes them horrible? Winning the genetic lotto doesn't inherently make you a bad person. Would you be a horrible person if you were more attractive?

Idiocy. We aren't asking about the percentage of tall successful people. Literally anyone can succeed.

Even if being short makes it slightly harder it'd still be fucking irrelevant to what we're discussing here.

(Height only matters for certain professions and to certain [retarded] people. Get a grip)

i was talking more about the horrible people who do end up reproducing, for example I know of two people who I would with out hesitation call human garbage that have offspring, sons in fact

I'm not even talking about that!
they found shorter people get paid less and are less likely to get promoted

Nigga even Hitler had a gf. Attractiveness and goodness aren't related at all.

Oh, this.It's a fair point, but kinda misleading.
It can be combatted. It's not so much short people as uglies, weirdos and people who don't fit our bullshit societal norms in general. A handsome supermodel will obviously get promoted easier simply because of how brains work.

All you gotta do is make sure to act like a (particularly confident) drone and look good where you work and you'll do fine. The shortness will only set you back a little bit, which the rest can compensate for!

Good on you for having a valid point btw, was pleasant surprise.

exactly my point. it's not right

It's not wrong either. It's just the way it is.

Attractiveness gets you laid.
Goodness gets you a relationship, or even a lifelong companion.

That is, unless you pick wrong and they fill the garbage role.

Great advice, listen to this dude!!

You are not bad looking user. I can see you becoming really attractive if your face matures a bit and you lose some weight(wight loss does wonders with your chin area). Also set goals, do stuff, connect with people. Maybe block this website for a few weeks.
I used to be just like you man, if I could make it literally anybody can.

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Thats not a very good advice user, is it :)

people need to wake up and realize their petty narrow views of the world are just making them tired and sad

I mean you are not wrong, the ultimate red pill in my opinion is that you, and only you are responsible for your happiness. Maybe I misunderstood your comment, I thought you was just being edgy.

I don’t know anything about the true nature of happiness, if that is a real thing. I can only say that genuinely not wanting to live because of a slightly below average physical appearance (not to mention that youth is beautiful even in “ugly” people), is kind of foolish and probably a manifeststion of some underyling issue like being socially outcasted or abused and neglected by family.

On a more positive note, the inherent pointlessness of existence makes almost anything a reason to live. You can live because you like cooking, or raising dogs. You can live through years of hard times with the knowledge that there might be a light at the end of the tunnel, because suicide is liable to be final and it is in many cases the coward’s way out (except for situations like euthanasia or trying to escape fatal torture).

The depressed mind will turn bad good and good bad, making suicide look like a courageous thing, and it will obscure many of life’s possibilities.

thanks everyone

Lol sucks to be you. And here I am hating being 5’8”. Could be worse.
If i wqs your height I wouldn’t even be able to get out of bed. Just become a little sissy boi trap user, that way you’ll get laid all the time


You look like a little oompa loompa or a troll. Id laugh my ass of if I saw you waddling down the street with your stumpy legs.

>gl in life user. Youre gonna need it

Get used to being alone

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your not that ugly. get rid of the acne using medication from a doctor, and find a hair that suites you better. get rid of the beard. nice eyes though.

Jeff Bezos is 5'7 and he's the richest man in the world. You think he gives a shit about being short? Everyone has disadvantages and advantages in life, it's up to you whether you dwell on the things you can't change or work to improve the areas of your life you can change.

Also stay off Jow Forums. I know that's hypocritical of me to say but it's probably the thing that will help you the most. The internet is much different than real life, and Jow Forums in particular is just an endless cycle of negative thoughts and depressed people that will only give you an unhappy view of the world and your life in the long run.

>Some women are literally into this

I feel you brother, I'm 5'4 and I feel like I was born destined to loneliness, and it's such a cruel joke because I'm great in social situations, I'm usually the center of attention, telling jokes and stories, making people laugh, but it's pointless. tits on a nun I guess.

>go to college
>meet 5' girl
>fall for her
>she's together with a 5'1 or so dude
>now they're together for 8 years
>she has two college degrees
>he's a failure in everything
>average looking at best
>they are married and have a child
>I'm still alone
Height isn't everything, by far.
It does limit you that you probably won't get with girls that are taller then you, but giving up is never the right option.