Are you lonely /adv?

Are you lonely /adv?

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I'm 28M and very lonely. I'm also just despairing how old I'm getting and still being in this state. Everything seems to move both too slow and too fast sometimes.. excruciatingly slow when in pain, but too fast when I realize months have gone by without getting better. I spend my spare time listening to music, wathcing films, and reading books. Sometimes when I can deal, podcasts/asmr/twitch streams (cause those are like friend/intimacy simulators). But even listening to great music sometimes just reminds me I used to be a musician but now don't have energy to. Watching films/reading books reminds me i'd like to make one someday, but I don't write at all. So I feel totally alien to who I used to be, almost just feel like a ghost half in the world, a husk of what my youth yearned for.

I don't have anyone and most of the time i don't care about it but if I thought about it a lot, I do care, I think it could help having a friend or significant other that understands and can comfort me. I desire intimacy, love, and respect. People talk about psychological factors in healing, and I think the irony is that just feeling supported is more of an important psychological factor in resting well and healing slightly, than CBT or any shrink could be.


Yes. Time flies too fast.

YES! give me e-bf right now!

What you healing from?

23m, kinda ugly. I have lots of friends but never had a gf. So I don't have an "other half". So that's kind of lonely.

Literally just find an user talking about how he wants a gf and you'll be golden.

Be careful many men are rapists.


youre asuming its a grill.

the rest are just priests, right?

Abusive childhood. Poverty.

Then it's even easier. /soc/ is literally full of gays.

Ding, ding, ding!

I am not desu.

I'm a girl tho

and many women are bitches, but I hear what you're saying

lmao why did you get so triggered?

Very lonely

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May I ask why are you saying on Jow Forums that you want a bf ? I mean, im not much better since id like to have a nice gf, but I dont get how its a good idea to search on the internet.

get a therapy and dont post again here, I beg you.

I'm a 3/10 introverted retard who is never enough for irl guys and I get lonely sometimes and the internet is easier than prowling bars for lonely and desperate guys

Nigga please, I live in all-white country and guys here rape too. My friend lived in the UK for 2 years and almost got raped by some whit Brit but she managed to escape. Fuck off with your reee only shitskins and nigger rape shit, it aint true.

yeah. in high school I didn't have a girlfriend and I used to think it would be okay and that I just hadn't found the right person to want to be with me. now I'm 25 and my friends are getting married and I just think I'm hopelessly damaged and will never be able to normal have human interactions

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I'm a 3/10 introverted retard who is never enough
why do you think youre 3/10 ?

Not really, but maybe. I have lots of friends, and I have a lot of reasons I don't want to date anyone (like my free time, don't like someone telling me what to do, keeping someone happy is a pain in the ass, masturbating is easier than having sex).

But I also consider what life would be like if I was dating someone, thinking about kids, going on date nights, just that overall "head over heels" feeling, which is hard to find. So I'm still on dating sites and shit, but I'm enormously picky and it's not as simple as being "lonely," because it would take me no more than a couple of days to rope in some chubby boring girl.

Not in the technical sense, but I feel completely isolated from anyone ever trying to relate with me on a deeper level. I am yet to meet someone(except for some of my uni profesors but for obvious reasons I can't really develop these relations) percieves world even remotely similiarly to me. Most people get tired of talking with me very quickly and don't really give me a chance to open up to them. So yea, I feel very lonely.

Yeah, I'm 18 and haven't had any friends besides my sister for 3 years. But at the same time I ghost people online all the time, probably because I'm a bit asocial.

Pretty much the same boat

cause I'm ugly, lazy, fat, anti social and have low self discipline and usually am depressed or suicidal. Just overall shitty

At uni for my 5th year and have yet to make a friend. Sometimes i wish i had just joined the army or offed myself.

>At uni for my 5th year
Are you studying for a Masters or PHD award?

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You guys should probably date

I wish. Its a combination of alot of withdrawn classes that i stopped going to as my anxiety rose during the semester, and me thinking 2 semesters off with a job and being Jow Forums would help. Here i am the same fat loser as before and an empty savings after tuition.

Im not ugly or fat or 3/10, but I am introverted. Anyways, I dont know the girl.
And why are you saying this ? Id need to know where she lives and how old she is to even consider it. The probability is really low.

>Im not ugly or fat or 3/10, but I am introverted.
This is what frustrates me the most.
The guy can be quite normal, yet if he's introverted, shy or has social anxiety, he's fucked anyway. Yet then you have fat lazy bitches like this complaining

Yep. Current relationship needs to end, but new one keeps me hanging and then I flail and feel bad until I get that one text a day, then I'm a happy panda. Days I get no text (or reply) sad panda. FML. I have one friend. We hang once every two weeks. Which we only started recently. Looking to move a bit and a roommate might help this immensely.

Dont be like that. I mean to me she only needs a good genetics and a good spirit cause i could train her (in the sports sence) and hopefully give her motivation and fun. Anyways, maybe thats just my naivite.

>tfw no qt 3.141592 Royal Mail waifu

Probably. It's my own fault though, I don't go out enough

Yes I am. It’s ok I suppose tho

I think I was lonelier as a teen than now. I was quite pretty, when I was younger, but still lonely because I was a nerdy girl who didn't like what anyone else liked. I was also pretty anti-social even though I was dragged to parties.

>I think I was lonelier as a teen than now
Yes, me too. Apart from I'm not anti-social.

>I'm a 3/10 introverted retard who is never enough for irl guys and I get lonely sometimes and the internet is easier than prowling bars for lonely and desperate guys
Yeah, and then when you get bored you'll tell him he's annoying and clingy and you never liked him in the first place.


The older I get the more I wake up and start to feel lonely. Not in the no girlfriend way, I mean a friend or a close loved one. My mother is going through a very hard time, she is depressed and it's hard to see her like this. I also can't relate to anyone I feel like a robot, I try to relate like I did I highschool but I feel too immature. I really want a friend. But I'm just venting in the end it's my responsibility to get a friend. It's my fault anyway for wasting most of my time

Yea. Sometimes it's tough, other times amazing. But I'm still going

I'm very lonely, but it has made me strong. And the job I'm going into is gonna require me to be alone at some point. But the view is great

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Perhaps you should look after your friends more?


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Iktf user, I'm 25 in a couple of weeks, hoping to finish my undergrad this year. Was ill for a long time.

OT: I was ill for 7 years and had everyone I cared about give up on me because they were convinced I was ill because of something I was doing. I can't trust people anymore after that. It's a fight not to throw myself off of a cliff. I've seen how people get treated when they're old and worthless. The phrase 'you're born alone and die alone' extends further than you think.

I am, constantly. But I realized that I'm a scumbag that hurt everyone who tried to love me, so I guess there's that

If thats how some people view me then I deserve nothing

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>OT: I was ill for 7 years and had everyone I cared about give up on me because they were convinced I was ill because of something I was doing.

How to apologize, user?

Man I totally understand you and feel kind of the same. I wanna be your friend if you live in Florida

I had a form of anaemia (B12 deficient) and a sleeping disorder undiagnosed. I went to the doctors a lot to try and get help, but they always told me they couldn't find anything.

The sleep disorder is obvious. You don't get enough sleep, you feel fucked. I had a type of sleep apnea (not a fatass) that meant after 4 hours, I wouldn't sleep properly. My heart rate would change a lot, and that kept me in REM sleep almost constantly. I would feel tired even if I slept 12+ hours.

The B12 thing is pretty grim. Not only can your body not make blood properly, but B12 is also needed for nerves, muscle etc. so I got very thin and weak. My body ached a lot because my nerves and muscles weren't regenerating well.

People blamed me for it. They called me a drug addict, lazy, they thought being ill was in my head.

I went to the doctors 57 times in 2 years before they figured the B12 thing out. I had to lie to get a specialist referral for the sleep study.

As I read this my eyes got watery because I feel exactly the same way as you do. I feel for you man. I feel for you cause it sucks to feel like that. I just hope things can turn out better for you in the future.



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Jolly good.

>3/10 woman
and of course you'll have an easier time finding a man than I, a 6.5/10 man finding a worthy woman

20 here and it's beginning to affect me too, that and old friends are already getting their AAs, Bachelors, trades and careers set up meanwhile I'm struggling to get to 30 credits and my career (which is piloting) wont actually go anywhere until I have gained my ATP which needs 1471.8 more hours out of 1500 before I qualify for the regional airlines. I never had a gf in high school nor ever in my life and I am very picky with women because I want a woman who I know I can trust leaving her behind to watch the kids and house when I'm off with the airlines. But with the current state of women, it's hopeless. That and I feel like I am damaged in some way myself too. I simply don't get how any reasonable average white man can enjoy this day and age. I fucking hate it. Let it burn

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Good luck you'll get there, or maybe it's time for a change and come back to it later?

How I understand both of you. No gf ever just some flings here and there. Never thought I would need one and now I'm 26 I absolutely feel the need to have that other half but I'm too shy and things never seem to workout. Been rejected or ignored more times than anyone should have to and feel like crap...

I want someone that I'm comfortable with, that I can rely on and be relied, share all things and be the one she shares with. I've got great friends but it's not the same...

I'm picky. I refuse to just settle down with any girl just because... But the ones I like and that I feel or know would be good for me are either taken or I can't seem to do what any guy is supposed to do and pull her under my wing. I don't want to be taken care of, I want to take care. I want someone who looks at me in a way that nobody else can. Someone who loves me and makes me feel good about myself because I make them feel the same way.

Man, age sure changes a guy...

Lets face it. Our parents and society has failed to teach us how to be men and acquire mates. My dad did ok but I'll be honest I became more of a man thanks to the internet

Yeah you're right. Back in our grandparents time a man chose a woman and she would be glad to be chosen. Of course men were way different that what they are today. Both of my grampas looked way more mature and confident and sure of things to come at my age than I.

Now things are completely different. Now, at least for me, its just far to complicated for a guy like me to get a gf. Too many games and too many things that one has to know and that I like the confidence to do. And that saddens me...

I meant lack the confidence to do

not really, I like being alone.
Would be nice to have regular sex and intimacy again, but I don't need it.

If it would be nice to have regular sex and intimacy again then you need it. You think you're alright by yourself. I felt like that for many years until I realized that I wasn't ok with that and I actually wanted both, specially the intimacy. It only gets worse with time.

Guys please I need some help/advice. I'm in a completely unfamiliar situation that has been going on since the start of summer.

I'm 21 and currently in my last year of college. I've never had a girlfriend, never been on a date, and never even fucking kissed a girl, and up until a few months ago I was content with that. what changed is that I finally met a girl I actually cared about, and she actually seemed to like me, but I was never really sure if she did. unfortunately when summer was over she went to a college a couple hours away. I went to visit her once, and I had a good time, but I was too fucking awkward and didn't ask her how she felt about me. due to this, I kinda got anxious and rude and left early on a really fucking awkward note. A couple days after, I texted her and told her everything, and that I was sorry for being a rude awkward ass. anyways she said that she thought I was a great guy but she wasn't ready for a relationship due to her not being able to make one last longer than a couple months and that she didn't want that to happen between us. I told her that was ok, and I was just glad to get it off my chest and tell her how I felt, and that I was happy that she was honest with me.

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anyways I was fucking depressed for a couple weeks, but I got over those horrible feelings, at least I hope. fast forward a couple months, and for the past couple of days, I've been contemplating messaging her again to see if she wants to get something to eat, but I'm scared that I would just be doing this because I still have hope. I don't want to delude myself and let myself be led on.

but I've got to questions that I just dont understand, probably cause I'm not experienced with a lot of these types of social situations. tell me honestly, do you think I should still consider talking to her, or would it be better to just let it die. she is the only girl I have liked past stupid childhood crushes.

second thing I don't understand is that, around a month ago, she texted me out of the blue asking how I was holding up. I told her that I was doing ok, and school sucked but other than that everything was fine. I asked what was up with her, and she never responded. this just really fucking confused me and really actually pissed me off quite a bit. unfortunately not enough to make me stop liking her.

sorry for the fucking wall of text but I just had to tell somebody

And you want to know the saddest irony?
>My Dad was a Chad in his prime in the 80s and 90s
>and here I am, 20 years old, still a virgin, all I do to pass the time is play video games, lift weights and fly aircraft and maybe collect some models here and there
Some times I feel like I was the big nerf to my Dad's chadness. Meanwhile my uncle was like me and could never get any. My dad would bring home a woman almost everyday at one point and my uncle pretty much never got any until he married his armenian wife and had his 5 children. and the fucker is loaded with money meanwhile my dad is middle class. granted my uncle is a cunt, but I can relate to him a lot. I still love you Dad. But you definitely had it better in the 80s and 90s than I do now in the 2010s and soon 2020s
Thank you Jews for ruining women.

Don't lie to yourself, you do need the intimacy, we all do. We all want to know the gentle touch of the woman's hand, especially the one you love and want to start a family with.

I'm turning 21 and I'm nowhere close to getting done with college. Trust me once you start having financial security you will find a good woman. Also ditch her and look for someone else

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my entire existence is loneliness

My dad was exactly like that too. My uncle always tells me these stories of these girls my dad dated and my uncle got to a point where he didn't even bother to learn her names lol.

And here I am alone and depressed because I want someone that I can relate with and can trust and see no hope. As I said, too many games and things that I feel completely uncomfortable with.

Well at least I have pic related to look forward too, I've always liked big girls

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I can't imagine it getting better, I can only see myself being a lonely alcoholic, who blows his brains out in a couple years. once college is over, all the friends I've had since 1st grade will have split off and gone to different cities living much healthier lives than I could ever hope to.

and I have tried to look for someone else, I went on a date w after the first couple of drunken weeks, with a girl I met on tinder. but like I imagined, I just don't care for most girls. I even went on multiple dates with this person just to see if I could possibly find some feelings for her. sure the girl I went on a date was fun to talk to, and its not like I was a miserable cunt, but I just couldn't care for her in a romantic way.

Put the bottle down. I love alcohol as much as any man, but that shit needs to be put under control.

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yeah my dad was a player too, and now he's a religious nut so he won't ever admit it, and tries to act like I'm a better person than he is for not getting hooked on women, but I know he just thinks I'm a hopeless fucking loser.

a year ago I was playing smash bros with my little brother and he came in and asked me which fucking character I found the most attractive, trying to see if I had any fucking balls in me.

> Fuck off with your reee only shitskins and nigger rape
They do so at much higher rates than whites.

>"Thank you Jews for ruining women," he says, while praising the degenerate behavior of his father, directly attributable to Jewish influence in modern society

yeah I know, I've put a stop to getting drunk alone, and now I practice guitar/mandolin. I would highly recommend picking up an instrument to anyone struggling with loneliness.
but yeah, letting relationships die is one of my biggest fears, since I have such a hard time making new ones and maintaining them. which is why I've had the same friends since fucking kindergarten.

My dad has done the same thing countless times with girls on tv or that walk by and I never know what to answer. I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm a loser too. He used to ask me when they were going to meet my gf but at this point I know he'll never meet one.

Thing is after having plenty of women, At least he lived in a time when there was plenty of clean women to marry and have children with today. He and my mother have been married for 21 years. Meanwhile I'm out of luck because 90% of women are fucking loose and wont have children until they are in their late 30s and/or have given birth to Chad's children and need a beta provider

Your father's behavior is exactly what leads to women being whores. It's not something to emulate if you (rightly) take issue with the current state of things.

Funny enough I stopped drinking when I picked up a guitar. Absolutely agree with you on that one.

It's ok, I want nothing to do with sex before marriage anyway. I'll even reject thirsty asian women in Asia because I want to hold true to my word

Good luck, user

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that sucks, I fucking hate people that try to push relationships onto me.

but don't give up on finding a girl for you, true love will find you in the end. just don't fucking settle.

are you religious? why would you want to marry someone?

Because I want a fucking family user. I want to be a husband, father, teacher, and defender. I was raised catholic (yes ironic isn't it) and the world is a goddamn mess but, while the degenerates are out there ruining themselves. I'm raising the next generation. Plus, it may put an end to this void of loneliness

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I wouldn't settle if I didn't fail everytime I'm into a girl. At this point I've been rejected or things haven't worked out my way so many times that I don't even have the balls anymore to go talk to them.

Yes, bitch.

I was a fucking hardcore catholic for a while, traditional latin mass and all, but I just wasn't happy.

if your happy with that, there are plenty of religious girls that can be found at church. my parents would invite 20+ guys to our house a lot just becuase they were good Catholics and might marry one of my sisters.

From what I've seen, the selection of wholesome girls is so much better at Latin mass than at English, and this is coming from someone whose been to both and has more or less abandoned religion.

I can't trust my church though, I honestly feel that the Church has been subverted by the kikes

lol you sound a lot like my parents, though replace kikes with homosexuals.

anyways, I would really recommend finding yourself a Latin mass, you'll find a shit ton of people with similarities to you. they've got websites for finding this shit, though it can be difficult to find one if you live in the middle of fucking nowhere.

>It's ok, I want nothing to do with sex before marriage anyway.
I don't blame you. Very wise.

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I feel similarly, though even sex isn't that much of a pre-occupation for me.

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I'm lonely, but it's not because of a girl and I knew it the whole time. I am dating a girl now an we are taking a break.

As our relationship got further in and her love was lopsided in the relationship I realised I just wanted a friend. I thought but willingly denied this because making a girlfriend is actually easier than making a friend. Eventually I just felt like sex was something to do just to pass the time.

Damn do I need friends. Everything after high school is so lonely. One diploma and 6 years later nothing has kicked this feeling, and I've made no friends.

Perhaps you should try adult education if high school was your highlight, or visit your home town sometime soon and call up your old class mates. I think you should probably split from your partner but that's only my suggestion. I might be worng.

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I had a 6 year streak of no friends before meeting an old childhood friend by chance in 2016. He's been busy lately and I don't feel assed to make plans with him so I'm back to feeling lonely again.

Sometimes. I’m too boring to have a girlfriend so I just fake my personality and have sex with a bunch of strangers