Why do people still bother with online dating when infinitely easier to find someone in real life?
Why do people still bother with online dating when infinitely easier to find someone in real life?
I want to date while eating my moms food.
It's not. Why are you lying?
I want to have all possible sources of women available.
I do both and see no reason not to.
I barely get any matches on Tinder and when I do they never reply.
Whereas I have no problems meeting girls IRL, and some even approach me first.
Plus you get more of a chance with girls IRL to actually get to know them and build some attraction. On Tinder if a girl sees just your profile picture and doesn't like it, it's over.
You're right op. I will start going out to fuck bitches IRL like my ancestors did
>my anecdotal experiences apply to everyone
no it's not easier. you can shape yourself how you want online and get rid of your irl autism. and you end up liking the other person more because you can't see their flaws.
How the fuck do you even meet girls in real life, apart from clubs? You don't, because randomly approaching a girl in a public space is fucking weird.
Online dating all the way.
Thats what sucks about this speed dating society, everyone is used just pick your ideal match by just looking through catalog of faces.
And if you meet a girl in real life, you jsut know shes on tinder aswell, getting swarmed by chads all the time.
Fear of the outside world
>implying his example negates real life experiences from many others that know the truth
Tinder turned into something disgusting.
I have found the same thing, OP.
My guess would be that people who grew up with social media may have a difficult time adjusting to some aspects of our true society. I.E. socializing in person.
I also think Tinder was a fad and is now only comprised of the remnants of a once unique aspect of social media. In other words, only sexual degenerates use Tinder (not that this is terribly different from the primary users)
It's where Jow Forums comes to whine because their board has too many trannies shitting everything up
he wasn't bitching about not finding a girl.
In fact, he suggested the opposite.
Normie degenerates are still getting btfo though, and I guess that's why you're mad.
>How the fuck do you even meet girls in real life, apart from clubs?
There's like a million and one ways, bro, as proven by the amount of men you see on a daily basis with girlfriends. The girls you meet in clubs are most likely not girlfriend material anyway.
>Your own experience is invalid
It's only weird if you make it.
learn to be charismatic you dumb nerd.
that kid is shit posting.
I saw that same reddit response in another thread.
it's just some pseudo-intellectual nonsense.
I don’t really like Tinder or whatever, but OkCupid was cool back in the day. It gave you the opportunity to get an idea of what the person is like outside of just picking them out by looks and then having to ask 20 questions.
Top kek
If you're in the middle of nowhere it's good to keep your game sharp.
>approaching girls in public like some desperate creep
Fuck off boomer.
because I don’t have a lot of friends and usually hang out alone anyway. Between two jobs I don’t have much time to go out. But I seriously don’t know how to meet girls IRL anyway. They’ve always told me I’m really attractive and somewhat unapproachable, and I rarely approach random girls because I’m not super funny or entertaining on the spot.
So yea tinder
>middle of nowhere
>active users
ok kid
>I have autism
with that mind set, it sure as fuck is impossible.
you need to exude positivity and good vibes, then girls will absolutely respond to you.
but if you go up to them acting like the stuck up sperg you are, then yeah, it's gonna come off as creepy.
Simple, it's more convenient.
I know approaching a woman in real life has a higher success rate than hoping to match with her on tinder, and then hoping i can get her to like me enough for a date. Yet i still use tinder. Why? It's convenient.
In real life, i actually need to go out to meet women and invest considerable time/money/energy. If i go to a club on a Saturday night, i need to get dressed up, find some friends to join me, spend money on drinks and then hope i can meet a few pretty ladies there. It consumes my entire Saturday night and i have no guarantee of success. On tinder, there is no 'investment'. I spend a few minutes every day swiping and the only thing i need to do is wait for the next match. Then after i get a match with a cool girl you can talk to her at any moment of the day. I can do it while following a lecture, i can do it while i'm taking a shit or when i'm at home doing nothing. There is no real investment here other than spending a few seconds writing a text message.
Also another important factor, online dating takes away 'approach anxiety'. We all know what i mean right? How much easier is it to say 'hi' to a girl you matched with on tinder versus saying hi to a girl you sit next to on the bus? Exactly. Tinder sometimes feels like the easy way out of doing something that's quite challenging, awkward and nerve-wracking.
Set your location settings so you can match with women that are within 30 miles of you and have them come to you or go to them. Or am I going to fast for you?
not the guy you were replying to but
>exude positivity and good vibes
The Jews are destroying the country and the world and you want me to feign some (((positivity))) just to have sex with you?
If you weren't the stupid bitch that you are, I'd treat you as such.
But how do you then act when you are out with them on an actual date?
You can't hide behind a screen then.
>implying I don't set the distance to 50 miles or more
Do you think I'm 65 or something?
What the fuck is wrong with you millennials?
Tinder is a dead app for stupid people and degenerates in the "sex culture" to share STDs.
Looks like it
>Normie degenerates
Yeah, you're definitely not from Jow Forums
Looks like you need to get laid bud, you seem a bit tense.
Gee, why does nobody want to have sex with a quality, fun guy like that.
Girls should be lining up for you in my mind.
I bet the interdimensional jewish vampires brainwashed them into finding you unattractive and liking chad.
>Yeah, you're definitely not from Jow Forums
I'm not event that guy, lol
I'm certainly no incel.
I've been laid on Tinder, it was not difficult back in its prime.
try harder you zoomer faggot
you have to go back.
ok im a KHV, but i it seems i have watched few girls miring when im outside (waiting/in the bus, walking on the street, etc.) its a good idea to approach said girls?? also how?? keep in mind im a KHV, shy and i have been told im serious, i have no Jow Forums problem (f.e. calling people normalfags or roasties) but i dont have too much mainstream common interests (i dont even play videogames or watch anime) so i need a few tips.
Smile at them and say hello.
Gauge their interest and go from there.
Don't be autistic or self-conscious.
Care to elaborate more? its pretty hard for me i feel wordless when i start a convo with some girl or a strange person if it isnt any work topic.
Try harder for what? You seem to have a hard time controlling your emotions.
Where do you meet (single) girls IRL?
I get that it works better as you get to know them, but I have met and gotten to know 5 women the past decade and they were all in a relationship.
For me, it is not about being good at talking to women, I am doing fine with that. I just can't figure out how to find them.
If you're not very interesting, try talking about them.
Women love talking about themselves.
Comment on her appearance or clothes or something to that nature.
Get her talking about herself and she may begin to trust you depending on the way you present yourself.
Don't be a cuck or be steamrolled by something she might say; stand up for yourself and put her in her place if necessary.
Women love to be reminded that they're a woman. Seriously.
Don't wait to be introduced to a woman. If that's the case, someone has already been inside her and thrown her aside.
You gotta find hobbies and activities to do. It may not even be something you're interested in.
Take a dance class, theater, or some other gay shit. Do whatever you gotta do.
Every man for himself. Women are a commodity. Take this shit to heart.
I dunno. I talk about shit and I’m usually not bad at making them laugh. Sometimes I go out with someone who I can’t quite relate to. I just try to be friendly.
75% of the time get laid. But always get super bummed when I’m rejected.
It’s just hard to put that on and approach somebody. Like what the fuck do I talk about wjth no social pretense
I mean I guess I could just be friendly and ask some stupid question but I never think to try
But honestly tinder is also just as hard. Like I’ve had a select few lines I thought up that used to work but I don’t care as much anymore to think of clever shit to say.
Like I’ve had many chicks message me first and then I say something back and they don’t respond lol
Women are generally pretty dull so you don't have to worry about it too much.
They read magazines or see propaganda on social media that tells them they should put out sexually.
Just talk to them long enough and entertain them until you can make the move we're all in it for.
I like to use situational awareness or hot topics that are in the news but not too controversial. Again, make them talk about themselves and their interests.
>Like I’ve had many chicks message me first and then I say something back and they don’t respond lol
One of two things.
One, and most prevalent, they want to see if they can get attention or responses without any intention of actually meeting up.
Two, they already hooked up with another guy and don't want to feel like a slut by responding.
Some whores though really won't talk to you unless you sit there for 10 minutes thinking of what to say, since they're bombarded with dozens or more messages per day all vying for the same opportunity.
Which is another reason meeting women irl is best.
Yeaaah honestly I really don’t like social media and am just too pussy to start approaching
So many good opportunities missed cause of this though
I have hobbies, just none of the "gay shit" you listed.
But there is no women at the hobbies I go to or the jobs I take.
And the ones I do meet through the hobbies are all in a relationship.
I don't wait for them to be introduced to me, they just aren't anywhere where I go.
Get into the gay shit. Just don't turn gay.
There's this fag at my gym and all the girls are never shy around him, but they play it really coy with me.
So there's definitely something to say about playing into the gay mindset.
I knew a guy that would lie to girls and tell them he was bisexual just to get them interested and thinking he was vulnerable. Worked out well.
>Women are generally pretty dull
Very true. I've dated quite a lot of women throughout my life (mostly aged 16-20), but it's only since recently i started realizing this.
Of all the women I've dated, the vast majority of them literally have nothing noteworthy going on in their lives. 9 times out of 10, their life consists of school/work, chatting about random shit with their friends, browsing social media, watching TV and sleeping. Maybe going out drinking and partying on the weekends. Most of them don't even have real hobbies or passions. Coming to this realization has also made it much easier for me to stop pedestalizing women. Even the most beautiful girls in the world often live fairly boring and mundane lives. Usually they are nothing special other than their pretty face. Also don't get fooled by their cool Facebook and Instagram accounts, they are not a real reflection of their lives.
I mean, maybe I should start going to a gym, but don't women hate having men ask them out when they just want to exercise?
Generally, yes.
Don't be needy or come off as desperate.
If they talk to you, it's acceptable; or if you make small talk after you and her finish a workout.
Having said that, the gym is not a good place to meet women.
Considering most of the women there are doing cardio to look better for a guy they already have in mind or are currently dating. Maybe you'll see the occasional social media thot doing routine squats in-between checking her tweets, but she's too self-absorbed and conceited to care about you unless you're a 10/10 or a millionaire.
Thanks for all of the really good advice anons, hope i can find someone.
>implying using the internet as a binkie to shield your frail ego and depersonalize the experience is somehow better
Your problem is you're "approaching" girls like you've already laid out the path you want things to take. Yeah, she might be hot, but you don't need to talk to hot. You need to talk to a person, and that's who you're trying to get to know. Act like she's just a classmate or coworker that you have to collaborate with. Putting all this pressure on yourself and the interaction cuz you're thinking with your dick is whats making it awkward. Not the lack of interwebs (fuckin lol for really thinking that shit)
I hooked up with two beautiful girls at a ren faire recently.
Can you give a better example of how to do a proper approach?, asking cause i have a very timid presonality so i find it difficult
>behave like an annoying americanized clown
Yeah, nah faggot.
>all those implications
Nobody randomly approaches random girls in public here because it's creepy you tard.
what do you do when every girl you asks out says your nice but not right for her?
What app are you supposed to use, then
I'm far too socially challenged to even approach a girl IRL. I also always look a mix of lost/confused/concerned all the time
>Hurr online dating is the only way to meet girls durr!
Is there a dumber opinion than this? How did the human race breed and create families for millennia when most of the world's history didn't have internet, let alone Tinder? Fucking incel retards.
You cant apply filters IRL. You just get a pile of random bullshit.
Why bother with inferior traditional methods when the alternative is so much better?
Within about half a year of using tinder, I have gotten a grand total of 2 dates,
one was a completely unlikeable ogre with photoshopped pics,
the other was pretty nice to hang out with, but there was really no mutual attraction.
Other than that, literally nothing.
Getting matches is not the problem.
Getting conversations going is not the problem.
Getting girls attracted to you is not the problem (they even admit it openly).
The problem is, that 99% of the women there are not looking to actually meet up irl it seems.
They chat with you and everything goes well, until you start veering the conversation into meeting up.
Instantly stop responding.
If you even get to that point, as every message you send feels like navigating a minefield, and if you say something that doesn't 100% blow her away, she will instantly drop you it seems.
The reason for this?
Women on tinder are completely and utterly spoiled for options. Even average ones likely get 100s of matches a day.
They get to be INCREDIBLY selective.
When you are out in a bar or club, you are only competing with (a portion of) the guys within the same room.
On tinder you are competing with THOUSANDS of guys.
I'm not bad looking, and my text game is pretty on point, but I'm not Giga-Turbo-Chad.
Don't know about you guys, but I don't like my odds there.
Doesn't hurt to try and maybe get lucky, but DO NOT count on it, cause you probably will get disappointed.
>muh positivity and good vibes
You have to have some pride user, I'm not a woman's personal clown even though I have a great sense of humor
>being this deluded
I'm an average guy and have fucked 7 different girls from tinder, had double as many dates and triple potential dates that I couldn't be bothered going to.
You must be doing something wrong.
See, that's an incredibly negative and bitter frame already.
Forget about women, NOBODY wants to be around a negative nancy.
>I have a great sense of humor
Is something exclusively said by people with a bad sense of humor.
Get over yourself user, stop taking yourself so serious and you can start having fun.
youre not an average guy
Yeah I am, I'm a fucking autist with girls.
no you arent, you just think you are
Do you live in a big city?
I live in a 50k town, tinder is a nightmare here.
>Why do people use tinder when you can leave the house and try approaching people instead of letting an app passively match women for you?
Because if you have a few pictures of you doing interesting things or smiling, and you can write a semi witty bio you can get at least a few matches a day.
If you can hold a conversation then you have at least a couple of dates a week with above average looking women.
Tinder is very effective IF you know how to use it (have social skills), that's why people use it.
For me, it's time. I don't have a ton of time to go do new activities, meet new people, hang out at bars, etc. It's easier to flick, flick, flick and always know the person I'm investing time on actually has an interest.
Also, sometimes you just want a quick fuck. It's not too hard to find desperate people online.
Good Bio?
Proper photos (ideally taken by an amateur photographer)?
Well groomed?
If you're not 3/3 there, I found your major problem. If you're fat, lose weight, and if you're ugly, groom yourself as best you can.