What are you waiting/ hoping for?
My Ex-gf left me 3 years ago and not a day goes by where I don’t wait for a text from her that I’ll probably never get.
What are you waiting/ hoping for?
My Ex-gf left me 3 years ago and not a day goes by where I don’t wait for a text from her that I’ll probably never get.
Other urls found in this thread:
Why are you waiting for something so absolutely stupid?
She's not thinking about you. Find someone who will.
That I get a girlfriend.
I want one, but I will never get one.
It doesn't matter anymore, since it would not be beneficial to them to date a guy who never had one before, doesn't know what he is doing, and was rejected by every girl he asked out on a date.
I was never meant to date, get married, or start my own family. I still want a girlfriend, but I know it'll never happen.
I really loved her man, she left a lasting imprint on me
Well groomed?
How many girls have you asked out?
So what? You loved her - that's past tense. You can love somebody more today, or tomorrow, but you're focused too much on the past and fearful that you won't feel like that again. Your fear is self fulfilling because of that...
I broke up with my GF of 3.5 years I met on here not too long ago, and it fucking killed me inside (I laid on my bed for weeks staring at my ceiling when I wasn't actively doing something) but I reached a point where I realized that wallowing in my own bullshit wasn't going to make me feel better, and time is an awful cure (if a cure at all). You need to get yourself out there, for your own benefit, and just start doing shit that interests you, not really worrying about girls along the way.
Worst case, have you tried Tinder? Dating websites like OKC? Etc?
See this:
same thing happened to me (friend who I loved, she left me bc some stupid shit), but I caved and texted her first, she didn't even remember who I was at first, but knowing her to the bone made her quickly realize she wanted me in her life as a friend, which I declined, she was too toxic for me, i just had to bleed out the poison that I accumulated all these years and to see her a last time, I think she understands that but still acts bitter sometimes (she texts me but I don't reply), in the end I recommend texting her first and asking the questions for the answers you need, and to say exactly what you have to. Don't get needy and cut it off (possibly politely) when you get what you want, and that's closure, not her.
the next manic episode
Holy shit OP. 3 years went by and you still have this desire to get her back? My god.
I appreciate the help lads, I will be actioning these suggestions
Well, that's me over there, so I'll continue on that thread.
I'm currently 27 and renting, I am terrible at saving and can't get a mortgage.
I'm waiting to either win the lottery or meet a woman who I can split living costs with that won't want to put "live laugh love" cushions everywhere.
Every woman I meet wants to settle down and pop out kids, I want more of my money.
I'm currently waiting for my body to succumb to my horrible diet and lack of exercise.
I'm looking forward to the day I can buy myself an oven [spoiler]I'm dead serious[/spoiler]
I've been wanting it for years but >tfw no money
I'm waiting for next Monday when I can get my hands on my prescription amphetamines.
I've already failed 2 exams so most likely I'm fucked, but at least I'll be high and fucked.
IF they give me the meds I seek, that is.
This girl I've been seeing just suddenly got really distant just waiting to hear from her so I can get closure and move on with my life
Hey dude, kind of a similar situation with me here, just that we broke up like 4 months ago, tried other being couple with other 2 girls but there's no a single day I don't think about her.
bitches and shit but hoes
Man don't be hung up on some girl, U deserve better than that, and sorry if she still hasn't replied, but sorry to break it to you, but she prob will not text you back. There are plenty of fish in the sea and i'm sure that there is some girl out there that will treat you better than her and have bigger tits, you just gotta go out and find her, gl
Don't worry there's more people out there who feel just like that. I'm one of them. And after so many years of feeling like that I thought I'd be used to it but I'm not. I suck with girls, suffer from anxiety and I'm shy, a great combo when trying to talk to girls, but I still think I'll get a wife one day.
My first girlfriend was mentally ill. She broke up with me. I didn’t actually realize how fucked up she was at the time. A couple months later she came back to me. I told her no. I told her she has issues and she needs to work on herself and that I couldn’t make her happy.
I talked to her friends and we got her to finally get help. She was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder.
I haven’t talked to her in a few months. I don’t want her instability in my life. She’s getting help and she’s on medication but she isn’t all together. I don’t want the uncertainty and to deal with it. I just want her to be a normal person.
we haven’t been together in 2 years. I’ve dated since then, and for about 8 months I was in a serious relationship. I am yet to meet anyone as amazing as she is when she has it together. She is my favorite person I have ever met. The majority of the time she just isn’t that person though. She is a train wreck and it isn’t her fault.
I just want her to be better. I don’t even care if she’s with me I just want her to finally be happy and be able to function normally.