I'm asking for advice on any site that offers relationships advice, I'm not sure if this is the right place for it, but I don't care anymore I just want my emotionally mature husband back.
He's always been a good provider and very caring, I always felt respected as a woman until this incident. We've been together for 3 years, we had the perfect marriage, he made over 6 figures, and we lived in a beautiful house in a nice neighborhood. I really could have whatever I wanted, and all I wanted was to start a family. I am turning 39 this year, and it's time to start thinking about the future and children before the big Four-O. When I was much younger and way way more naive, from 18 to to around 24 I was in the adult industry. I did roughly 300 total scenes over those years, it sounds like a lot but it comes out to about 1 a week so it's really nothing over the top. I experimented with every type of scene so that I could find what I liked. I did some escorting too, nude modelling, and some acting and even tried a music career. Because of that glamorous lifestyle I ended up getting sucked into a party culture which involved drug and alcohol abuse, which i'm proud to say I have overcome.