Theres this guy at school who LITERALLY insults me until school is over. any advice pleas...

theres this guy at school who LITERALLY insults me until school is over. any advice pleas? (i wont fight or insult back becasue he actually wants me to do this)

>so, how can i seem like im not offended?
>how do i respond without insulting?

i usually fake laugh when he insults me to seem like i dont care what he said but people still feel bad for me. i guess they can tell that my laugh isnt genuine

>how can i seem like im not the victim in the situation?

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Just hit him you fag

You don't even have to be a good fighter, if you cant fight for shit just get him from behind or take him by surprise

You are aware that the age limit on Jow Forums is 18, right?

Ask him about his home life. Start a connection with him and become friends. After years of friendship fuck his gf, steal his identity, and ruin his life.

OP is probably a retard who got held back

Or maybe he means college

>so, how can i seem like im not offended?
you should be offended. He's seeing you how much of a man you are. You can either take it and you now his bitch hell insult whenever he wants. you need to start insulting him back, hell either leave you alone or you'll be his friend, or you will fight and it wil be over with.

Keep your fucking mouth shut next time you disgusting shitstain.
The reason he insulted you is because you did it first.
You are a worthless sack of crap

do what i did when i was a kid and beat the shit of out him

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You never did that though. You are too much of a pussy to hit anyone. I know it, you know it,everyone on this board knows it

i cant insult im too retarded for that

This. There was a tyrone who used to pick on me in highschool, but one day I had enough. I got up super early and went to his house, then waited outside for him to leave for school. As he was coming out of the house I sucker punched him across the side of his head hard enough to knock him off his feet (must have been a solid punch, this guy was 6'5" and pretty jacked) then while he was down i kicked him for like 10 minutes

He never bothered me again after that

>implying everyone on this board is here because they're a pussy like you, and not because they're unattractive, lonely, autistic, socially anxious, etc.

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just say "get off my dick faggot" next time he says something to you then walk away

>I won't fight him
Just fucking stab him with a kitchen knife then. How do you expect to solve this without confrontation?

The thing is pushy that I'm not one.
You are a useless pos and every day you come on here and tells lies to feel better about yourself.
It doesn't work does it shitstain?

An autistic loser like you would never have the balls to do something like that.
Kys soiboi

>every day you come on here
link? I wanna kek at this person

train with a bag until you can properly punch well and then train to knock him out, just below where the jaw connects to the skull usually either knocks most people out or at least severely startles them then just walk off, don't stomp on him just walk off with his respect gone. btw if you fuck this up he wins permanently.

I never claimed it took balls. I even admitted that the hit was a sucker punch and I kicked him while he was down

Even then I've still probably got more balls than you, I bet you never even stood up to your bully like a good cuck

Kill yourself

Throw a Molotov at his house

Deck the cunt or do what I did relentlessly tease him and reverse bully
Worked like a charm and nobody fucked with me in hs or college

Lol. I.was the bully you fucking fairy.
I never once got hit back.
Kys you lying sack of shit.
You are a pussy and you are a fat ugly wimp.

Bullies only respond to violence. Wack him with a sock filled with rocks OP. Make him bleed. I believe in you little zoomer.

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>i was the bully

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Let me guess, your dad abused you?

Lol. You are the victim incel. In life and in love.
Kys you useless autist

Try to keep your cool and come up with the killing line before it's too late. Naturally at first, for some people this is harder than others, which is probably why he targets you, so until then just keep with the laughs and smiles.

Being unassuming is the key. Don't be afraid to ask questions!

Lol. No my dad never did.
I know who my dad was too unlike you who's mother slept with every guy she met. Your dad could be anyone.
Little bastard

OP I am dead serious, I myself wasn't a bully, but someone who'd beat the shit out of people. If you're not buff, no problem at all! Take a big dangerous looking knife with yourself and when he does the daily routine, pull your knife out, act like a maniac (other people shouldn't be around or you're gonna end up at a therapist) and threaten to kill him.

You are probably a whiteboi, no proud black man would have the shame to sneak attack someone like that

Stop being a pussy.
Just beat the shit out of him and you're good. Most bullies are weak faggots who only pick on guys who they know don't fight back. Just grow some and stand up for yourself hit a boxing gym if you really need to

>He never bothered me again
Fake and gay, Tyrone would run up on you with his friends after shit like this c'mon son are you even trying?

holy shit you're insecure

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Show a little irritation but mostly ignore it don't try to play it off like do an irritated inhale and shit. I mean seems like the best thing to do imo.

call him unoriginal.
no he'd get expelled
no one under 18 graduates highschool

Be less 14 kid

ok agelet

Holy shit you are an incel

I hope he kills you OP

put a couple batteries in a sock and just whomp him.

Call him a white nigger and smuggle chuckle.


If he's bullying you it's because he believes he can get away with it, prove otherwise and deck him in the face.
>but I'll get in trouble!
Trust me, you'd rather get in trouble for standing up for yourself than be a bullied little bitch, I'm saying this from experience.
The moment you fight back, even if he kicks your ass, you stop being an easy target, give him one right on the nose.

Did this once just without stealing his identity and ruining his life, can be satisfying but alot potential trouble. Even his Revenge failed and i never heard a word after from him.

4/10 will probably not do again

Everything he says is meant to hurt you. Don't believe a word of it. Words are wind. Let them wash over you, but never topple you.

Truth is, you are the victim in the situation. You gotta fight back, physically or verbally. The only other options are to endure until you finish school, stay away from him, or change schools.

slip a laxative in his food

Op yOu sHoUld bRaAaP

Just kiss him and act all gay and shit.
I don'tlike doing it but it works

> not automatically telling him you have a humiliation fetish
see that's where you fucked up
my story 5 years ago
> be faggot 17
> bullies fuck with me consistently
> decide to mentally fuck them permanently
> basically shit in paper bags and wait to see all 3 approaching
> immediately lob all 3 bags
> their covered in my shit
> all 3 start screaming,book it into a class
> one enters taze him fellow suit with the other 2
> get suspended for 3 weeks
it was worth it tho

I graduated high school at 16 user
Born 93, graduated 2010

unironically this

Get buff asf, fight him or get better grades than him get a better job and show up to the 25 year anniversary, being successful well he is a heroin addict.

Success is the greatest form of revenge. That and plant a bomb in his locker. Doesn’t even have to be fragmentation

Hit him and don't stop hitting him.

Motor Bike chain ftw

Aye I dont know if its appropriate for some bullying but my senior year of highschool a close friend got sold a bad bag so we followed the merchants car the next time he came to school, then the next day tore up his and his parents car.

Never taken in, we got questioned but there was no follow up.

Never saw him at school again, he wasnt good with attendance and the few times kids said he came, he avoided us.

Even if he doesnt know its you, hes gonna be a little more respectful if he aint stupid.

If you are REALLY young, beat him up: either will leave you alone or you will become friends out of respect (happened to and others i know)
If you are too old to do some school fight, improve your oratory skill and roast him with logic and sarcasm

ignore him completely for a few days then one day when he insults you just say something very edgy nonchalantly like, "i realy feel like murdering you."
also, don't listen to people who tell you to become friends with this guy. you'll be a cuck.

>get bullied
>react like a little bitch

You sound like you deserve it.