How and why do women manage to make you question whether you're even allowed to love the things you do?

how and why do women manage to make you question whether you're even allowed to love the things you do?

> friend works at an expensive music production studio
> we get the studio for free for a week
> me and him go there after work everyday to record some music
> good times
> gf gets annoyed because I "always find more time for recording music with him than for spending time with her"
> at first I get offended because it's just a hobby and I haven't been making music with him for months now
> then I start thinking I'm 30 years old... maybe I shouldn't spend my time with such useless hobbies and rather climb a fucking mountain with her or something like that...

Ever been there? Feels beta.

Attached: crazy-face-drawing-11.png (400x600, 87K)

Well now you know not to marry her.

Find a woman that supports you

>beta cuck caring about what some crazy broad thinks has any relevance when it comes to women
If you really want to make it an universal question, ask what kind of men would tolerate that shit.

what kind of men would tolerate that shit?

Way to pin your lack of dedication and self-confidence on a somebody else. Take responsibility for your own decisions and stop trying to blame shift. Your personal struggles with the sustainability of your hobbies and career choices belong to you, not her. Lets just say that if all it takes is some slight nag from your girlfriend to send you in an existential tail spin about your music then you were never going to be succesful, with or without her.

>Way to pin your lack of dedication and self-confidence on a somebody else.

YES! This, this this. DOn't blame others if you can't stand up for yourself.

it's not about beeing succesful. it's just a few days once in a while spent with a friend. do you go cycling to be succesful? do you bake a cake to be succesful?
and she gets annoyed because I we don't spend enough time together. Does anybody know what she's really trying to say with "we're not spending enough time together"? I mean, we are spending time together. At least 4 days a week. She's just like "that's not enough". What the fuck is enough?

fuck this weak bitch and keep jamming

by being the objects that have to be earned. Feminism hasn't actually helped the situation, it just put the power in their hands as opposed to say, their parent's hands. I mean if you legitimately don't make 'enough' time for her, then that can be understandable and concerning. but if you're still seeing a girl once or twice a week then shes just being a bitch who wants to be the most important thing.

you'll notice that women tend to get upset about things that are immsersive, but if you just watched TV from home all the time she wouldn't really care. the issue isn't really about how much time you spend with the woman, but rather how important that thing is. When you are working on a project like your own movie or your own album or what have you, these things tend to become the most important thing in your life. Girls often get mad about that because they want to feel like they are the most important thing.

that's a little extreme mate. im not coming from a 'FUCK ALL WOMENZ THEY SUCK' mindset, but OP has a point about how our unsupportive partners can hinder us. you talk like someone has to be made of fucking stone and never waiver in the slightest. go be annoying somewhere else.

>What the fuck is enough?
How the fuck should I know? Have this conversation with your girlfriend you moron. You're here asking us divine the thought process of someone we don't know and know absolutely nothing about. She is the one who has an issue with the time you spend together and you're the one with the issue of feeling like your hobbies are going nowhere. This is one of those times when two people in a relationship have an issue that needs to be addressed through communication. Ultimately, the issue of how much time you spend there is irrelevant to my statement. Don't blame your lack of dedication on her. As a touring musician myself I know better than most that being successful often comes at the detriment of relationships. Sometimes you have to choose between the two. You're more than entitled to make the decision to prioritize either your relationship or your hobbies but don't fool yourself into thinking that the decision belongs to anybody else but you.

my exes all tried to get me to stop drinking. As if that was going to happen lol

Think of it this way, op: that woman's self worth is defined by how much attention is given to her. That is truly pathetic.

Also, climbing a mountain takes way more work than what you put in to making that album and she'd just bitch at you even more while you're training and studying on how to safely scale a fucking mountain.

Have a fucking spine and tell her to shove off. You're enjoying your time making music with your friend.

Dump the bitch, she won't get better.
She doesn't want you to be happy, she wants to own you. You're a person with friends, she's trying to keep you away from them op, that's a big deal. Think about if your friend was in the same spot, what would you want them to do?

well yeah. you're doing two things
>spending more time on something productive
>spending more time with a friend

women only seem to want men with these things in order to take their attention away from those things. having a rich social life and creative endeavors means that you are a high quality person, and if she can make you give up all that just to watch netflix with her that means she is more important than all those things combined.

We have no clue if she's unsupportive. All we know is the situation from his emotional perspective. If we spoke to her she would probably have a completely different emotional perspective. It may behoove you to contemplate the possibility that OP may be projecting some of his insecurities he feels about the sustainability of his hobbies on his girlfriend. Maybe she just really loves spending time with him and isn't intentionally making him feel unsupported. Maybe she has no idea he feels unsupported or feels like he's too old for his hobbies. We really don't know, thus all the questions. Regardless, he can't put the responsibility of resolving this on her. He has some serious concerns about her behavior in the context of his relationship and instead of communicating with her about it and dealing with it he's come to scandinavian hackey sack forum to ask a bunch of virgins on the internet what they think his girlfriend means.

Call her out. If you spend every fucking day with her, you're allowed time away with your bro - and you should NEVER justify yourself to somebody else.

"We spend all week together. I think you'll survive a couple of hours."

Don't get me wrong, I do operate under the assumption that any post here is at least 10% skewed in some way because of perspective, but if we operate under the assumption that the physical moments are true, then yes she is being unsupportive. so far we know the following

>He needs a few days once in a while to spend time with a friend making music
>girlfriend gets upset that he is doing it instead of spending time with her, despite spending about 4 days a week with him on average

thats not supportive. it doesn't matter if there's some third party reason in her head, shes not supportive.

>maybe hes too old for his hobbies
there is literally no such thing, what kind of logic is that? people can watch TV for 4 to 6 hours a day into their old age but they're 'too old' to make music because somehow age has something to do with that? grow up man you can have hobbies at any age, ESPECIALLY music.

so...can i play video games when im forty without being a manchild?

>I do operate under the assumption that any post here is at least 10% skewed in some way because of perspective, but if we operate under the assumption that the physical moments are true, then yes she is being unsupportive

I'm not willing to make that logical leap. What I'm willing to do is address the tangible aspects of his story that I can; his actions and his responsibility. Immediately assuming that he's a victim in this does not encourage proper communication. All we know for sure is that he feels unsupported. That feeling may or may not come solely from her. We absolutely will not know until he takes his concerns to her which, incidentally, has been my advice this entire time. My assertion is that instead of coming to us about this he should go to her and let her know how he feels. As I said, she may not even realize that her actions are making him feel this way. Whether or not her actions are purposeful makes a vast difference. Continuing to feel this way while not making any attempt to communicate with her about it is his responsibility.

>there is literally no such thing, what kind of logic is that?
Read my sentence again, dimwit, this time in context. I said maybe she has no idea that HE FEELS unsupported or that HE FEELS he is too old for his hobbies. OP is the one who said he feels like his hobbies are "useless" in comparison to his age. I never said he was too old I only said he feels like he is too old. Those were his own words. This back and fourth is going to be extremely difficult if you cant even be bothered to read my responses properly.

yes, in fact a lot of men do.

>I'm not willing to make that logical leap
then im not willing to read the rest of your post.

Its your perogative not to read perspectives you disagree with but I hope you know it doesn't paint you as a logical, open-minded individual. If every time you read a post about a man having problems with a woman and you immediately assume he's the victim and refuse to explore his perception then your advice belongs in the trash.

The fact that you even worry about this makes you a manchild. You lack the confidence in yourself to do what you want to do with the life given to you. That is one of the truest mark of being a man.

I never said or indicated or implied that I assume the man is the victim in any given situation. I started with an IF, but again its just assuming that the given words are more or less true than his GF is being a bit of a bitch. not 'if any man is telling the truth'. if you want to assume theres more OP is not telling us then just ask him, dont bitch and moan to other people about not doing it first.

>if you want to assume theres more OP is not telling us then just ask him, dont bitch and moan to other people about not doing it first.
You have a hard time reading don't you? I never accused him of leaving things out. All I said is that the objective version of the events and emotional version of events aren't always the same thing. All we know for a fact. My only advice was to stop asking us what his girlfriend's intent with her actions were and to ask her. All we objectively know is he FEELS unsupported. Now, we could go your route and just assume his girlfriend is being insensitive and unsupportive or we could actually use our brains and dig a little deeper. As I said previously, we don't even know if she knows he feels this way. Take a step back from your bias and give helpful advice, user, not just project whatever bullshit you feel about the situation onto the OP simply because you don't understand context.

what makes you think im worried

So why exactly can't you invite her to make music with you? Or spend some of those days with her?
You basically ignored her for a week user. What would you think if she ignored you? You'd be on here whining how you think she's cheating on you and how women are whores

There's a difference between quality time and just sitting next to her in the same room while you play video games and she's on her laptop or whatever.