>Date girl for year >Break up >Meet her a couple months later(she actually lives next door) >We make out a bit >We go out the next day >She tells me we can't be together and she is open to guys hitting on her >Still have hope for some dumb reason >Overhear her being with a guy talking a few days after this, they probably fucked but i wasn't gonna stick around to find out >Delete and block her from everything, throw away everything she gave me >Haven't found anyone else in the meantime, however i picked up the guitar again and started doing more stuff with my friends like hiking and going out again, feel a bit happy >Just now she send me a SMS asking me why i blocked her
I know this is some sort of trap, and i will not respond to the message, but is there a better way to approach this that im not aware of?
She really hurt me with her actions and i want absolutely nothing to do with her. Of course i have the pathetic beta voice in my head that complains that im lonely and i should crawl back to her but day after day it gets weaker. Meditation with full blast binaural audio and a smooth 5 km run each morning helps a lot.
The main problem is that the fucker that owns the above voice is very persistent, and since she was the hottest + smartest girl i ever dated ( not that i dated a lot, im 30 and only had 3 gfs ) makes me want to respond to her. But that will give her the satisfaction that i still care about her while she is probably getting dicked every week but nobody sticks around for her like i did.
>I know this is some sort of trap, and i will not respond to the message, yep. I hope so.
>but is there a better way to approach this that im not aware of? don’t just stop engaging with her in reality, also stop engaging with her in fantasy. stop trying to replace her, and go back to maturing and shooting for success at whatever it is you want.
good job on ridding yourself of the stuff she gave you.
John Kelly
Sounds like you’re doing good, keep it up.
Jason Perry
Im trying to understand why she is doing what she is doing, and i know i shouldn't, because i don't want to give her ANYTHING anymore. She acted so nonchalant and confident when we got out, she was pretty much telling me she is going to get fucked by other guys now and then on the ride home she said she missed how cute i was and started hugging me. And of course a couple of days later somebody else was in her house. I really wanted to arrange a date and call her a whore but i didn't want to give her that satisfaction.
I also saw her today walking on the street while i was riding my bike with another girl i know that is also her friend, the other girl said hi and i said hi too, if she was alone i wouldn't have said anything desu but i had to say hi back or i would appear autistic
Christopher Barnes
Seems like you set yourself up op >break up >fool around a bit >go on one date >you think you're back together >she corrects you >you keep hoping (this is where you fucked up) >she finds another guy >you get mad and depressed
From her perspective she already told you how it was and thought you had accepted that. So your reaction seems unfounded. You should have took that chance to fuck her one last time then moved on but you fell victim to your own attachment.
Camden Ortiz
I can't fuck women and not get attached, it's a big flaw of mine. The second 'girfriend' i had was a colleague from work that fucked me a lot but when i started wanting a relationship she broke all contact with me.
And that doesn't excuse her fucking actions. You don't come into somebodys house, tell them you miss them, make out with them, accept on going on a date together and then blow them off like that. We were one year together, she told me she loved me and i was the only one she ever thought about starting a family with, it was serious. I sent her out when we made out because i didn't want to escalate, because i didn't want to fall for her again.
And what is there to accept? If it's over you cut off contact with the guy, you don't try to keep him around as a friend. It's a cunt move.
Anthony Carter
You know what you must do, OP.
Dominic Lewis
Lol no You knew you'd get all in your feelings but you chose to fuck with her. You should have said no. You sound like one of those bitches who gets fucked and blames the guy because she regrets it later. Grow a pair, faggot.
Jacob White
Nope, she's just got buyer's remorse on her bitchy attitude. Your response was correct. The correct response for her would be to recognize the current state of things causing the block, and to either move on or work to correct things. Evidently, she's chosen the 'I'm the victim' element so ignore her and move on with your life. Block her more, since you apparently didn't block her very effectively.
Jose Jenkins
I guess you are right.
The thing is that people tell me i need to be happy with myself and need noone but all the people who tell me that got laid in their teens and not at fucking 25 and have girls attracted to them constantly. Whereas if i manage to get one girl i cling on for dear life. I workout constanly, i have a great job, my own place and lots of friends and i never had nor will settle for ugly/fat women.
Thing is that time is running short. Im 30 now, my friends are slowly getting married one by one and i feel like i will be left behind with no friends and no woman. This is what my doubt is telling me, 'she was hot and smart, you won't get any better than this. swallow everything and go back to her'.
How do i stop feeling like this?
Isaiah Cook
Just keep meeting new people, you'll her there eventually
Charles Morgan
That's pretty hard to do when i'm stuck in an island for at least 1 more year, no?
God i'm fucked.
Christian Long
Boi why you rather be with a woman who fucks around on you and uses you, than be alone stress free? Look at amal clooney, she had it all. Top human rights lawyer in the world. and was smart and hot af but didn’t find her man till she was 36. Then she married fuckin george clooney. Wait. Better will come. Or at least nothing is better than steaming manure
>caring this much about the whims of a dumb thot not based
Jayden Lee
Well she didn't fuck around when we were together, that's for sure. I'm pretty certain she has being dicked ever since we broke up and that's a no go for me.
I just can't enjoy anything if i don't have a gf. Im bought a 1 k pc to play vidya and i don't even want to play vidya. I basically force my self to play at least 1 hour of guitar daily and working out has been a part of my life for so long that i don't do it for fun, i feel like shit if i can't workout, in fact it's one of the reasons we broke up, she was pretty much it's me or working out and i picked the latter
Winter is coming and everyone will be with their gfs watching movies and fucking like i did last year, while ill be alone. That's what kills me. Whoever said it's better to have loved and lost than not to have loved at all was a fucking retard, i still crave the bliss i felt when i was a 20 year old neet and all i cared about was how to climb the ladder at league
Ryan Hernandez
You can’t enjoy anything if you don’t have a girl? You have bigger problems. You think any girl would be attracted to a miserable guy who can’t enjoy life without a woman? Do you even have your own identity beyond “but i’m lonely and i need someone”?
go crawl back to her if you really want to. There are millions of people in your position and what lots of them don’t do is mope around and not enjoy life. You probably also have depression.
I’m gonna be alone this year like every other year, and i’m gonna make myself hot chocolate and do what i enjoy.
Jackson Foster
I won't go back to her. I just vent my negative thoughts here. I feel like after 25-27 years where i finally improved myself enough to be able to apply for a gf, i have missed out the careless sex and partying 20-30 year olds do and i don't want to miss the next step of life which is getting married as well. I mean i start up a vidya which is what i really enjoyed and i can't play it. I feel like im wasting my time and i should be chasing girls, which i can't do because there aren't any here and even if there where im still shit with women.
I don't really enjoy anything. I eat the same food everyday(OMAD master race). I have a super rigid daily routine. I only go out on fridays and weekends(if i don't work in the weekends as well). When i do go out i drink a little because i hate getting drunk, chat with the same people i always go out and go out in the same places and be bored. I'm thinking of hitting on my colleague but i have fucked a colleague and broke up and now she despises me.
I don't really have an identity, but who does? I think im just more upfront with my insecurities desu.
Jaxon Ward
You can’t just lie down and get fucked by life dude. You’re shit with women? Try again. Keep trying. Learn. If you wanna lie down and take an ass ramming from life then do it but i don’t think you want that.
You don’t enjoy anything because you are depressed and anxious. See a counselor. Why can’t you go do new things? Your life sounds like a military training drill. Are you having fun like that? Are you unable to go do something new if you are bored? Why should you have to sit down and take feeling bored the whole night?
Dude....a lot of people have an identity. Why are you so alright with being blandly average? For example,i enjoy chaotic things and do art on the weekends. I always want to learn more and experience life. I hate bananas. That’s my identity.
Take my advice or leave it, but know that if you continue like this, nothing will change and you will be your own miserable self
Nolan Russell
I fucking love the military, in fact I work for it. sort of. im in the coast guard. you haven't described an identity, you just listed some random facts about yourself. If I say I eat once a day I have to work out at 7 everyday or I get cranky and that every Saturday I clean my house, do I have an identity? all I wanted was to be a frogman so people fear me and I ont haveto do paperwork but bureaucracy robbed me of that. I don't have anything to strive for, I will never starve and can do 220 consecutive pushups so im content with my life, all I need Is a wife now and kids so I can fill my biological mission and die peacefully.
one of the things I actually love doing is when I make people laugh (I do have a good sense of humor) and then I hit them with autism like this, they are literally dumbfounded on how the person they liked being around can be so fucking autistic. sometimes I wondet why I still have friends.
Jayden Baker
Dude stop being obtuse on purpose. You’re not fooling anyone. My identity is my personality. “I eat breakfast at 8” is not the same as “i like art and do art on weekends when i have time, and i like chaos”. I said i hate bananas because i know myself and what my likes and dislikes are. Do you?
You just said you didn’t enjoy anything? Now you say you fucking love the military? So you do enjoy something then?
You said you were depressed thinking about other people having gf? Now you say you’re content with life?
Seriously what is wrong with you? I told you all the tools you can use to fix your situation but you’re unwilling to try. And now you’re trying to convince yourself that everything is fine. I guess it is then. Go on not doing anything to change your circumstance.
Matthew Anderson
being content isnt being happy.
also I told you that were I live the chance of finding an attractive girl that is single and interested in me are extremely low. also nobody uses dating apps in my country.
Tyler King
You’re only fooling yourself.
Being content is pretty close to being happy.
Unless : feeling like it kills you to see bf and gf, that you don’t enjoy anything, you force yourself to play guitar, you feel bored and have no fun. and you feel like you’re wasting your time and you should be chasing girls .
Isn’t the above more like being disatisfied and sad than being content and ok with life?
So where you live there are not a lot of attractive girls? Why can’t you move? What’s stopping you from going to new places to meet them? Maybe because you have the same routine and hang with the same people, you are not meeting other attractive girls.
If you are really ugly or not as attractive then maybe lower your standards.
So nobody uses dating apps? Are you really sure about that? Then how do people meet new people? Why can’t you go do that?
You can make excuses to yourself but we all know that they are really excuses. I’m done talking to you and your excuse attitude. I can’t believe a coast guard worker would act like you do and just give up. I’m harsh but it sounded like you needed a kick in the butt. Maybe that was the wrong approach but i have tried