Who here "off grid?"
How did you manage to do it? What's your revenue stream? Surely you have/need some income.
Who here "off grid?"
That looks cozy AF -- good thread OP. Are there any good online communities for getting started with off-the-grid living and self-sufficiency in general?
If anyone is capable of replying to your thread, then they're not really off grid are they?
Exactly my point, user. It's impossible to go fully "off grid." But how would one minimize their "footprint" as much as possible.?
Can I be off the grid with a giant ass radio tower?
Bumping for interest. I wanna be innawoods.
I am posting from a satellite link in the remote wilderness. Have hydroelectric producing 3kw continuously day and night. No batteries needed. The small dam I built also created a pond which I stocked with fish that I caught nearby. This was years ago and they have multiplied better than I thought they would without pellets/food. Grow sweet potatoes, kale, and beans. Also have several lamancha goats for milk/cheese.
Why do you consider yourself off the grid if you're connected to the internet right now?
Based and redpilled.
How much do you earn each month and what are your bills like?
Did you build your own cabin?
Do you use any specific horticulture / farming techniques?
I own a large block outback and am keen to build an off-grid setup
he using UDP instead of TCP