Who here "off grid?"
How did you manage to do it? What's your revenue stream? Surely you have/need some income.
Who here "off grid?"
That looks cozy AF -- good thread OP. Are there any good online communities for getting started with off-the-grid living and self-sufficiency in general?
If anyone is capable of replying to your thread, then they're not really off grid are they?
Exactly my point, user. It's impossible to go fully "off grid." But how would one minimize their "footprint" as much as possible.?
Can I be off the grid with a giant ass radio tower?
Bumping for interest. I wanna be innawoods.
I am posting from a satellite link in the remote wilderness. Have hydroelectric producing 3kw continuously day and night. No batteries needed. The small dam I built also created a pond which I stocked with fish that I caught nearby. This was years ago and they have multiplied better than I thought they would without pellets/food. Grow sweet potatoes, kale, and beans. Also have several lamancha goats for milk/cheese.
Why do you consider yourself off the grid if you're connected to the internet right now?
Based and redpilled.
How much do you earn each month and what are your bills like?
Did you build your own cabin?
Do you use any specific horticulture / farming techniques?
I own a large block outback and am keen to build an off-grid setup
he using UDP instead of TCP
Stupid-ass leaf he never claimed to be off grid. But he's certainly close if he's not larping.
I'm off grid. I been a part time pot grower, live cheap so I don't need to do much. Now I got legal weed a there will be a real legal pot farm here soon. Can't complain
Fucking dope, are you allowed to have the dam legally or is it sort of under the radar? I ask because I sort of looked into it and at least in my state they aren’t allowed. Do you have solar too in case it freezes?
How do people off the grid with no income pay property taxes?
Outdoor grow or indoor? Sounds like a good future for you m8
Bumping for interest.
Off grid is isn't that hard core with no internet. A guy can still go to the grocery store too.
Looks super Scandinavian.
I bet this is pretty cheap house.
I'm doing a light deprivation greenhouse. Seasonal work, get all winter off to travel and shitpost all day
Explain to me guys why off grid in the past meant you were poor living in on a rural farm. Now off grid means having lots of money to be able to make your own fucking power plant!
I'm not off-grid but I definitely homestead which is pretty close. I'm considering taking it to the next level once my wife gets pregnant. I work part time and rarely spend money on non-essentials. On average I work a few weeks a year doing construction jobs. It's amazing how much money you save when you grow your own food and provide yourself with utilities. The most expensive bill I have each month is my internet bill (don't use a phone because I don't want to talk to people, and if they want to speak with me I prefer it's face to face on MY land).
Depends on your definition of "off the grid". Most people I know of are referring to the electrical grid when they say this. Mostly not being reliant on energy from kikes. But yes I have a cell phone and internet and 4x4 with insurance. Property tax too, but it's only $800 per year. If by "off-the-grid" you mean completely becoming a ghost to society and intelligence agencies...then yeah I'm not doing that. But nowadays only savages live without internet/phone/transportation.
So are you off gridders ever scared of some crazy fuck out in the woods or some more supernatural out there trying to fuck with you. It’s a serious question. Especially for all those who are out there alone
Living the dream, man.
My goal is to get some land, maybe a trailer, and gradually convert it to a homestead over the course of years.
How much daily work would you say goes into a homestead for 1 person? Say 10 chickens, small crops, two goats, etc.
Impossible. You'd have to make income from home somehow, or just have saved enough to pay it off per year. Maybe Airbnb the place out for 4 weekends per year while you go camping
Oh dude, totally under radar. You can get away with that when you don't have any close neighbors. The county doesn't even know about my cabin...hence the cheap property taxes. It's 15 acres.
Cities have scarier creatures
>Especially for all those who are out there alone
I'm genuinely looking forward to being spooked and getting some good spiritual defenses. Life in the city is so fucking dull.
Bring it on, ghost-niggers.
I'm off grid. Let me tell you why. Buying solar panels and batteries was cheaper than running power 20 miles to my house. Aside from that, "off grid" is stupid. You can off your property where ever it is, but it still costs money.
underrated and not expecting a response-pilled
Any pics of your cabin? how long it take to make?
odds of some crazy fuck running into you out in the woods is probably pretty rare, and i assume most people in the woods have some weapons, guns, knives, whatever, and if they heard someone breaking into their cabin in the dead of night would probably be prepared to kill & bury them if it came to that.
I know it’s kikebook but I’ve learned a lot from a group called “off grid homesteading living”
from people innawoods in a shack, to people living on big homesteads growing their own food and raising livestock to living in vans. I’ve learned so much from just reading the posts on there.
>So are you off gridders ever scared of some crazy fuck out in the woods
We are the crazy fucks out in the woods. Don't try to screw with people who live where 911 response time is measured in hours, IF you can get a signal at all--lots of holes get dug in the woods.
>all those windows
Disgusting, If you are to go off-grid then at least be authentic about it and build it as much as possible as a frontiersman would, sturdy, long-lasting and robust, none of that gay designer shit.
This. If I builded something like that in Siberia I'd prob get raided by local marauders. Or bears. Or even worse, bearfuckers.
Earnings come from goats milk, duck eggs, and hydro kale. That pulls in maybe $15k per year which covers all essential bills. I don't have medical insurance because I'm not a fag. Just built a very small stick built cottage. Heated tile floors were easy and cheap since the footprint is small. I play with hydro (dwc) and soil.
Pics please
I want to grow more it I spend too much time in the morning and evening watering. I’d like to set up automatic watering fed from a rainwater storage. Between hoses and pvc tubing
And that’s not a concern at all? Being discovered and slapped with fines/back taxes/issues with building permits/possible eviction etc
Dude, sasquatch is fucking real. Gigantopithicus pods hiding in caves from the old times. Also have ufo sightings but no abduction cases that I know of.
would i have to give up internet to live off the grid?
Maybe 2 hours for me. Depends how much grass I smoke.
Timed systems are really good. Fortunately I live in an area of the US where growing things is as simple as putting it in the ground. I do wish I was more south so I could plant a wider variety, though it does give me an excuse to leave the world to re-up on my reasons toward my distaste for civilization.
You ever try farming not high? It's borin' as shit.
The only place it's really possible is Alaska - and even then, you'll need regular trips to town for supplies.
Go watch "Live below Zero" for a look at how they live. It's possible. You could game hunt and guide hunters to make money to pay your property taxes. Plus, Alaskans get oil dividends, tax free, that could contribute to that cost, and for supplies.
I'm planning on investing around 300k for a home and property soon, still deciding on state
For someone with cash, what would be the best things to buy to maintain a homestead
Here's my view
They're rich tatas who 'code'.
Check out oregon. Fertile soil
Aren't you afraid you'll get terrorized like in the movies?
very expensive, already almost fully bought out by hipsters
The land is important, as well as any rights (mineral rights, etc) that might come with it. A skid-loader or a bobcat will save you a lot of time and energy. A good tractor goes a long way (it doesn't have to be a commercial one).
He called it L.A.R.P.
That doesn't happen in very rural areas like it does closer to the cities. A couple of the properties I looked at before getting this one had cabins at least 50 years old by the looks which had never been listed on the tax value. People are listing illegally installed buildings into the public real estate market and the county doesn't give a fuck. But let's say they do catch me. The back taxes wouldn't amount to much, neither would the fines. Remember, people in very rural areas are mostly poor and can't be extorted as much by local govt.
Is 15 acres plenty for you or do you find yourself butting heads with your neighbors? How often do you have to head into town for essentials or are you self sufficient?
I am building on an acerage in Northeastern Ontario this spring. Purchased in an unorganized area as to save massive permit headaches over the years. Good thread user. I have friends who are getting by with decorative corn and rabbits. (2 doe and a buck produces something like 150 pounds of meat a year) for northern climates walapini is great for winter growing.
Not a nigger and sight
I've been living off the grid for about 6 yrs now. I have residual income through dividends and it allows me to live like this indefinitely.
15 wooded acres is going to be different from 15 acres of pasture. Most lots are separated from 40-acre parcels into smaller ones. They typically have natural barriers unless the previous owners had fucked-up divisions (for instance they might sell a small chunk to finance something).
Not posting pictures of my house on Jow Forums retard.
No because it doesn't exist.
Calm down, Rabbi.
Closest neighbor is like 400 yards away and not visible. Next ones out are further.
weak bait
>untreated deck around that many trees
Order bulk supplies to PO Box 6-10 times a year.
No reason you post no picture of it. It's not like anyone can locate it. That's more or less the point of living there anyway, right?
You're either a cop or an idiot. Probably both. You're glowing.
Nigger, I witnessed you autists track down that stupid flag based on star alignments, and then the terrorist training camp relayed to the russians. You people will compare plant/animal species and cabin materials to locate my exact position within 100 yards.
I use my feces as fertilizer to grow veggies.
I'm planning on buying a few sheep soon and breeding them. I might become an artisan cheese maker or something gay and exciting like that.
You're paranoid as fuck and thus an idiot.
Apple? What stock gives enough dividends to live off of?
Yeah ok. That was for a good cause though.
I have 500k invested in GECC
Based tallfag
Thanks for the response, that sounds reasonable.
Nigger I own thousands of shares of FAANG and did not get anything of the sort
You're a stalker and faggot what's your point? Quit trying to derail this wholesome conversation kike.
Ah ok, looks promising. Make sure to diversify just in case. I'm looking to invest in the next couple years
You're an idiot.
>get life insurance
>fuck off into the woods
>family claim life insurance
$500k and you’re invested in a stock that is $8/share paying 8 cents yearly. 50k of those means you got $4000 for your trouble. Real good fucking investment you’ve got. Quit fucking LARPing
>t. never been outside
You need to invest in high risk ETFs with a high dividend yield. More risk more reward pussy coward faggot. For example GECC has a dividend yield of 48.82%, which is....fucking great honestly.
>he thinks eight cents on eight dollars is 50%
buy blue chip coca cola stock if u want a secure stock.
like coca cola company at NYSE. been in business for over 100 years
>IRS puts you on national missing persons list because you owe money
>go to hospital for the bi-decade illness and get ID'd
>arrested and owe back taxes
>sorry for your loss, goy
>gonna need to see that death certificate
Look how angry he is....what a shame. All that bitterness and hate should be directed towards making your life better instead of being such a hateful little thing.
My brother died 5 years ago and I was able to open CCs in his name, eventually started paying my rent and bills in his name when I moved.
Might be trying to get a driver's license with his name but im too scared tbqh, probably already done 10+ years worth of prison of fraud
Agriculture exemptions on property and sales tax, or if you’re ranching, keeping property tax down by maintaining a small property adjacent to BLM land and paying for grazing (which is infinitely cheaper than doing the same with private property).
after a certain amount of time someone can be declared dead without a body, usually it's 5+ years.
I make like a Bigfoot all the time. I just wear black and slouch over swinging my arms. The key is to not make it obvious. I will walk through the trees for miles without getting any looks but I will never get closer to the road.
What bitterness? I’m not LARPing like I have enough money to buy the black pill fantasy the Jews keep pushing, you are.
Please link the stream and kill your employer too
You will never be happy. I feel sorry for you..