When is it too late to date women who are in their late teens to early 20s? I'm 19 and I still don't feel ready to date...

When is it too late to date women who are in their late teens to early 20s? I'm 19 and I still don't feel ready to date. I think that attractiveness takes a nosedive when 3D women reach their mid 20s

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>19 and I still don't feel ready to date.
You better get in the game FAST.

It’s already too late for you. Your only option is settling with a single mother

You better get to it. Its surprisingly difficult to meet girls when you're no longer a teenager.

it's never too late. my last girlfriend was 18 and left me for a 36 year old


>I'm 19 and I still don't feel ready to date.
You fucked up, you're ready to date when you're like 14
I don't care how unattractive you are, you ought to start now, because playing the waiting game is only gonna waste valuable time

Guess I'll accept being an incel forever, I don't think I have anything to offer

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I am 28, and never had a girlfriend.

They all rejected me.

You'll get used to living a lonely life of despair and loneliness. Especially since all the good girls are taken.

Don't worry. Millions of other men never found a girlfriend either.

You can always change this, my dude. I didn't wake up until I was 19 and almost died.

Grow your hobbies, develop your mind and body, push yourself outside your comfort zone. Everything comes naturally from that stuff.

Question: How many girls have you asked out?

Are you in shape?
Good employment?
Varied hobbies and interests?
Social circles in any form?

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>Question: How many girls have you asked out?

Too many. Several times a year, after several weeks of trying to get myself to talk to one. Then I would wait several more weeks (or months), to make sure she is single, and then I ask. All have rejected me.

>Are you in shape?

Not necessarily. I am not fat, but I don't exercise. I should, but I don't. I am 5'7'' and I weigh around 170 pounds.

>Good employment?

None. Part time student in Computer Science (and I have my Associate's Degree in Computer Information Technology). I have my own license, but no car, so I couldn't even go to work if I tried.

>Varied hobbies and interests?

Unless if you count gaming, no.

>Social circles in any form?

I am nothing more than a loser. I don't blame them for not wanting me. I blame me for not being attractive to them.

>Several times a year
Well, there's your problem. I'd love a more concrete number but I'm going to assume (probably accurately) that you've only asked out a tiny handful if even that. I got phone numbers from two different girls in a single week, with the least amount of effort possible, and while they both rejected me - that was two in a week. If you were able to do even one number a week, you'd eventually find a girl who's actually interested, because it ultimately comes down to a number game for dudes. Tinder I only ever had one out of every 10-20 matches respond properly at all, and only a few would ever want to go on dates, but you just roll with the punches and try your best.

Waiting like some orbiter to ask a girl out, to quietly sit and contemplate if she's single or not puts so much weight on the whole exchange that you're going to come off like a desperate, nervous wreck no matter how hard you try to hide it. Going for numbers, and just asking for the number rather quickly will negate this because you'll be less invested and more outcome independent. Waiting for ages to ask them is WHY they've all rejected you, above any other factor.

Hit the gym, or do martial arts. Jiu Jitsu is awesome and fun, as is Boxing or Muay Thai, and you don't have to fight anybody if you'd rather strictly train - which are incredible, fun workouts that develop your skills and abilities while instilling a certain inner confidence that isn't fully understood until you get there.

Finish your degree and get employed. If you have free time in your daily schedule, work a part time job anywhere. McDonald's, Washing Dishes at a bar, and delivering local papers was something I did for years - from Grade 7 through College, I eventually had all 3 jobs.


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>Well, there's your problem. I'd love a more concrete number but I'm going to assume (probably accurately) that you've only asked out a tiny handful if even that. I got phone numbers from two different girls in a single week, with the least amount of effort possible, and while they both rejected me - that was two in a week. If you were able to do even one number a week, you'd eventually find a girl who's actually interested, because it ultimately comes down to a number game for dudes. Tinder I only ever had one out of every 10-20 matches respond properly at all, and only a few would ever want to go on dates, but you just roll with the punches and try your best.
>Waiting like some orbiter to ask a girl out, to quietly sit and contemplate if she's single or not puts so much weight on the whole exchange that you're going to come off like a desperate, nervous wreck no matter how hard you try to hide it. Going for numbers, and just asking for the number rather quickly will negate this because you'll be less invested and more outcome independent. Waiting for ages to ask them is WHY they've all rejected you, above any other factor.

How do I do that?

>10-20 matches
Man, I have 1 match in 2 weeks. It'd take me years to hit 20.


I love gaming, but it doesn't work to impress people. Works great when you play some couch coop with a girl you like though, like how Trine, Manual Samuel, Hammerwatch, or Divinity are a fucking blast with company. You need more to draw them in however.

What are your interests outside the computer? Or things you look at/think about while on the computer? Make them a reality. Personally I always wanted a motorcycle and I got one at 19 from saving money, but I also enjoy doing a lot of reading, writing, and exploring nature, so I'd get out and do that as often as I could.

If you explore your interests, and get yourself outside of your comfort zone, you will build experiences and build character - which makes you automatically attractive towards people, men and women alike. I just do "me" and girls can feel the natural confidence, even if at the end of the day I'm still a fucking sperg. The only reason it's even "easy" is because I did the hard part, which was pushing past my comfort zone and putting myself places I wanted to be but didn't think I could handle. You need to find a path forward on this - think about it, determine what your interests and hobbies are outside of the computer. Tell me what they are.

Make friends and get out with them to socialize and build experience, even if you're awkward and think that you're shit company. Socializing is a skill that gets rusty if you don't work on it, and gets better the more you DO work on it.

Checkout The Red Pill, MGTOW (in part), How To Win Friends And Influence People, Marcus Aurelius:Meditations, etc. Philosophy and study can give you things, and methods to apply to the real world. TRP quite literally saved me.

>Make friends
Easier said than done. inb4 hobbies
>motorcycle, reading, writing, and exploring nature
How do these allow you to actually connect with people?

I used to get fuck all until I got groomed up and had some photos taken by my amateur photography buddy. Find an ad on Kijiji or Craigslist, or someone you know, and do a shoot for an hour or two.

Bring different clothes to make it look like different occasions, go different places, shoot with random people if you have to (especially a girl or two) and you'll be set. Make sure to have a bio that's short and sweet - a bit of comedy helps. (Mine was like "I enjoy Scotch Whisky, Motorcycles, Muay Thai, and finishing first." with a little section way below that said (Reading, Writing, Nature, etc).

How do you ask for phone numbers, or ask for them frequently? Find a girl you think is cute and talk to her - basic shit. You don't want to waste too much time; just a brief introduction, maybe ask her a thing or two about herself, and then give her the old "Hey, you seem cool! I'd love to grab some food/drink with you sometime, could I snag your number?"

Was there something in specific you want me to elaborate on?

>How do you ask for phone numbers, or ask for them frequently? Find a girl you think is cute and talk to her - basic shit. You don't want to waste too much time; just a brief introduction, maybe ask her a thing or two about herself, and then give her the old "Hey, you seem cool! I'd love to grab some food/drink with you sometime, could I snag your number?"
>Was there something in specific you want me to elaborate on?

It's too hard, especially since they have their heads glued down to their smartphones, or I run the risk of being falsely accused of rape if I talk to them.

I know this is easier said than done, but you need to make an effort to at least converse with people. You can practice with the server at a restaurant, or the coffee shop, or hardware store...Anywhere. Small talk shit, ask about their day, blah blah.

Regarding people - be open to interacting with them, see if you can feel out their interests or find common ground. The only way to do this is to try, and not shut people out before you've had a chance to get to know them a little bit.

>How do these allow you to connect?
Well, they're interests of mine that someone else may share.
Motorcycles - adrenaline, cool, chance to take people for rides. Lots of travels done on two wheels makes for good stories, whether the journey or the destination.
Reading - I like lots of books, fiction and non fiction. See what other people like to read, suggest, discuss, so on and so forth.
Writing - make what you say sound interesting, people might be curious as to what you write about, you can nerd out about what you like to write about and why, show more trusted people some of your work, etc.
Nature - you like to be outside, adventure, explore. Generally 'active' in that sense, whether it be hikes, bike rides, swimming, travel, blah blah. People love the outdoors.

While I get your point regarding the rape accusation, it's largely bogus. Just avoid ones with coloured hair or anything that strikes you as full blown feminazi.

And no, it's not difficult if you strike up a conversation - they will look away from the phone to see what you want, and their attention will be on you. Makes it easy to snag their number right then and there. You're making up excuses for yourself before you've even begun, and excuses for things that are quite literal non issues if you put in some effort.

I get that you can talk about those things, but how do you begin with no friends? Do people in your region just talk to strangers at the hardware store and become lifelong buddies?

>And no, it's not difficult if you strike up a conversation - they will look away from the phone to see what you want, and their attention will be on you. Makes it easy to snag their number right then and there. You're making up excuses for yourself before you've even begun, and excuses for things that are quite literal non issues if you put in some effort.

And here is one more thing about a phone number.

I never owned a smartphone myself. All I have is a Tracphone (and not even a flip phone).

If anything, not having an overpriced, underpowered, and fragile computer would be a turnoff to them.

You'll ultimately have to make friends, whether it be people in your program, or people associated to hobbies you have. You can make friends at the gym, or at chess club, or this club or that club. Larger, more organized interests will provide plenty of socializing opportunities. If you get people who like you, invite them out somewhere (even for drinks) and your intentions will be clearly made out.

There's always Bumble Friend mode, which can work to start. I'd suggest trying to build a little rapport with people at stores or something, just for basic practice. Learn their name and visit once in a while, say hello, etc.

Does that help? There's no magical "friend" formula, but getting yourself outside your house and involved with something elsewhere makes it easy to pick people up. Hell, I made a riding buddy by just following him to a store and conveniently introducing myself at random... Dude was older, flies airplanes, and is definitely a laid back, chill ass womanizer - and we were able to get along despite me at the time being awkward, and quite the opposite. Anything is possible if you try - just don't force a friendship if there's no natural, mutual interest.

Not really, man. To only require barebones and basic means of communication is perfectly fine - if you can text or call, you can foster a relationship. Really you should only use your cell to arrange dates - and little more when you're first together.

People kill relationships with overcommunication, so I try to keep my phone out of the picture unless I'm writing chica to say "Let's do X this weekend."

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>Not really, man. To only require barebones and basic means of communication is perfectly fine - if you can text or call, you can foster a relationship. Really you should only use your cell to arrange dates - and little more when you're first together.
>People kill relationships with overcommunication, so I try to keep my phone out of the picture unless I'm writing chica to say "Let's do X this weekend."

Yes it is. They would think I am some sort of freak to not have an overpriced iPhone or Android device that everyone else has, and that would be a massive turnoff to them.

Besides, I have limited minutes that can't be wasted, and is used only for important phone calls that lasts less than 30 seconds.

>they would think I'm some sort of freak

No... Plenty of guys get by with useless phones and no social media just fine. Your online profile, or how expensive your phone it doesn't dictate personality or other interesting qualities about you. Seriously - quit making excuses. Making excuses for perceived inabilities instead of actually trying is a turn off for women, not your phone.

Limited minutes is fine. Surely you could spare a similar 30 seconds to call a girl and say "Hey, it's me, what are you doing this weekend? Let's go do X."

I doubt your available minutes are this tightly bound.

It doesn't help that I occasionally get a dumbfounded look or a stupid question asking what the hell I have.

And it is always in a negative way.

Stop caring what others think. "It's a shitty little phone, I don't use it often."

What more needs to be said?

I am not sure.

It'll be like if I unironically pulled out a Game Boy Brick and started playing Pokemon on it.

It's not exactly the most positive thing for attention.

I've said my piece. I've given you advice and pointers, but if you'd rather disagree or argue with me forever as to why you can't do something - that's on you. Not much good in asking for advice only to reject it for silly reasons...

Keep what I said in mind if you decide you've had enough of spinning your wheels. Best of luck, friend.

It's never too late depending how attractive you and how old you look. If you lift and low body fat you should be good.

And everyone thinks women become less attractive after 25. As long as they're being honest

My life is a complete failure and there is nothing I could do about it