So real quick I was stung by one of those small brown common scorpions in Texas. However this is what I’m concerned with. It stung me in my neck. Pic is below of the sting mark. Should I be worried or what can I do to help the sting not kill me if it does lol.
Stung by a scorpion
Caleb Hall
Nathan Parker
you should go to the hospital. You’re obviously having a bad reaction to the poision
Cameron Baker
This is basically what the scorpion looked like.
Thomas Sanders
Alright then probably going to go then lol thanks
Joseph Richardson
How bad did it hurt?
Leo Walker
>stung by potentially lethal poison
>doesn't call emergency services
>posts on malaysian coconut-growing forum about it instead
Daniel Harris
>leaving the house ever or under any circumstances
Angel Gonzalez
Don't worry, it's only a localized toxin. Go to your primary care center, but there's nothing to be worried about.
Samuel Brooks
I went to the ER just in case. Also pain wise just felt like a light needle but it burned for 20 minutes.
Mason Russell
What did they say