Rope or cliff?
Rope or cliff?
Are you a baddie?
Rope. If you're too fat your head will tear off your body and it will be extra gorey which will make a cool scene for the coroner's office to deal with.
Neither. Don't do it user.
I'm not fat user.
No, can't be. Ignore the little skull on my cap.
I think that's a choice for me to make.
Plus side to rope, is convenience I suppose; people will find me though.
Plus side to cliff is, it's out of the way. Maybe people won't find me. Some of that is good, some bad; people would believe I'd just disappear.
Well if you're not a baddie then you should probably not kill yourself.
>Rope or cliff?
If you are gonna do it, do both at once.
bring your toaster in the bathtub
>If you are gonna do it, do both at once.
That seems pointless.
Go for maximum carnage: double barreled shotgun blast to the head. I knew someone who did that and the parents were finding teeth and bone fragments in the ceiling and walls years later.
I'm a britfag, and not a farmer, so a shotgun isn't really an option. Gun to the head is way easier, I agree.
Rope is too painful. Cliff is too frightening.
>Implying you can't get a shotgun in Britain
It's a mundane gun, user. You're just making up excuses just like the sad pathetic excuse of a life you're living. You're not even going to kill yourself because you're a giant pussy so what's the point?
Unironically this
I have no idea where I'd get one, like I said I'm not a farmer, we can't just walk into walmart and get an off switch we can point at people.
Rope is too painful? Wouldn't you just pass out?
Unrinoically cliffs of Dover for the scenery. seriously though call samaritans 116 123 if you are not larping anything can be overcome user
Was thinking Beachy head, it's a bit closer. Not interested in Samaritans. Would probably head down there late at night. Don't want to disturb people there for the views.
what has happened, to make you want to end it ?
Sporting goods stores, gun shops, private sellers, military surplus, etc. You seem to think that only farmers have shotguns for some reason (probably because you're retarded) but that's not the case.
so you'r able to reach out for advice on how to off yourself but not how to better yourself ?
>Sporting goods stores, gun shops, private sellers, military surplus, etc.
Never seen a sporting store sell guns here.
Never seen a gun shop.
Only people I've heard of with private collection were ex-military/former farmers/hunters
Military surplus stores.. I've seen one out on the middle of nowhere. I don't know if they sell guns.
Also found you need a license for them.
Really dude, cliff and rope seem easier.
It's been 6 or 7 years since I've been able to trust someone. I've tried a lot of things. I'm broken somewhere inside; currently my best plan is to finish my degree and move to the other side of the planet, but failing that I don't think there's a positive road forward. I'm looking at this option because I'm beginning to feel out of my depth in said degree; I am working hard. I cannot face a reality where my escape ticket is no longer a possibility.
>Wants to kill himself
>Worried about licenses
Holy fuck you don't actually want to die. Sod off, please. Can we all stop giving those faggot attention now?
I don't think the logistics of your suggestion would work out. Who is going to sell a gun to someone they're not familiar with, who doesn't have a license? Let's say I go to a military surplus, you think they're going to just sell me a gun? Let's say that works, by some fuckin' virtue someone is dumb enough to sell an unlicensed who a gun; what then? I take the bus home with a gun over my shoulder?
You're getting mad because you don't understand why your idea is fucking stupid.
Rope, or cliff?
Life has to go on though user, my ex wife left me of 10 years took my 2 young kids who i can hardly see due to distance and being her being a cunt and any money we had, and now i just joined the boomer club who lives at his parents with no savings, but still got to keep going, as you only live once, keep your chin up and good luck
Do you love your children?
Yes, the main reason i keep going
I'm glad user, I know what you've described is suffering; it's an existence where you fight your own perception of value, for other's perception of you. I have no doubt it's a difficult life.
However user, I don't really love anyone, or anything. I remember what it's like, but that's something no longer within my capacity to feel. Why live if everything you do is an empty chore, for nobody and nothing? Everything feels like work to me, a chore, and part of a list that I have to complete. There's no passion, interest, or enjoyment.. just requirement. I don't know if I envy you user, maybe what I'm doing now would feel more crushing by the weight of necessity to do it for someone. But I do know that right now, my only reason is preservation by socially transitioning upwards, and that's a very flimsy reason to do or to be.
Either way ur goin to hell
If I had a gun, I'd seriously consider shooting myself. Not because I dislike life in particular- it's just such a fast and painless death, and there's literally nothing after that. I'd like nothing. I certainly wouldn't regret doing it, because I wouldn't be able to.
That's fine with me user.