I have super bad dark circles. Are there any good remedies to get rid of them? inb4 "eat healthy, sleep well"...

I have super bad dark circles. Are there any good remedies to get rid of them? inb4 "eat healthy, sleep well", because I do

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Get a tan i assume.

according to google, the sun is bad for your skin. but actually, whenever I got tanned, my dark circles seemed to disappear a bit and my skin seemed to get shinier. hm wtf

I don't know, sleeping well helps me with mine even though I still have them. I've had them since I was a child and my diet and sleep habits have changed a few times all through the years. But I did notice they were really bad when I was in the Navy and would come home from a deployment. My girlfriend told me I looked like a ghoulish methhead who was up for weeks tweeking because my bags were so horrible. Lack of sleep and poor diet.

Only when you over do it.
Its Vitamin D. It gives you energy.

It depends on why you got them. If it‘s due to higher pigmentation then try vitamin c serum.

If you're getting good sleep but still have dark circles, you need to evaluate your sleep.
If you're sleeping at strange hours, or snore during the night--you may have some issues to resolve.
I suggest going to a Sleep Specialist.
I had dark circles under my eyes and the problem was that I wasn't getting enough good sleep; I had mild-sleep apnea.

The sun in excess is bad for you. Always wear sunscreen when you go out.
I would say that the sun merely covers up your dark circles.
They're still there.

You can still get some Vitamin D from food sources.

But not sexy tan lines

that's a retarded fetish.

Thats a healthy one son.

having straight sex is healthy, you subhuman, not obsessing over standing out in the sun.

Makeup. But bear in mind that some people find them attractive

if all else fails wear glasses they cover them up enough so that people will stop saying "wow you look tired"

Who said I was obsessing I just said tanlines are good. You silly billy.

Wait what? Sounds like fake news

That’s true.

I really really really love girls with dark circles under their eyes. Idk. do what you can and all, but accept that some guys out there will love this about you.

You need to up your vitamin game, booboo. Also I've noticed if I over do anything that instantly ups dopamine I'll get them too. Cut back on porn and video games.

Mostly you need vitamin d like another user has already said.

It's all anecdotal, but I had a friend with deep fucking panda-like bags under his eyes and he had no problem getting laid. My ex saw me one morning I hadn't slept in college and said she liked how I looked gruff with the tired eyes. And in females I personally think they look cute.

reminder your body can only produce so much vitamin d in one day, don't spend anymore than 20 minutes in direct sunlight or youll risk getting burned, personally i like baggy eyes

I use this concealer called tarte u should try it it helps get rid of it so well.

Your skin could be thin-layered around the eye area showing the blood vessels. It’s that for me and my only option is to either conceal (hard) or to get a fat-filling surgery. I’m gonna do the latter soon.

>"eat healthy, sleep well",
No you probably don't. If I had to wager a guess you probably think that vegan diet of yours is actually healthy but you're actually efficient or even anemic. Either that or you're fucking really sick and need to see a doctor.


I like circles under a woman's eyes.

Eat healthy

dont worry too much about them user, i actually think they look a bit cute on people, and people without them look unnatural

Are you blonde? Because the pigmentation of your skin does have an effect

Why would you want to? They are hot as fuck.