I started living with my gf recently...

I started living with my gf recently. But whenever we are in the same room she just spends most of her time talking to her friends on discord while me and her barely talk. I feel kinda ignored and like I can't have any conversations with her and we are about to sign a 12 month lease. Is this normal for me to feel some sort of jealousy that she has all these conversations with her other friends and yet when we talk it's hardly anything?

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Live with gf also, we both barely talk to anyone else & have no trouble talking for hours, we just have to feel like it. Maybe your relationship just sucks.

Also, if u have a shred of doubt and sign a 12-month lease anyway only to end up getting cucked you fully deserve what happens to you.

You're violating a cardinal rule for relationships to work out. Communication. You have to tell this to her. If you don't you're just going to let problems fester under the surface exactly like what is happening right now. Get it out into the open. Bring it up. Resolve the differences. Tell her that you want more out of this, that you want to talk with her more and interact with her more. Do this right now.

If she doesn't know how to deal with the conversation or it goes poorly then post in here and we'll advise you more. Don't be afraid to be a little nervous and say what's on your mind.

I talked to her about it and she basically said this is a mature relationship and I should be content with just spending time in the same room together and that we do not always have to do something together. Like I don't expect that at all, we each have our own lives, but we've been LDR up until now and we hadn't seen each other in like a month so I figured we would at least do something together when I got here but so far nothing other than going shopping for groceries or getting fast food.

just fuck her while she's talking on discord

OP do you live in the states, if so which one

I'm was going to give some input, but this makes it a bit different.
I can't speak for you, but a relationship like this would be torture for me, you may as well be roomates that occasionally have sex.

I would bail, but you have to do you.

Do you cuddle user? Or any other physical/emotional intimacy other than sex?

Yeah I'm thinking that might be what I do. But I don't really want to go back with living with my parents so I think I might stick here a while and get some job experience and then get the fuck out.
We were pretty physically intimate the first time we met but now we don't do anything really because she told me she does not like physical contact and she wants to wait till marriage for sex so literally no physical contact.

Well at first I thought she has the same problem as me, I've grown and gotten used to being alone most of the time and I have a lot of "me-time" routines to keep me sane and the constant attention I felt my so was asking from me was tiring. While it still could be that, if you don't want to wait till marriage for sex, just leave it. There's no point to even try to fix this problem because it can be a lot.

We've had sex before. Just once. I understand having me time and such because I'm not that clingy I don't need constant attention but I've been here for like 4 days now and we have yet to do any sort of activity together.

I have to know what the 350lb femin infected trans looks like now

Sounds like you don't even have a relationship. Either she's normal and you're a little bitch that is jealous at everything, or...she doesn't engage with you ever. Either way, end it.

She hasn't really engaged with me since I got here. The only time we spend one on one is when we go out to run errands or get fast food.

You don't have a relationship. What the fuck is this even. She can't even stand talking to you. It won't last. I'm sure you'll get married and be fucking miserable for years, then cry and say "why did this happen?!?!? I had no idea!?!?" boo fucking hoo yeah you did

>dating a girl that uses Discord
>moving in with a girl that uses Discord

what the fuck are you doing nigger, get out while you can

Idk. Like I asked her if there were any movies she wanted to see and she said Venom so I was like alright lets go see it then and then she was like "well I wanna see it but right now". I've tried to engage with her but she doesn't want to it feels like
Hey I use discord so I figured it kinda cancels out yknow

>Idk. Like I asked her if there were any movies she wanted to see and she said Venom so I was like alright lets go see it then and then she was like "well I wanna see it but right now". I've tried to engage with her but she doesn't want to it feels like

This has to be fucking bait.

sorry I mistyped I meant to say "but not right now"

Yes this

Have you ever lived at this LDR GF's house for more than two weeks at a time before deciding to move in with her? How many times have you lived with her/visited her, and for how long were they, typically?

I visited her for a total of 4 days I think before I moved in. The first visit was very intimate and the second one was kinda like now except we actually did stuff together like we played Monster Hunter together and shit. Things were pretty good but right before the move we got into a few fights and things had been off but I figured it was because of the move and we both just had a lot going on so it was understandable.

>had sex before once
>moving in
oh my god how ever could this go wrong? any gf I have had we had sex multiple times within the first week, what the fuck man, it doesn't even sound like this girl likes you. not even trolling

She said she doesn't like physical contact and the first time was just because we were meeting for the first time and yknow all the pent of tension and stuff. [spoiler]also if she finds this thread god save my soul[/spoiler]. Yeah she just says she is not physically affectionate at all but I am used to relationships with at least some form of physical affection. I dont need constant contact or anything but cmon I shouldnt feel like I have to ask for hugs

This is fucking stupid. If this isn't bait she clearly has ZERO interest in you and is just using you for money, a place to live, a shoulder, whatever. You are fucking NOTHING to her and she will leave you and never look back.

Dude, shes psychologically abusing you. She's using you to fill a void. When Im doing my own thing and my bf tries to chat with me or show me something, all my attention is his. "Mature relationships" are not about being able to ignore eachother or be physically and psychologically distant. Shes not good for you and I hope you find someone better. Someone more affectionate too.

You're retarded if you think four days was/is enough of a time to decide if you should commit to living with someone. You need at least a month to even start to see if you're compatible. Three months is better. If you still want to live there after a summer's length, then maybe it is a good sign.

In other words, you dun goof'd. Run now.

Well I fell for it because I've known her for four months. We used to talk every night on discord and play games together so I thought things would be at least kinda the same when I got here. I mean I would totally understand not wanting to play games every night but we don't even really spend quality time together

She doesnt like you, maybe just be roomies

>moving in with someone you have only known for four months
>while only visiting her for four days prior

Serious question OP, do you have brain damage?

I wanted to move out of my parents place because that's where I was living before this. I mean it seemed pretty nice, being able to move out of my parents place to be with my gf. So I went for it.

How old are you OP? If you're 18 or under, I can let your absolute retardation slide, but if you're in your 20s, I have no sympathy for you.

21 oops. But I had been living with my parents until now and wanted out and she made living together seem like this great thing.

You will feel pain user.

You got played, OP. Get out of there before you sign that lease and drop this problem bitch.

This is really lame and cheesy advice but trust me it works, you best bet is just to talk to her about it. Tell her how you feel in the way you think least portrays you as selfish and if she is a good girlfriend then she will understand.

I tried to and she told me mature relationships are like this, where just being together in the same room is good enough and that we don't always have to do something together. Which is okay, I get that. But until I moved in we hadn't seen each other in like a month and I've been here for about 4 days and we have not done anything together, just the two of us, other than going out running errands.

Dude, shes psychologically abusing you. She's using you to fill a void. When Im doing my own thing and my bf tries to chat with me or show me something, all my attention is his. "Mature relationships" are not about being able to ignore eachother or be physically and psychologically distant. Shes not good for you and I hope you find someone better. Someone more affectionate too

If she cared about what you told her, she'd adjust her behavior. Instead she gave you some false fact

*may I add we lived together for 3 yrs

Same situation occured in my previous relationship.

Gf of 5 years (starting 2005)
~2009-2010. Gf was heavily invested in playing WoW (turning down full Time positions at work because they would interfere with game time).
I had weaned off of playing games so I could focus on professional development. Was enrolled in college working on 2nd degree.

Gf began talking more and more to her online contacts than me. They started to talk behind my back .Was obvious, they would momentarily stop telling when I entered the room and switch over to coded speak while I was present.

Bed time: GF and I would jump into bed.
Using phone, She would be sending messages and responses out to multiple of her "online friends" (mostly from WoW). I lay in bed waiting for her to be done so attention would be passed to.me.
With more and more frequency, there was no end to this back and forth communication.
I would fall asleep on my side of the bed
Unaknowlwdged, Untouched, unloved, unvalued, like a complete throwaway in the relationship.

Try to initiate sex. She has absolutely no intetest.

Everyday she would grow more distant into her online world. Everyday, I was punished more and more in trying to pull her back to reality.

It was not sustainable. Eventually I said some things that ended the relationship (interpreted differently by each party).

Shortly after we broke up, Ex-gf moved a couple of cities away and shacked up with one of the guys she had been speaking to

>Someone else telling you what to be content with

She's only one step away from saying
>You should be content with fucking me once a year
>You should be content that I even let you look at me
>You should be content that you get to live with me while Chad fucks me

Completely immature, bail, now.

she doesn't like you and basically this